埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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[屯民常识] 有擅长写简历的嘛?

鲜花(97) 鸡蛋(4)
发表于 2018-10-22 23:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
虽然本人嘴比较损得罪一堆人.9 L7 b! h, p0 {! @3 l5 M" K* i

' s/ E$ V! ?; w' H1 t: C大概还有几个虽然很烦我但是价值观并不十分冲突的同类动物吧,
% t& e9 M: a5 B, b. ~6 K& l+ g" o
" ?- c  a9 J- F* e7 z/ m写了一个简单的简历和cover." W% x: ~3 h- a+ r) d
& m& @+ ~5 R8 z: [2 {2 I- ^3 |
从学徒能进入一个行业就行, / f. y0 p5 o0 E( o

" H; q( x$ `! h5 H随便干点啥,从学徒general labor 开始干
3 t# N0 }/ P, q3 c9 j1 p
" }7 w) Q; ]; c$ U2 l& {' y$ o9 i给工钱也行不给工钱也行." W$ F9 F2 F1 D3 K" M% E
$ b4 r* @7 |+ \' n0 [5 ]9 `  v
! g" @$ Z8 G0 n8 p) O
  |; v% f! _# l# l$ R8 B花半年时间看看过去的工作是否有价值. 是否有实用价值,: K* _$ C( Q5 C9 Y3 }

, v: o8 d( Q4 `/ I3 f1 v/ E# X我认真的.$ ~1 D7 C5 Y' V
/ S& H$ {1 a$ W$ s$ H
6 ~( v/ @$ G3 b3 O
: K2 {: m- ?5 w1 @就看看这又没有闲人和贤人.
鲜花(97) 鸡蛋(4)
 楼主| 发表于 2018-10-22 23:24 | 显示全部楼层
Wang yu. f4 P% v- m7 N6 `# X9 r) W
( q6 s  v1 f, z- Y3 L' J: s6 r
thermodynamictransistor@gmail.com2 n2 m0 Z. r0 z, H/ Q2 Z8 R2 _: r
: I4 O* R1 Y3 n# M$ H4 p
Oct 23 20186 d9 x' p' t$ e# J/ J( T1 m" @! e. R% y
. G# @: B/ ?. B. E7 J. z7 R0 d0 h6 V
HVAC2 L: z4 l* i3 Y/ ~4 r
3 P; N1 G( e3 b' l
RE: [Job Title], [Ref#], [Date]) V+ B, E. z2 H$ X

1 h+ i" \( W  D" s% XDear [Ms. or Mr. Last Name],, j# r! }9 g+ C2 [$ X8 J

2 G8 ?; t  i  \, g0 N, y
- ?0 A0 I+ D: f: y; `I have been a follower of HVAC for many years and it would be a privilege to contribute to its growth and future successes but from the strating point of  Technician Apprentice role. I graduated from Physics Department Tsinghua University Beijing with a Bachelor of Science in Physics. And later study in that uinversity for another 10 years, as a Ph.D candidate. I believe my academic strengths and passion for creative solutions will be a positive addition to your team.
( o+ m6 V+ J( e8 |1 C) j9 X5 o% a% X. D7 b- `, s
I enjoy innovation and love to experiment with different ideas. I am known for inspiring and devising original, thought-provoking concepts. I have cultivated diagnostics and troubleshooting, Now i have applied for a patent named Thermo-Dynamic-Transistor, No. 3003035. in Canada, and next year in the states. I am hoping this might change the direction of HVAC in the future 5-10 years.  These talents, along with my passion in this field, align with the qualities you desire in a new Technician Apprentice. I excel in a workplace that promotes a culture of fun, consensus-driven, and high-energy teamwork.* P! \% P0 o6 C! i, \  M' G1 n" ~

