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发表于 2012-6-15 09:43
U of A主页关于枪击的Emergency Alert(有中文)
, h* @9 N/ W3 v
- {0 e0 C* y! L6 z- p5 u% T% h* dEmergency Alert
: z8 B. i( W3 |: ^2 V
5 m0 q2 G' M0 l7 HFRIDAY, JUNE 15, 9:46 AM. k* |) a( t; L0 o/ C; G
- F( w0 N9 L! Z
Dear members of the U of A community:: K+ Y# @6 f. ^( j0 z
$ Q& g& f# b4 P; B
* t% a7 P4 Y6 { l( @* |6 ^1 Z- a1 L* W% {% d3 ^9 w% x( Y
I deeply regret to inform you that there was a robbery on campus in and around HUB last night that resulted in the loss of lives. It does not appear at this time that any of the victims of this tragic incident are university staff or students. The university is saddened by this loss of life and we extend our condolences to their loved ones.
- L4 X- ^" Y5 e$ K8 h
+ f$ f# a" G" ^我深感遗憾并且悲痛地通知大家,昨天夜里在大学的HUB发生了一 起持枪抢劫事件,并造成了人员的伤亡。根据目前所获得的信息判断,此次悲惨事件的遇害者不是大学的教职员工或学生。大学对这次事件造成的生命损失感到十分 悲痛,我们也想在此传达对遇难者的哀悼以及对其家人的慰问。
) H/ L* R# o! p8 `/ s' w7 x4 i) K: R- C! Z
Counselling and support services are available at Lister Hall for those students affected by this tragedy. HPaWS counsellors are available for staff. We will do all we can to help our community deal with this terrible episode.
; M6 d0 a8 s4 D3 i0 W7 r) ^; `8 b
所有在此次事件中受到干扰的学生可以前往Lister Hall寻求心理辅导和咨询的服务。教职工可以向HPaWS辅导员寻求帮助。我们将尽我们所能帮助所有社区成员渡过此次悲痛的事件。
7 v6 n* x9 F2 S2 \; J+ @
/ u J; V8 j9 f4 t1 p/ @% qAt the request of Edmonton Police Services, HUB Mall and residences are to remain closed until 7 p.m. Friday. Residents in HUB may leave the building, but will not be able to re-enter. Any HUB residents who are displaced by this incident or feel they cannot return to HUB, will be accommodated at Lister Hall.* w: |' |' t; V P7 k% L- _
0 g# m* [, i B4 I
应警方的要求,HUB Mall and Residences将关闭至本周五晚上7点。所有HUB的居民可选择离开HUB,但是在HUB解封之前不可返回。所有因此次事件无法返回HUB宿舍的居民将被安排到Lister Hall临时居住。7 M9 K2 r2 s; k# G5 X, l2 z8 R( ~
; p$ [5 b( F+ bEdmonton Police Services are investigating and are the source of official information regarding the incident.
, z! [% I, @: F& n$ [# \) c* s0 U% e3 P& \$ E% l# K
埃德蒙顿警察局正在调查此次事件,他们将会为我们提供有关此次事件的官方信息。& O3 i8 {. {' A# \+ M
, H! P; e7 x7 y# X$ GPlease check www.ualberta.ca for updates related to university operations. 请关注www.ualberta.ca ,来获取更多最新信息。0 k6 B. h- V$ d( V4 U& W
. q$ ~1 l+ z' m5 T" P7 S
& Z' {. w/ B& H0 I" n真挚地,5 ?& u* ?' _) e6 [' |
Carl Amrhein- ?& b% I. [) _# `; {6 K
Acting President and Provost
$ F. g) ]7 I: b% x代理校长兼常务副校长
1 X( N! g! [3 D: a2 a, n
5 V/ F h) I( r' g# P: a- CFRIDAY, JUNE 15, 8:50 AM- H( b* [% E' ] _6 @: [6 y
1 X& U6 n) ]/ v9 mExams scheduled today are proceeding as scheduled. Students affected by the HUB incident who feel they cannot write exams can defer per the existing deferral procedure.6 o. ^. g/ P1 ~$ |- ]5 q+ v3 w8 w
* a$ N+ g/ E) p4 b, x# l( Q3 l
FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 6:40 AM2 i. Y- q3 @4 i# b, J0 m
& L& N( Q1 I) W" i4 l. {, L
Dear members of the U of A community: I deeply regret to inform you that there was a robbery on campus in and around HUB last night that resulted in the loss of lives. It does not appear at this time that any of the victims of this tragic incident are university staff or students.3 _5 F! C" q Y. X8 n$ L# D. \7 }
! s d, w) Q' i: c# z
