如果护照就剩3年到期,签证怎么也不会给你5年10年的。我只能把我父母申请的经验share给大家,以前他们来的时候,是申请单次的,去年11月分,刚好由于他们前本护照到期换了本新的,由于今后我这里需要他们来帮帮忙的比较多,所以就干脆申请多次,当时以为会给5年的,但是出乎意料的他们给了我父母10年,看了一下有效期,刚好是和我父母护照有效期一样。1 @/ ?0 u" ?$ U
不过也可以听听大家的经验,目的就是准备充足点,帮你父母拿到签证越长越好,要不然每次申请把我头都搞大了。 % t# a+ o' e* h8 J2 K q9 p
# I& p8 F. _! V8 I( qThanks a million for sharing! I think I will just try the regular multiple entry visitor visa, it's a lot easier for my old folks who don't even want to come and visit me yet, lol...6 W% m9 y2 s: r4 R* v; B
Some people suck at maths! I once waited for half an hour for a cashier at Canadian tire to count the Canadian tire money and she got different totals each time counting them. It's only $33.55 but still a challenge! sigh...