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[招聘信息] Manager, Welcome Centre for Immigrants

鲜花(47) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-3-13 14:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
EMCN Recruitment Job Description – Manager, Welcome Centre for Immigrants Page 1
4 ^1 z) L( a9 c7 K( @  dTitle3 `) `% D  m  c$ ^- e( }3 h; a
Manager,Welcome Centre for Immigrants* f* S. M/ C" M, R# G7 |% p( D
$ g( B+ [8 Q1 T6 q) G1 P) hWelcome Centre for Immigrants
4 p+ i( q5 v$ xHours
+ @$ l8 t+ ^; @4 v, Y1.0 FTE or 37.5 hours per week- v  v% Q4 B2 F! t0 w: [
Start Date
3 }( f2 \+ K- G8 p# J- E" G+ NASAP
( c( K" N: m3 P2 r. XSalary Range
6 W, ~' L2 e, W% z* h8 j$47,557 to $54,702  V5 u9 l7 G  U9 l2 Z8 k
; L1 B) V* i  K2 OExtended Health Benefits, 4 weeks holidays4 G$ [% M: t8 _# |, q
Length of Contract" Y, |$ Z: j/ N% ~9 q' f: F5 W4 \
- Y: f: N0 |# \! v, ^. l8 uReports to
3 X- O4 V8 M5 d  {WCI Governance Committee
. u- f" D! r6 }1 A' xProbation Period
' G" L& U" O3 |2 A6 months
$ i# p' ^9 l2 Q: DSupervises) U: a2 a  l/ U4 ^
Intake Coordinator, Community connectors , and Administrative Staff. R# W" F; j" H7 h0 `8 A2 @( T1 x
Position Description" }( k+ U" J3 [, a6 Y9 o% M$ G
TheWelcome Centre for Immigrants (WCI) is a settlement services delivery site operated by Catholic Social Services, Indo-Canadian Women’s Association, and Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers. The WCI Manager is accountable to the partner agencies and works under the direct supervision of EMCN senior management.4 Q  t5 s8 _7 ~1 j& m6 ^7 _
The WCI Manager is responsible for representing the Centre to the larger South Edmonton community and for marketing and promoting the Centre and its programs. The Manager also oversees the day to day operations of the Centre and provides direct professional supervision to administrative staff and day to day supervision (in conjunction with the relevant managers of partner agencies) of program staff, including settlement workers and career practitioners, and others, and prepares monthly and quarterly reports for funders.
" G' ^% h4 V8 G& @4 jJob functions" u, H' w5 K: h) J
Working under the Governance Committee (GC) of Welcome Center for Immigrants the manager will be responsible for:* S0 F# q% s; p" X
• On site supervision and monitoring of the staff from the three partner agencies and the WCI staff in collaboration with concerned agencies program managers for provision of settlement and employment services to immigrants. In collaboration with partner agencies, ensure the terms and conditions of the Settlement Program are followed in program implementation.5 r& `, o& ~0 r( w8 q
• Manage the smooth operations of WCI client database and ensure the reliability of source of client and statistical information.
$ p; ]4 \# d4 V! H9 ?7 B• Under the direction of the Governance Committee communicate with the funders for the purposes of disseminating relevant information regarding the terms and conditions of the agreements and operations of the Centre.; P5 s# T8 y7 o  r
• Keep funders and other stakeholders up-to-date regarding the ongoing operations and administration of the Centre, emerging needs of clients, and evaluation of programs offered.* l1 o' r! i5 m
• Ensure client satisfaction with the quality and effectiveness of services at the Centre./ [8 R6 B$ d8 c, I+ O
• Organize and manage awareness raising campaigns regarding the programs offered at the Welcome Centre for Immigrants by partner agencies and other community based programs and organizations in the city.
( s! D2 W# [" h• Develop policies relevant to the operations of the Centre.
# Y) {- H0 M4 k/ u( mEMCN Recruitment Job Description – Manager, Welcome Centre for Immigrants Page 2
) q% ~# m3 s6 T$ P0 S: c• Develop proposals and projects through partner agencies, develop and maintain effective relationships with funders, donors.
& K; Q/ V6 z8 T# v% o5 [• Make sure that administrative budget of the Centre is kept within the terms and conditions of the Contribution Agreements; the physical space and resources needed for the day to day operations are managed effectively.4 @/ U0 g  |, _# N) \% Z& C- O
• Develop and implement a community outreach and connections strategy.' k4 K0 X; r/ `- I0 C
• Develop and submit quarterly activity reports to funders and stakeholders.; |* x4 Y4 U+ |
• Ensure a healthy and safe work environment for staff, volunteers and clients.
  O: R$ h; k# |' q, _Desired skills, education and experience:
. K. @; A% R- l# k/ h. l% R• Strong commitment to providing quality services to newcomers and to working in an intercultural environment with cultural competence.% Y! r9 m7 _9 T1 p9 H
• Familiarity/knowledge of terms and conditions of funding and service eligibility
" {" V/ i8 G+ G& h/ F' L1 C• Experience with volunteer management will be an asset. u& _$ t3 A: S5 N
• Knowledge of databases will be an asset" t  Q* A: h0 ]0 @9 r+ U" C
• More than five year experience working with multi-sectoral programs and managing collaborative initiatives
) O4 H3 K- R5 G, H- a  G• Experience working with immigrants/refugees service provision, community development and program management; \# i- R6 C1 M" {7 H
• Proven record of working cooperatively, demonstrating flexibility in organizing work, showing initiative and judgment
3 Q- t1 J8 W0 d• Proven record of effective team management  [6 j, G, Y6 O
• Proficiency in English language and fluency in languages other than English will be an asset) U4 p5 y" A: D3 H
Education / Technical Skills:
- ]$ {0 M6 ?. _" `• Post-secondary education (in education, social work, community development  f. S$ \% y+ h  P% }( E5 w! D
Business management, non- profit management or related fields)
1 L8 T- S, i# q# V1 I• Experience with windows-based computer systems
% Z& F5 D& \: Q- JApplication letters with resumes should be sent to:
6 \: Z9 ^6 M7 _7 N; U/ X, [Executive Assistant, Chissa de Dios Schmuhl at chissa@emcn.ab.ca8 c$ o! z! X1 a% [; C
Application Deadline:
! V0 ?4 ?6 ]  o! d0 ATuesday, March 20, 2012 at 4:00 P.M.
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