The university is saddened by this loss of life and we extend our condolences to their loved ones.Counselling and support services are available at Lister Hall for those students affected by this tragedy. HPaWS counsellors are available for staff. We will do all we can to help our community deal with this terrible episode.! a, E4 g w3 a* I- [+ V4 z. }, L) H
" L. J3 |! N) l) ]
At the request of Edmonton Police Services, HUB Mall and residences are to remain closed until 7 p.m. Friday. Residents in HUB may leave the building, but will not be able to re-enter. Any HUB residents who are displaced by this incident or feel they cannot return to HUB, will be accommodated at Lister Hall.Edmonton Police Services are investigating and are the source of official information regarding the incident.Please check www.ualberta.ca for updates related to university operations.3 b" X6 E; r5 w/ I" |
u! [: L4 u. h! h' M
8 m7 ~# t7 X1 X0 W7 M* G2 q5 P" h+ w" FCarl Amrhein
O( [0 t- A" F0 P2 G! m$ wActing President and Provost
9 H j' F: i* ]6 i6 }+ M& Q |. c0 P7 s
FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 5:31 AM0 U& X& n, `- z" X( c
k3 S1 v8 a: Q( wThe university is saddened about those who lost their lives last night and we extend our condolences to their loved ones.* [5 P; @) B F2 X
r) |' I1 G+ E# X# g0 o _" E
The safety and security of our students and staff is our first priority and our campus protective services are working closely with Edmonton Police. Counselors are available to students living in the residential portion of HUB. If there are students directly affected by this tragic incident who feel they cannot take exams scheduled for Friday, they can defer those exams per our existing procedures.
e6 M5 _7 n; c; J$ l8 y% U; C0 v+ \. s
Except for HUB Mall, which will remain closed until 7 p.m. per Edmonton Police, the university is operating as normally scheduled, including any exams or other academic activities. We will do everything we can to help our community deal with this terrible event.
/ O+ e, k2 j; n/ S1 B& L! c2 W; B$ z6 X. I$ X0 q) `$ X0 B
FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 5:26 AM (Translation added 8:43 AM)
+ s* ]+ K) ` O7 a6 L8 g; u6 L
At the request of Edmonton Police Services, HUB Mall and residences will be closed until 7 p.m. Friday, June 15. Students living in HUB residences may leave the building, but you will not be able to return until 7 p.m. Any HUB residents may go to Lister Hall for dining or resident services.. Y U+ d, P6 p- s9 w
2 R) j6 i6 {0 q: V应警方要求,HUB Mall and Residences将关闭至6月15日,星期五晚上7点。宿舍内的学生可以选择离开HUB,但是一旦离开,须等到6月15日晚上7点之后才可返回。所有HUB宿舍的居民可以前往Lister Hall用餐或寻求其他住宿服务。9 t- w' E; v3 q0 c* k
( g( _7 A3 J. i, v8 K& U
HUB Mall merchants should be advised to please stay clear of the building.1 t) T4 G! Q: R3 w3 Z
7 v' {1 e) x. w4 T F; o6 M
所有HUB Mall内的商户将被要求暂时离开HUB7 L& I) Z- X0 D. D8 O1 v' K1 n
9 w' i7 r4 M& C$ e Z5 |
Please check the university homepage for updates for the most current information and in case the closure hours change.7 [/ s) u( z0 |2 w/ `% K
( T | }5 k/ D. C- Q" J! a
2 F9 m" t3 q6 {( I! S4 V
1 j1 X5 k1 Z: _, ?* sFRIDAY, JUNE 15, 3:28 AM, } c5 {' o: C. \/ G7 o
/ J) |& U( @# h- d& WArmoured car robbery on campus in HUB Mall. Edmonton Police are on scene. Exams and other university operations are proceeding as regularly scheduled.
* m7 b3 t& [8 ]6 `! N; {$ l0 f# n! ~# s
4:45 AM: HUB Mall closed until further notice 7 p.m. per Edmonton Police.) t0 n1 V9 n4 I% j' r+ o$ [, A