我是今年的新生,8月末到爱城。我7月上旬的时候看到了windsor park plaza的网站并且和那边联系。我和7个同学准备租两套2 bedroom large的。但是申请表我交给他的时候guarantor是我爸爸签的名(他从来没去过加拿大)。请问这个guarantor有什么要求啊?是否必须是本地人或者加拿大人才行?我该怎么办啊,求教
The guaranter has to be people who is working in Canada. By the way, 8 of you are going to rent 2 apartment, so 4 of you will be in one apartment? I guess it is not allowed by law.
tianya88 发表于 2012-7-28 14:09 / p$ y- t' t9 [; B. Q
The guaranter has to be people who is working in Canada. By the way, 8 of you are going to rent 2 ap ...