白加黑 发表于 2012-4-19 15:41 # y0 V$ A) ?8 \: }* I" K# x- y
枪分限制类,非限制类和禁止类。所有手枪都是限制类或禁止类。大多数长枪为非限制类。 % m' J; s: k. S! A5 u/ q) i$ c考枪证: 需要参加 ...
0 y6 ?4 m V- t) n- @! F( Q$ l" w
To apply for PAL(RPAL): You need to fill out the application form, attached with the certificate you got, and pay the application fee by credit card / check / money order etc. send out everything above. After 6 to 10 weeks (approxmatically), you will get your PAL(RPAL)
% x% z, o: T9 p( @ & T; W) H5 H2 Y0 x4 J" e' f! N1 sYou can only carry your handgun with an ATT, between range / store / gun smith and your home. ! i( P( g6 F& b9 G4 V1 Y+ LYou can sell your handgun to somebody who has a RPAL.
衣食住行 发表于 2012-4-20 23:59 $ ^+ L, ]3 e# n, _1 ?! k' ^* K
说实话,我并不知道。那天只是开车路过。远远看到一排枪靶在一个特意加高的小土山前。射击距离大约有50米 ...
$ g& ] K' O+ x: ]( X0 CI doubt it is just a private club. I tried to find any related information but cannot find.# w, i* t) T; q m% K+ s
Take a visit and let us know. 6 E2 o G" l5 A+ W# o& U