PPQQ 发表于 2014-7-22 08:24 0 @: G& E0 E' ~6 W. F; w4 y! z! E
这个,我帮忙回答下问题,怎么我的家底都要暴露了啊,呵呵,开个玩笑 $ t+ x8 [, f D ]Terwillegar area# b E- {( O a' ~, _' o
10买的新房,都 ...
# @" [3 t: a, }2 v8 `# ?. V" l, e
ic, now I know what type of house you are talking about now! b' \( Z! T @2 V; ^2 A
I live in the same neighborhood too and have seen that house type before.