  g+ E! u2 }9 \4 g6 ]! b. NI have strong work ethic, but also like to foster an element of fun. I also offer experience in critical thinking, innovation. I strongly believe that my creative talents will prove to be a valuable resource for your organization. I look forward to an interview with you and the opportunity to create and grow as your new Technician Apprentice. I need an hour to show who I am what I did and what I can do. That is absolutely not a waste of time.
, }% ^, J4 Z- a/ P: u- p" ^. ]
  \% y$ X- f% Y( M) n9 nSincerely
) E2 a" I4 f8 i+ D
: B; g7 S- j- l9 jWang Yu
鲜花(97) 鸡蛋(4)
 楼主| 发表于 2018-10-22 23:24 | 显示全部楼层
Wang Yu 8 L6 I3 J, g6 \  Q
1190 wellington cres winnipeg, MA Canada R3N 0A4
) q4 X+ R  \8 P, G(204) 998-3812 • thermodynamictransistor@gmail.com + ]( t& x' `0 u: j, d

4 y& l" H( O6 T# H7 h6 |
3 f  w+ L( R# k1 V" [
" C" @. ^' v' W4 k6 |- s2 QEDUCATION
. _3 v7 [/ f* iTsinghua University Beijing China, Bachelor of Science, 85-90
5 d9 S8 ]$ O& |6 I1 QTsinghua University Beijing China, Ph.D  Candidate 03-12
+ W/ r% |: ]7 e4 \4 ?
& n4 D! F# q! u3 ~: m* Q" ^" e; f) Z

6 B# {/ C; ~# h" `STRONG POINT
. I3 _1 b# Z3 w$ G& ]! a, ?" wThermo-Dynamic-transistor Patent Applied in CIPO 3003035
* N1 O8 O5 m7 R. @7 d' i
) N/ \/ Q$ B3 p( V% F  C$ oThis fundamental break through will greatly influence the HVAC industry, auto industry and also help to save billion of dollars of electricity in refrigerative technology and major home cooling appliances. ) q1 E' R! @2 _4 H

5 V7 e/ m- X9 t4 |: w9 [WEEKNESS
7 S. ^# @9 e3 h8 a) ]My education and training was done in China, that is not directly corresponded or equivalence to education and training and licence Coding.& s* V- c' d5 i8 G$ p

: t0 H7 P1 Q! U1 e+ M: t1 Z5 ~" P5 F
2 w. c" T5 M) g( G3 PQUALIFICATIONS •
" P! F$ r5 T6 _/ n( Z
% a* O2 R8 ?0 r0 wQualification is a question for the moment, but it is an obstacle, i will take and kind of job and  any position, and follow the code of this trade 2 P1 [8 h$ F9 [& T& A$ Y2 X& h
I can start from a apprentice trainee  and what ever  and enter this field according to the law.( }0 D$ n$ y6 I  z) @& Y) ^' A3 U" b) D
3 k! J! m3 u3 l% ?# ]( T* d$ H7 x# S
7 O) ^, G; X, h0 e$ O0 u' e/ I+ S1 r  o
Not only get a job and make bread, but also grow with company.4 k8 \4 V( }9 |) N2 j+ c6 ^1 N% F# ~
I hope i could introduce my heat transmission and distribution technology and temperature control physics to HVAC industry, and help the development of industry. ) N6 S1 w. p4 \4 N7 c$ w6 x& \

9 j# f7 L7 ~, U. v: [+ \+ I# z2 u5 k) q8 g8 _
6 N( M9 r  T1 p% t0 V; m6 |
Vacuum and thin film coating physics.4 u! F; T: x  T& _
3 {- t: m/ @# D& j5 v4 R
Thin film semi-conductor material coating technology and plant design., B5 S' U: G3 H# A) {: v

( L  q) o( ]  x) x' e6 I. kHolding world only one break through as tech know how on transparent conducting oxide film focus on solar energy." }3 Q" K, d' H

0 J, T% H  J8 m) w( ?* `Applied patent at cipo for thermo dynamic transistor, file number 3003035
; Z) p6 {5 x& Q! K  l/ B; H% F0 f2 x& n/ ?: a5 s

* [: N; U5 o7 I% y6 G' c8 ]Experience in micro control unit programming, electronic controlling design of mechanics.+ `- l" _# n# h5 Q' {  A
" U* l: a" Y- O: V" A$ J: q

