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卖70 万的房子,一般得给Realtor多少中介费?

鲜花(5) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-8-14 16:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 davis1688 于 2013-8-14 17:16 编辑 ! W# r. A3 }. d* ?
2 W3 Q. M2 [" R7 c5 T0 O2 r8 ^
如题:如果卖70 万的房子得给中介多少费用?买卖双方的中介各拿多少?谢谢!
鲜花(150) 鸡蛋(3)
发表于 2013-8-14 20:49 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-8-14 22:51 | 显示全部楼层
100000*0.07+600000*0.03=25000. A/ |) q1 O7 w7 f( V
Seller. Realtor. $12500
) Y% Q7 `) }6 k% ?. l) n) [: n  zBuyer realtor $12500" J; n) Z& W" U! x. D, t9 }- E% @0 i
. \6 k5 m, N- C5 \& t7 G  W
鲜花(5) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2013-8-15 08:42 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
Piano 发表于 2013-8-14 23:51 & F1 L# F' k1 f8 T
100000*0.07+600000*0.03=25000* L+ ~! A" \  ?4 g+ |6 }
Seller. Realtor. $12500
" s9 ^- _1 i0 b3 b& g+ `8 ~Buyer realtor $12500
9 P+ i" y, }/ L4 b7 W5 g. f( ]) ]
鲜花(79) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-8-15 12:07 | 显示全部楼层
标准是:首10万的7%剩下60万的3.5%,应该是28000 (买卖双方经济平分),但你自己可以谈,有799只给你list,也有1499帮讨价还价等卖的(都要另给买方经济上面标准的一半),我家卖房是这样的,你找经济买房,他可以少收你点钱为你卖旧房。另外还更有买卖双方经济平分1%或2% 的情况。
鲜花(5) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2013-8-15 19:40 | 显示全部楼层
ayakao 发表于 2013-8-15 13:07
% s  |5 s  i! ]4 g8 J标准是:首10万的7%剩下60万的3.5%,应该是28000 (买卖双方经济平分),但你自己可以谈,有799只给你list, ...
6 F0 J1 @# }" n; r" l2 }, ]8 p* q# i
鲜花(143) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2013-8-16 06:54 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 suvescape 于 2013-8-16 07:58 编辑
: {: Z; Y4 c2 `" a, |7 {! F0 V+ i  Q! I# n0 Z/ y
( H) Q6 x/ N0 [4 N$ d3 y: f要么给个几千,要么按照房价的1%给。8 k( A! o5 }/ M9 X9 N

+ F2 o! Q& y- M/ O, M, j4 n很多人50W的房子,就给经济3000左右;经济太多了,竞争很激烈;
7 C1 R8 f( `8 J- C
鲜花(28) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-8-16 10:01 | 显示全部楼层
suvescape 发表于 2013-8-16 07:54 ) ]6 W# w0 _5 \
5 m# V' L, h- f2 y要么给个几千,要么按照房价的1%给。

) f8 G% S1 Z+ r5 x' K7 `+ ^你也太牛了,3000千就想卖一个房子。不知道你买二手房子有没有留意 经济人给你房子介绍的纸,上面有经纪人的COMMISSION 不管卖家的经纪人是同胞还是鬼佬,基本上和5楼差不多。你买新房通过经济人, 经纪人和售楼人共享2% COMMISSION,有的BUILDER  给经纪人高于1% 的COMMSSION。
鲜花(143) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2013-8-16 10:56 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 suvescape 于 2013-8-16 11:58 编辑
* `' H- D' \( u/ ~- `% l
% T& w7 d" W5 r2 P3000卖多了去了。我同事45W的房子,还只给了1500呢。不也卖掉了?
4 z/ a" j7 l) ^5 Q5 l) a3 O: l: s) w( R( A* K! M: p
鲜花(39) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-8-16 11:05 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 carroll 于 2013-8-16 12:29 编辑 . ?! ^2 L4 h: r2 }6 O

