恭请手机达人解惑. * r: s' C+ q) g1 F . D* Q& U& g* Q6 ^3 y; L _7 |新买了Samsung Galaxy S III 手机, 接电话时,响铃 4 次后进入语音信箱. 请问如何增加响铃的次数, 或者增加进入语音信箱等待时间.# R( ]# d' ]/ { F
8 A9 I$ P+ E a; j3 t; s' i l5 g
多谢.5 H" e/ l5 w5 ^+ S
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Ring duration is a carrier setting, not an Android or Phone setting. You need to call your service provider and they should be able to adjust it for you.
If, I mean if, you can control it from the phone, it would be somewhere under the call forwarding settings. You might be able to adjust the delay.
Ring duration is a carrier setting, not an Android or Phone setting. You need to call your service provider and they should be able to adjust it for you. / j( a' R3 t! |" w6 t2 O* Z
8 x1 _+ n6 m: [If, I mean if, you can control it from the phone, it would be somewhere under the call forwarding settings. You might be able to adjust the delay.