% q7 O( F2 T3 c(http://www.fanyangteam.com) * P0 Z0 X! D4 f+ I9 ~2 i5 W$ b a4 w# Z) O
& W3 j5 o8 e$ V$ T' d 7 B) F6 D0 i; n& b* P4 [% O " x3 B3 L7 z. o/ |; Q* \* o' aTwo Hills黄金地段中餐转让!餐厅位于 Two Hills主街上,客流如织,生意稳定!前面设有40张餐椅,后面三间包房,提供雅致就餐环境!1960平尺营业空间。投资13.9万,自己做老板!绝佳投资良机,千万别错过!5 _) \8 x. _3 s
( U% x+ p# W1 I7 `Great location in the Main Street of Two Hills. A Chinese restaurant with 40 Seats in the front and 3 rooms at the back. 1960 sqft. Opportunity to having your small business with property. Great opportunity! $ X6 p5 k: ~, r7 Y( i% j; H! A& i9 y: J* b9 H% B 7 b5 c1 s8 F [2 a* R. c