轩辕无天 发表于 2012-2-21 10:10 * } P5 M; O- s
SHAW的客服电话太难打了。 , w$ U6 S2 r; J6 h6 p g' q2 R+ u4 o# c : m7 k, D6 Q+ j$ k4 q9 i1 |我们去年的合同现在到期了,所以着急啊。
9 {3 Y/ ^3 c- y" pThey have chat service on the internet, it is relatively fast and you can save the conversation in case there will be some issue later.
chang 发表于 2012-2-21 10:25 6 V& q3 g4 X/ i5 F, I/ A8 M# h
They have chat service on the internet, it is relatively fast and you can save the conversation i ...