) ?. O5 O' A* }6 U, c0 b9 x- ^
! }; X& `+ k/ W. t3 L3 o) g6 }0 r& G; e1 N: D
! H$ h3 q1 D8 X7 @0 x- |6 ^8 O' Y, o' G8 y7 E$ E/ O  U6 u9 \
Newer immigrant, language fairly good for communication of working environment.$ C) o) y& T* |3 [* }7 L$ V# B. @
' z/ U7 X! X- n5 x" W% E
Travel is good for me.
; l% W: V/ {5 q! y! H
鲜花(97) 鸡蛋(4)
 楼主| 发表于 2018-10-23 01:34 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
. e1 u) |8 [+ [4 v
1 m, N; Q: R9 F3 h5 b/ {这个供暖不是固定送风量,也不需要反馈控制。
! o7 s. H0 M5 z* N  x5 N. n  O
# d& E* u: p% o. t( R8 C6 k$ X1 J- z就能达到一度以内的温度均衡。1 l6 c6 n: B- {  r* Q
* I, Y) a2 A/ [8 T0 Z3 v! r
它是完全的按温度自动平衡的on demand 供暖。
/ T) @3 C* M  X: x- r6 N- Z( p; [' E7 J4 h
没有调节阀,开关调制千万次,绝不损坏的物理性质决定的控制系统。8 M0 r9 f  c) S& `" o

* \- c# i/ I# R阀门七千次,几千万次肯定破了。% g0 ]: r" V5 W- Y* Z0 R$ |5 g
0 W/ ]1 L# [8 S# {; U* s7 x( r# Y
鲜花(726) 鸡蛋(2)
发表于 2018-10-23 10:35 | 显示全部楼层
ballard 发表于 2018-10-22 23:24; x# }. V, ?0 w1 Q
Wang Yu ; e: @* Q6 @2 k2 I6 n  v2 V/ h
1190 wellington cres winnipeg, MA Canada R3N 0A4
: d( [" o5 L2 \(204) 998-3812 •  
3 G2 n% a; A* J1 y: E' ]
% j* J, n$ X! a+ ^2 f( b
# @  I" C& ?3 c- _9 ?1. 有工作经历的请把工作经历放在EDUCATION前面, 时间逆序记录你的PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE0 }. n( B$ w, i1 T% @( |
    company,starting and ending time, position,responsibilities (bullets points) : U2 a/ F% o8 h. M3 a

  {: r6 M! A# b8 X% q  O2. EDUCATION里面 Ph.D 毕业了么? 学历要按时间逆序排列
1 q' L- |$ t8 l  H7 ], r  D% \9 E0 `3 R& A
3. WEEKNESS去掉0 z8 k" X, K  _7 Z3 I
" Q+ K" z' z) @' p
$ i: z* n. V) X4 lThermo-Dynamic-transistor Patent Applied in CIPO 3003035' d: A5 h2 Z3 ^! R; x

) e8 x( y+ u: J6 o5 E5. QUALIFICATIONS
# ?2 Q0 C& D; s   可以用bullets point写如下内容,比如, f0 \3 R3 `( L' F' w8 F+ r
   “xx年xx领域经验”6 @! s; @! ~' c
% ~9 r5 f- y# U. b6 j+ `   “熟练掌握xx,xx,xxmachine learning 方法”
6 F- R! K+ i9 I6 |' O- b" Q   “成功完成xx项目,创造$价值”
/ Z& [1 I/ ~% ]. w2 Y$ h( L    “excellent communication skills”0 ^. m+ ]+ K7 u7 i
' d9 Z4 S# U  ?. M
6. 去掉OBJECTIVE9 ]# X7 Z, `) g
0 X7 [! \- a& U% ?$ w! K% z0 yVacuum and thin film coating physics. 是你的领域么?因为你只投自己对口的领域,这个可以删掉
* @% k+ Z2 k* I' d4 d& j7 H- F5 XHolding world only one break through as tech know how on transparent conducting oxide film focus on solar energy. 这个看不太懂+ O1 J7 ]. ]' g: F( I; z" x
Applied patent at cipo for thermo dynamic transistor, file number 30030353,上面说过了,不要重复,删掉。  Q# s" m; Q2 S9 J9 S: K6 M
Experience in micro control unit programming, electronic controlling design of mechanics.太不具体了/ _' G  o$ c' u: @. a) s5 B
3 _' v* C9 t, x+ Q
/ q- a. ^0 l) t# d$ U  O1. 推荐一本书给你看: z# |% i0 x0 _0 M' x
Knock'em Dead (从简历制作到面试到谈薪水都有)
. m6 E: p+ c, P7 chttps://www.chapters.indigo.ca/e ... EAQYASABEgLFO_D_BwE  ~; K3 }$ B' N$ F

