如题:女儿想去NAIT读 occputational health and safety专业5 _. I5 u$ G1 M
但是这个申报这个专业有个前提,就是需要找两个从事这个专业的人员,咨询一些关于这个专业的问题 # r+ W7 Y5 ^. D, y5 L8 E7 Q3 L3 z完成一个职业调查表(career investigation report0 {1 h2 m4 Q8 b$ R% ?
).1 d: U5 g$ u7 M7 G$ j' V/ T5 N# t
英语表述如下:' j) O6 N0 }6 E3 l5 E& ` G% K, [9 k
. ]& @/ R4 O0 f( d! T; ]$ q
You must interview at least two occupational health and safety professionals as part of your ) z- O: F+ E; k
career investigation. Neither safety professional may be associated with NAIT. For each person interviewed, 0 s8 g5 Z- q* u! q3 E' \
I will do my best to help you. call me @780-399-0209. * `% w, e! H# a8 W: j# c% c ; M7 D1 }. @/ }# f! A% FI know the supervisors of big construction company. ' |- m3 d& X6 ]* l) |6 a( d* a+ i, j I" v4 [