condo 管理公司找人检修给出的结果如下 * _, U0 a T/ Y7 B$ B R# c1 q G2 C" g+ N
1.shower has no silicone around tiles or floor and water is leaking needs to be completely resealed. 这个已经用玻璃胶沿着浴缸和墙的接缝重新补了一圈不知道是否管用3 E+ B& l1 A4 o' }, a" g$ j, G
2.toilet is not secure to floor needs to be pu;;ed and re-set.Kitchen faucet is loose and counter is rotten need to be fixed as it is leaking into basement. # s, J& ]5 u9 p: K0 _& d {* j( I' E$ S- H5 ?) R7 a
有经验的同学给报个价格 看需要多少钱?