4 `# l7 a' p5 v" J6 o' j3 \; N% S3 e9 T2. 请参考一些网上的简历制作$ o5 Y- }# W4 c5 {" V$ c
% C. M9 S/ D' E2 t" xhttps://zety.com/blog/data-scientist-resume-example
; `* k5 D4 h& [0 s, c% s
. L! N+ C7 K. u+ T  c3. 网上有免费的简历template
8 L9 b, h- R1 ~  Bhttps://www.resume.com/builder, Y$ N, ], D; H2 v7 z

8 u2 E; _( L0 e7 y4. 如果上面都不奏效的话,请联系华人社区服务中心帮你制作一份简历
+ q/ I2 z5 g( y( `3 s* Y2 m+ A4 r/ f8 c
7 x" R7 }( `+ c" x- o
1 s# u% Q, @# z9 g4 o9 t, _( T; s6 x; T% ]

9 f& ^& }  f, z3 o- K' m+ N1 v
6 n' u9 B0 _8 D8 E. W6 s" H: ^) ?0 J% F/ I

+ T. F6 ?8 \: x5 u: {' N
0 }  ~( D# j( w. |* B# C! w+ m
鲜花(97) 鸡蛋(4)
 楼主| 发表于 2018-10-23 10:40 | 显示全部楼层
wantU 发表于 2018-10-23 10:35
+ L$ u% O" U  |4 h4 r不是专家,抛砖引玉一下: X. L* f! q: \3 y4 E
+ c+ Q( {- x/ h
1. 有工作经历的请把工作经历放在EDUCATION前面, 时间逆序记录你的PROFESSION ...

( r8 d0 Z, S3 j. a6 a谢谢 就照你的改, 我回到edmonton 你不用着急你家家电坏了,+ |" Y. ^. h0 ?& o) X

! R% H2 v* L3 w呵呵。
鲜花(97) 鸡蛋(4)
 楼主| 发表于 2018-10-23 10:48 | 显示全部楼层
wantU 发表于 2018-10-23 10:35
& J9 [; K  e% I: ^( j8 |不是专家,抛砖引玉一下+ W5 p4 t1 Y1 k! k- P) ?0 A
7 F, d7 ?$ J; Y/ |* W, N
1. 有工作经历的请把工作经历放在EDUCATION前面, 时间逆序记录你的PROFESSION ...

+ s1 x/ _; z( m/ C* {2 q挺不好意思地博士没毕业,也没拿到硕士学位。
* Q' Y. r8 u- M9 u. O* Y退学了,学校给面子算肄业。; A  U6 X; |1 B
其实拖了十年多我都不好意思延期了。* T: K  D/ I3 E7 I: G- [" U" c
为了严肃学校法纪,% n% \  f6 n2 [6 @5 l
; k' [9 w+ Z9 a0 G( I+ f" a
5 s$ W3 c! b' S- {& U8 j; @0 W0 f+ z' e留级五年,所以基础很扎实。6 C# [2 Z8 k2 h8 k: M

