lyaolong 发表于 2014-6-27 13:06 * W2 w2 q0 @! U4 P/ u H
好像不省管理费 只是现在epcor有个新的plan, 气也是5.99和direct energy 一样 我就都办epcor了
$ b5 v- ]0 v# }5 R9 b3 K0 x, N8 ~
direct energy 是cap: 0 O5 N* ^) n1 E9 b3 S# l; OA variable natural gas rate that is secured with a winter cap set at $5.99/GJ between November 1st – March 31st˜
hlj007 发表于 2014-6-27 15:33 ; f9 ?0 v6 ^' U/ o5 v
direct energy 是cap: ( l+ ~1 H$ x& E" P# D8 Z% fA variable natural gas rate that is secured with a winter cap set at $5.99/G ...
+ F1 e8 {5 I1 p6 O; X2 j* u
看来 gas 用direct energy 会好些。
hlj007 发表于 2014-6-27 15:33 / S# P0 k% c0 B* z- }
direct energy 是cap: ) x% B* D% @0 c2 N5 YA variable natural gas rate that is secured with a winter cap set at $5.99/G ...
- ~7 \( S3 O- M8 y5 m- f
请问您说的是这个plan吗? - C; f0 _7 m- d3 ~, |% F3 ` |# p# z1 F9 J
Our Flex-Through Natural Gas price floats with the current Natural Gas market price plus $2.00/GJ. + ~# H |4 x0 }5 ?- v' R~ The winter cap of $6.99/GJ for natural gas applies during November through March each year of your contract term.* f7 l# D/ n( t/ Y
o Savings based on the difference between the site administration fees chargeable under a dual fuel plan vs. two single fuel plans. Actual savings may vary