鲜花( 40)  鸡蛋( 7)
The design and preliminary engineering work have already been done, the construction was commenced years ago, if anyone can recall, the stretch of 63 from ft.mc to highway 881 was twinned couple years ago, as a matter of fact, there will be over 30km paved by 2013(edmonton journal). there are just several issues associated with the construction that restrain the construction process to go full speed.. Q: C. w' l+ {; w' E- q$ U R5 V9 J0 K
carribou mating season has limited the construction window from july to whenever the ground is frozen, which is likely to be late october or november, that gives only 3-4 months each year.0 Z) D; `# f3 M
the majority of the highway go through muskeg, it slows down the process, i.e the paving can't be done the same year as the subgrade/GBC" X9 d. u$ }: o; u6 ]
the land acquisition issues,some native bands the highway passes through are asking un-reasonable compensations.
$ M2 C# X3 g. f" `7 y) d) |& b+ s" Zthe funding is already in place, like the transporation minister said, pouring more money at this point simply wouldn't solve the problems, everyone just gotta be patient and$ a: G) R! m. H4 G
ROADS DO NOT KILL PEOPLE, PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE, more specifically, stupid drivers kill people.9 d: j" v9 B: Q; Y
anyone who is a regular traveller on that road just has to be careful out there.
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