和builder发email提要求了。得到如下回复 0 H, D9 t# G& Z . z& z8 s$ e% e; K7 g5 J& K8 I- |This is wall and roof sheeting and the framer will pick through each sheet as it is being applied and if are damage and can not be used, they will discard them. 1 Q2 D! n8 b/ C& K2 J5 XWe abide by the Alberta Building Code and are aware of our responsibility's under the code. We have also been in the home building industry for over 30 years and take pride in the product we turn over to our customers.
关于这个问题,我真的想了一宿。目前还在疑惑中。。。我的疑惑是:盖半截的房子,有的木板在地上等着,有的木板被钉在梁上。下雨的时候全都挨浇了,为啥只关心躺地上明显变形的,而不关心钉在梁上想变形变不了的?其实,我感觉钉在梁上想变形变不了的更值得关心。因为,受潮的木板会使板钉松动,干透之后就会有缝隙,以后就会有“嘎吱,嘎吱”的哀号。: q4 t6 \% D- q$ P O5 i