JuJueSi 发表于 2013-10-21 07:52 ; ^" f1 i, D2 `# ?( Qlol not so good for those whose backyards faces the planned freeway/freeway entrance
; M" D7 a9 a9 ^1) They should know it's coming. Nothing was ever concealed. ) s% [1 U; {* i* y6 Y2) The noise level should actually be better as there is not as much stop and start.
小黄 发表于 2013-10-21 09:08 5 G( g) B( S, `* v
1) They should know it's coming. Nothing was ever concealed. 9 b9 o* q2 Z: F7 `* g _2) The noise level should actually b ...
. L+ f; v- L0 X1) They should know it's coming. Nothing was ever concealed. --- Yes * n2 @2 k/ A8 a" W$ m1 V& f9 m7 C* |& d- C+ O
2) The noise level should actually be better as there is not as much stop and start. --- No
小黄 发表于 2013-10-21 09:08 5 p; T' Y& `5 I/ z, i1) They should know it's coming. Nothing was ever concealed.1 O, k1 C+ v$ v. Y
2) The noise level should actually b ...