本帖最后由 kcn 于 2016-3-27 13:42 编辑 ; t* O+ l4 V& d4 N/ ^. Y1 i * C4 ?. y" n/ g) g; e如您真想买公寓 apartment,如有可能,我建议您一定要竟选入council board,因为您可以了解很多apartment 内幕,而且能掌握您自己的命运。我曾经在 Vancouver 有过公寓, 公寓与公程公司联合,创造了一些大楼的“莫须有”的问题,such as pin hole 他们向每一家收很多钱,去折腾那个大楼。在全楼房主大会上,我们发现公程公司的人回答我们的常识性的问题, 自相茅盾,令人涕笑皆非。我们和大会罢免了现 council board members,大会选我们几个懂一点常识的人做 council board members。我干了一年半,后发现所谓的Pin hole 问题根本不存在,一起 Pin hole 问题都没有。All flood problems were caused by building owners or renter. 我的感觉您也须回遇很多匪疑所思,且有违常理的事。您不参政,就干生气。我的经历仅供参考。 ( D f$ }8 [! y8 }2 M+ l+ c5 w: T- E6 V4 z; J& k2 O- ]
Sorry to type Chinese is too slow. 3 i- _( A. \1 C( O* z6 ^. t6 n. J " X! t6 p* Z$ M4 D* S1 j) b U3 I rThere were about 100 cases of building flood issues during the one and half year. all cases were related to people misusing laundry, careless, ronovation of their bath and shower, unclose faucets and so on. THERE IS ABSOLUTE NO "PIN HOLE" ISSUE. As far as I know, "PIN HOLE" is most common misused reason for SOMEBODY redo the pipe system of apartment building.