Upon our inspection we noted salt damage was causing the mortar flaking on the driveway . F* H4 _; ?" TYou had indicated that the driveway had not been sealed ! ^; w$ j1 W% |+ `. r( NA container of Alaskan Ice melt was located in the garage after I had indicated the damage was salt related (see attached) $ T' g( y v' `' ?$ XI had recommended pressure washing then sealing the driveway to avoid further damage. 5 f/ K; {% S* O6 g. l/ a : E; K4 t6 q. r3 V, b+ W
0 n4 W$ b, ?% W% Q2 O) T这个他们给我的理由,为什么他们不管修,我们的房子只有一年新,driveway坏的不像个样子,而且大部分损坏在最下面的两块,不是车库门的附近。 b" l; Z ?7 o4 J3 ~ / T9 D [( T5 b首先我的要求是要求修理driveway? 他们到了却让我打开我的车库?看到我的车库里有那个container of Alaskan Ice,(他们凭什么在我车库里照相啊,而且没经过我同意,我又没让他们修理我的车库!!!)3 Q# V8 w0 A& v5 K0 H
4 ~' e2 v" n7 H9 a
我是从我以前的townhouse搬到新的房子,难道我要把以前下的ice Melt扔掉吗?我们第一年根本没有在新家的任何地方用过ice melt。就算我有库存,也不代表我用了啊~~ 0 j6 A( d. q+ c. {% H, D) r% m2 ?& n" x
其次我上周又去他们的showhome确认一次,买房子的人告诉我所有第一年的新房他们都给做sealing,只有每年的事情就属于房主自己的工作~~这个和他们warrenty的人说的根本不一样,真后悔没有给他们录音~~~/ N9 R; x" d4 x4 d
0 c/ Y, w$ W' [1 v: u