Wrong. You don't need a high school diploma to get in post secondary. You only need the 5 x 30 level courses for whatever program/faculty you're applying.2 o, b: O4 e/ m6 ~7 s
+ {5 O9 A) K6 R. nI know, because I've been there done that.
SheJing 发表于 2012-4-22 18:10 ; ~2 b/ a+ n4 ?$ j3 A/ W% p
Wrong. You don't need a high school diploma to get in post secondary. You only need the 5 x 30 level ...
6 z6 n6 d' {6 _4 p3 @4 a
听SJ哥的没错 - l# b! O7 F* K4 V; N5 c不过有个文凭好看多了。万一大学也毕不了业咋整?