我们12月份有空缺1个只要3岁以上的。地点在西南面的river side。我有child care staff certificate level 1和 standard child care First Aid CPR level B。我们和政府agency有合约,我们有保险,可以帮助符合条件的家庭申请补助。有意者可email:rachel20111009@gmail.com 或电话 780-566-7798咨询详情
This mom appears to ask for a baby around 1 year old, two years away from the minimum requirement of 3 years old. Try YMCA. Day home, I tried for my kid, the supervision can't be reliable, especially for kids under 3 years old who can't say and express him/herself well. I tried day home before, and later on, we were lucky enough to get into YMCA.