5 B% c8 U ~. A9 E. W# k& C( U2 ]! w) j; {9 k9 ]
房价年同比稳定,略增1%3 k! C' U. f/ c! ? W1 n9 e
7 G. _) W1 P% i7 D埃德蒙顿11月3日消息:整体来看,埃德蒙顿的房市依然保持稳定。尽管整个大爱城区所有住宅的销售量相比去年同期下降15%,但是平均价格却上涨1.72%。独立房的销售下降了14%,平均价格上涨了3%。公寓的销售下降了17%,均价同去年10月相比也下降了将近6%。 V/ o3 [5 q) r+ l6 n5 K
: I# z8 p+ g- h ~
“虽然10月份的平均价格的增长是由于两套成交价超过350万的房子促使的,但是排除这个,我们仍能看到价格保持在一定的水平上,”埃德蒙顿房产经纪主席Geneva Tetreault解释说。“我们可能会继续看到市场的平均挂牌天数在增长,是因为大量高于去年同期的库存数量,还有下降了15%的独立房的销售。”% y0 y, l$ j1 h! q) M6 E0 {6 U9 J
5 n6 y2 V3 p6 t4 V- I* F3 L
这个月,所有住宅的平均挂牌天数为57天,比上个月增长了8%,而去年同期则只有51天。独立房的平均挂牌天数是56天,公寓相比较上个月的57天,这个月增长到了61天。双拼/联排为49天,比上个月的51天略微缩短了。6 U6 j( l* D9 D4 G0 Z! B* r" a5 j- A
( Y- c+ a) o% O9 q: A& G* s整个大爱城区所有独立房的平均价格为$438,935, 比上个月增长了1.57%。公寓的平均价格为$244,225, 比上个月下降了3.45%。双拼/联排为$359,130,比上个月减少了1.39%,但是比去年同期增长了1.76%。所有住宅的平均价格为$371,756, 比上个月略微增长了0.78%。
+ ?' o$ {$ J, I" l8 s& O5 A6 d
W$ k% b* f* H8 y) G6 w “通常来讲,在每年的这个时期,价格和销售都会缩水,但是公寓一定是最受影响的。大量的库存,无论新房还是二手房,都给了购房者更大的选择范围和更多的时间去做决定。”Tetreault 继续说,“购房者会从低利率以及大量的选择性中获得优势。而卖方在这样一个市场里,则需要更多的竞争力。”8 Z# D R+ B5 j
% `$ u: p# L Y* G截止10月底,整个大爱城区的挂牌数量为6641套,比上个月下降了6.57%,但是仍然比去年同期高出48.47%。. q1 T4 g! U+ t+ I9 H6 M
MLS® System Activity for October 2015 | | M/M % Change | Y/Y % Change | SFD2 average3 selling price – month | $438,935 | 1.57% | 3.02% | SFD median4 selling price – month | $397,500 | -0.63% | -0.59% | Condominium average selling price | $244,225 | -3.45% | -5.90% | Condominium median selling price | $225,000 | -1.75% | -6.25% | All-residential5 average selling price | $371,756 | 0.78% | 1.72% | All-residential median selling price | $346,000 | -1.91% | -1.14% | # residential listings this month | 2,272 | -18.19% | 28.00% | # residential sales this month | 1,199 | -17.99% | -15.08% | # residential inventory at month end | 6,641 | -6.57% | 48.47% | # Total6 MLS® System sales this month | 1,573 | -17.12% | -23.86% | $ Value Total residential sales this month | $497 million | -17.73% | -20.63% | $ Value of total MLS® System sales – month | $586 million | -17.26% | -21.63% | $ Value of total MLS® System sales - YTD | $7.5 billion | 9.00% | -10.48% |
1 Census Metropolitan Area (Edmonton and surrounding municipalities); h; u: B, k9 n `
2 Single Family Dwelling
4 v8 t, C3 v# Z* J& X3 The total value of sales in a category divided by the number of properties sold
+ x! b8 {' a! }; I, E4 The middle figure in a list of all sales prices, t% U' ^' e+ _1 y2 c* z+ Q. D' R
5 Residential includes SFD, condos and duplex/row houses.
9 y4 z3 r1 i u& ]) M6 Includes residential, rural and commercial sales + F" r3 o, R0 f" m4 S