本帖最后由 秋水长天 于 2014-8-10 23:44 编辑 # a# W1 y+ E0 D1 K O, e! B- c; E! X) g' n, ]6 Q5 o' a# ~
今年春天,门前的Driveway尽头的人行水泥道重铺了,比之前稍微高一点,造成了Driveway稍微有点低于人行水泥道。然后,收到一封信,说俺们家的Driveway需要抬高--打小孔,灌注高分子聚合物polymer,膨胀,抬高Driveway,一看就是广告,没理会。前几天门上插了一封信,没俺家户主的名字,是社区开发商Qualico Communities的信,说Qualico Communities正在为Rutherford的Road and side walk申请获得政府的Final Acceptance Certificate(FAC), 发现俺们家Rive Way有上述问题。 3 z0 g, p- k Z- L" _7 I! f; a / i/ [3 F; i4 p$ C& T/ u0 j信说:the Owner acknoledges that Qualico did not install the driveway and is not required to make such repairs to the driveway but has agreed to perform the Work at its own cost. 然后后面是一大段的免责声明。0 ~% R7 I; U; E0 ]
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哪位朋友给解释这“at its own cost”到底是谁支付维修费;这个破事应该注意啥?* }5 P. n% t3 k+ ^6 q
Our driveway got mud-jacked by the developer at their cost too. We were having the same issue after they repaved the sidewalk. The sidewalk was much higher than our driveway., q& z; n8 [" W9 T) f
It was reported to the developer after the sidewalk was done. One day they gave us a letter asking for our permission the mud-jack our driveway to match the sidewalk elevation.$ e: x8 x4 j7 o9 C9 {
On the letter it clearly stated that the developer will do it at no charge, but it also stops us any claims toward them regarding on the elevation difference between the driveway and sidewalk.$ M: h" T% d* L# j7 T0 e3 s" Q
They came and did the mud-jacking. However, they only jacked the front part of the driveway but not the portion close to the garage. Now my garage lip is higher than the driveway, causing the corner of the garage concrete slab clipping off.2 l0 R B% o& X& s' ?) j5 m