现在查CIC移民进度显示的是这样的: ' {! _3 x7 o- l* x1.We received your application for permanent residence on December 31, 2012. 6 b5 Z: h& K7 y/ h: c4 ]5 T4 d1 e3 n5 o& G7 ]
2. We started processing your application on July 15, 2013., ?. t2 l P" Z& P
New permanent residents : `5 o0 S! J3 A6 @69 calendar days. x( I. A3 t/ S- A/ u, }, b
(This time applies if you have provided a mailing address) 这是官方的处理时间。具体的就说不好了 应该从七月15号算起
yuqiang 发表于 2013-8-5 23:47 & c; E$ F: c* h2 `, \6 PNew permanent residents / x$ O. P1 n" ~3 W2 D' p2 K' G69 calendar days , K$ o9 ?) U' q: C(This time applies if you have provided a mailing address ...