鲜花( 3)  鸡蛋( 0)
不知道大家申请父母10年签证是情况怎么样了.我父母来这里 3月份回去. 我后来递交10年签证;一开始以为3个月顶多了.现在都快6年了.没有消息.没说退你材料 也没说材料不齐.难道就这样傻等? 听过有等1年的.难道我就是要等一年?..........我哭啊..7 |0 N( A% [( k) W
后来忍不住就联系了国内的大使馆 以及这里的加拿大境内的; 以下是国内的回复: 很官方.说会发给之前填表留下的邮件;查了 也没有任何他们发的邮件. 这里的也没有消息. 现在很无语. 要是他们要移民 估计是要等更久!!!! 大家都是等多久 跟地区有关系么? 无奈.
( A$ m# l4 N: h, K
: B! K+ ?/ _/ g: b" R' P$ HDear Sir/Madam,
& [! W# ~ e8 Z3 k. w
: k5 Z; y6 T. z7 x' T( VPlease be advised that due to the Canadian Privacy Act, we are unable to disclose information to unauthorized 3rd parties. We may only send correspondence to the e-mail address provided in your application. ; C# A/ @9 E/ R* ]
7 [' i8 ]' o2 }0 s2 Y9 V' H6 zIf you have not provided an e-mail address in your application and you send us correspondence from an e-mail address we will continue to send you correspondence to that address. Please be advised, we will only reply to ONE e-mail address, we will not respond to multiple e-mail addresses inquiring on the same application. 2 m% _1 b/ z# L8 D0 R$ D
If an applicant wishes to have a representative, who is not the applicant, access information on an application, please follow the instructions on our website: m/ A c0 M7 I' j# ~7 a
http://www.canadainternational.g ... n/faq.aspx?lang=eng
0 `2 r; g1 `1 w- L1 }. ?Our office will not release any information to persons who do not have the correct authorization.0 p' v$ h1 P" s! a) `& C4 m# N
Yours sincerely,; ]8 ~4 }8 P$ s" _# ]
Visa and Immigration Section
7 Q9 y4 b. m2 C% l6 P, c y8 R/ I3 Z2 u0 K: V
Canadian Embassy, Beijing: c% Y; t9 T" O. H! x4 {
19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District+ P4 g2 [- I$ j5 T
Beijing, 100600, People's Republic of China
' B; z0 T- B# w/ J. X- k/ E/ t7 }5 C: U" ]! `) ^5 v" ~
Web site: www.beijing.gc.ca' a* W* r1 J9 `+ l# L
Email: beijing-immigration@international.gc.ca) ~' p7 @" V& w8 I& O6 _( H
Consent & Disclaimer:
( Z/ m0 M( |8 c% b; vBy supplying your email address (in your enquiry or previously in your application), you are initiating an email communication with CIC, and CIC is thereby authorized to use the email address provided by you for communication with you including the transmission of personal information on your file/case. When you supply your email address to CIC, it is also understood that you are aware that this channel may not be a secure channel. CIC is not liable for the disclosure of personal information to a third party where CIC has taken reasonable means to ensure the identity of the party. CIC is also not liable for the misuse of this information by a third party.6 E* C) H7 D" K0 B; c4 T' Z# k
4 E$ D2 W/ }2 t; s7 ~" L% M3 y3 g6 b2 [ |