我朋友几年前办他侄子省提名的亲属关系移民,一直拖到至今。现在他有一问题不明白: ' h8 u3 N$ I" M# O3 Z+ a文件要求:candidate requires $10,000 to settle in AB. this funds must be in finantial institutes that has branchs in canada, and maybe in the name of AB relative of the candidate.Please provide a letter or certificate of the deposit from the finantial institute that has branches in canada. 8 [0 ]3 s" H7 s& r
是不是他去这里银行让其提供他的存款信息就可以了?请知道的朋友帮忙分析一下。多谢 . K3 M( z) u( L7 w$ H7 H( P4 N" X2 F7 Z# b