# Q) n" B4 J5 S3 Y7% for first 100,000. 3% for the rest, 7000+18000=25000. half $12500 to buyer's agent.If you want to save money, tell your agent that you will give $6000 or $8000 to the buyer's agent.
% x  I- R0 M1 }- f5 y0 w8 o
+ I! D7 z. s3 Y& t5 Z7 K- A& ?
; Z8 k2 v  ]* @) W" \2 X$1200-$1500 firm to seller's agent, but you have to do open house by yourself. Never need to pay: M" E* M6 x* k; @7 v6 K$ u
$12500 to seller's agent. Keep away from the seller agent that ask for $12500. They are cheating on your that you do not know the current market.
/ V! b0 W1 V: ~2 H9 T
鲜花(28) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-8-16 12:46 | 显示全部楼层
carroll 发表于 2013-8-16 12:05 " J" m/ d' w6 ]3 O. n* B  H
7% for first 100,000. 3% for the rest, 7000+18000=25000. half $12500 to buyer's agent.If you want to ...
0 h; g& o9 w1 X; B& }7 N+ l& D/ ]
gook to know it
鲜花(27) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-8-19 10:09 | 显示全部楼层
: Z8 J3 J1 m6 a* [. {; ]1 S- n! R如原春, 老杨团队, 鲁晓松。 谢谢。
鲜花(28) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-8-19 11:04 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
WST 发表于 2013-8-19 11:09
2 k- u9 C9 ^/ Y$ W( x* \( X0 n有没有专业中介能说说现在中介费的行情。. X' P( }3 T! U3 M3 }1 w/ K# D5 Y
如原春, 老杨团队, 鲁晓松。 谢谢。

7 m6 v9 I) H1 u0 Q3 C" W- V中介费用都是有弹性的,根据个案还有不同,你家人家如何说?
鲜花(156) 鸡蛋(2)
发表于 2013-8-19 11:45 | 显示全部楼层
WST 发表于 2013-8-19 11:09 6 d+ r, G/ {$ i) g2 z, R9 j% J  N
4 l4 L" L9 I$ f4 W% g+ |9 R如原春, 老杨团队, 鲁晓松。 谢谢。
  ~! r  e* C& d; v: _, i
鲜花(27) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-8-19 13:20 | 显示全部楼层
WST 发表于 2013-8-19 11:09
8 I$ f' Q- H4 c# m( l9 G有没有专业中介能说说现在中介费的行情。8 T' f6 j( g& G- n2 V8 |
如原春, 老杨团队, 鲁晓松。 谢谢。
; L- w3 b+ ~# ]3 d& L3 \7 H
就说说carroll 和吉普车说的对不对? 或者给个范围。 譬如说,对应那种服务, 70万的中介费约为 5K - 15K。
鲜花(39) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-8-19 15:05 | 显示全部楼层
As my previous post, You can give less to the buyer agent, but remember some agents will direct his/her customer to see other houses that provides full buyer commission, so you lost those parts of buyers when you offer only $5000 to buyer agent. Those agents take their $5000 more serious than their customers' $5000. When you ask any agent ---- he will reply that he will put buyer's interest on top of his, but there are OTHER agents are not as good as him, they will put theirinterest  on top the buyers, then you lost this buyer.
$ x2 }7 l9 f5 W& A% S8 xYou can think about the words over --- that "Your agent is good, but other agents will be not as good as him."
* v; n: ?, K) _) T4 f9 wAlso, mind you, it looks like the buyer agent commision is not related to the seller agent, so why seller agent does not want lower the buyer agent commision? because the seller agent will try to the byer agent too. when you contact him, he begins to look for potential buyers, that is weeks or at least days ahead of other agents.
8 O8 |) j& B0 x6 l- o8 a# e8 ~Instead of list $700000, and provide $5000 to buyer agent, You should increase the list price $707500, while give full $12500 to buyer's agent to attract those kind of agents.
  d0 K$ ~& s$ T0 ~/ {) E
8 X+ S( W  K( N6 R1 DAlso, some buyer agent will accept as little as $2400, because she might be no business for a year, and her customer is very interested in your house.2 k! W5 t( h6 D; i; G5 e8 ~* _

2 ^) h3 B, w1 D% n" u$ RIn brief, to play fair game, you should provide $125000 to the buyer agent. while shopping for seller agents, see their quote and service. 4 W8 i5 B& H( T' t

! H6 H/ a- V! XIf you really need to save that $7500, then you take the risk to sell your house in the narrower market. Certainly if your hourse is very good, that is not a problem.


WST  在2013-8-19 18:18  送朵鲜花  并说:谢谢, 我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下
鲜花(150) 鸡蛋(3)
发表于 2013-8-19 18:53 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
同意楼上的。这应该属于有些秘密的信息。但是楼上英文的帖子,似乎说明,buyer's realtor成交一个房子,应该比selle‘s realtor赚得多。
鲜花(9) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-8-20 13:43 | 显示全部楼层
good to know. How about new house
鲜花(45) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-8-20 17:41 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(97) 鸡蛋(4)
发表于 2013-8-20 20:59 | 显示全部楼层
卖家出费用 买家有没有费用?
鲜花(157) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-8-21 13:34 | 显示全部楼层
ballard 发表于 2013-8-20 21:59
6 h% M, P+ K. I9 b0 W* L卖家出费用 买家有没有费用?
7 y, _$ i7 W' x& ~$ s) b; f
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-8-22 10:28 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
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