I can't believe somebody even think about this junk, just check how many Durango's on the road ? You might get some extra money when you sell it, because they are rare.
uil 发表于 2014-5-27 16:14 * S0 o% I/ E% p+ V; K! q
I can't believe somebody even think about this junk, just check how many Durango's on the road ? You ...
4 b1 `+ {$ e2 d% v+ Y: k+ t6 q' ~ * c% Z7 }, I. o/ Y* Z0 M多融入一些加拿大的文化吧兄弟,这个地球不是为你在转,你不喜欢就说是Junk?1 E' }, S v/ ^3 X
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Durango是非常受当地人欢迎的,Dodge的truck在Edmonton卖的很好。% \$ w$ c f' e9 {) m, o$ n: n
" D: w l s. S1 m3 a
另外,去试试2013年以后的Dodge Truck再回来发表意见,很抱歉地告诉你,你与整个Alberta脱节。。