- u% Z& M6 u" ]! x在学校耍无赖不毕业,拖在那里到十年头上,实在不好意思了。
) G- A# `" a( o- [& _; H* f* p/ b  T- w
鲜花(97) 鸡蛋(4)
 楼主| 发表于 2018-10-23 10:54 | 显示全部楼层
wantU 发表于 2018-10-23 10:352 Z% p8 [" a7 {/ X6 I$ Y# ]$ e
不是专家,抛砖引玉一下! O2 N3 l3 N6 a1 Q* u
/ Z/ o. _0 @* ^/ [
1. 有工作经历的请把工作经历放在EDUCATION前面, 时间逆序记录你的PROFESSION ...
) P& @! n+ p* \7 a+ d- o6 Q  @0 ?
COMMUNICATION skill fucken bad!
$ }* z& h/ T9 E8 ]
- n! M2 {- c$ @. i哈哈哈我就不提这个了。
# J" K# ]2 i5 o' p" e/ g& Q! m
/ k) r# K  i6 @) I+ n) Z' E2 C不好意思撒谎哈哈哈,你也知道。
鲜花(28) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2018-10-23 10:57 | 显示全部楼层
wantU 发表于 2018-10-23 10:35% @3 L6 z0 V6 @* @& H8 f
不是专家,抛砖引玉一下( W. Z' B0 P5 G( ]# A
- @% `9 ]) r. v$ E
1. 有工作经历的请把工作经历放在EDUCATION前面, 时间逆序记录你的PROFESSION ...
$ A9 H  y! e! o! A7 [) N
2 [2 }$ Q$ X) q6 @# ^. M# H; c$ D2 Z' l4 Z. U  V5 ?& R
最后一句话太客气了。1 s, ]6 m1 Z% ^& v/ W- @% b
我不客气地挑点毛病,“请......见谅”是个错误用法,尽管很多人这么用。正确用法是“请......谅解”,或干脆把“请”删掉。+ }) G8 m) o, a/ \
0 s8 B% y! W$ q6 |/ E$ g; [5 }' ^
) G5 _* ~" `! N5 F* M: y$ @3 M
鲜花(97) 鸡蛋(4)
 楼主| 发表于 2018-10-23 11:14 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 ballard 于 2018-10-23 11:20 编辑
& U+ q- C3 c/ \& ~7 {8 C7 j
wantU 发表于 2018-10-23 10:35: X" J6 q6 G4 B, u
不是专家,抛砖引玉一下! W2 u, p6 U6 r  O

2 E; A; B8 L" P! {4 H3 s$ U1. 有工作经历的请把工作经历放在EDUCATION前面, 时间逆序记录你的PROFESSION ...

( }- w7 }4 E0 g# k7 }$ R5 f7 g6 N
用一个子弹头吧# G3 m+ f" |( @8 T6 Q- d" r* z9 y
% ?3 F& U4 I  o) K+ m
接受意见& c' H8 K$ \7 g# F7 y' l: N) N

* Z% H& M5 C+ J4 O% d4 j3 J就开始吹牛。
9 e, {5 Y( W* n* p
5 F' u: L% n% V! Q9 U! e0 h6 q, R

* D( N: r/ p! }Ten years of work experience on Vacuum industry,  very good experience on high vacuum and ultrahigh vacuum industry.( A) ~  W$ e6 G) _% |1 d
Still holding a technical know how, of  deposition of transparent conducting oxide from metal target by magnetron sputtering with chemical reaction controled in hysteris point. Which is a world most challenging topic in thin film solar industry.
- x! H; P, f. k- _' r
- |# ~7 q; H+ T# MHave the whole design of coating plant and reaction sputtering technology as a know how which is a simple but never open to the vacuum and thin file solar energy industry.
, x4 G% ^) i% O- @2 R
7 R& @3 }# t* TPresented in SENC exhibition Shanghai international renewable energy forum. 1 @$ y6 O/ m( V, E" D

$ x: M. b9 Y' Z6 b0 d; [9 hThat is also a base of my new patent of thermo-dynamic-transistor, a deep understand of molecular and liquid behaivor in vacuum circumstances.  ^3 @( C$ [* X8 `# I

1 g5 u' m# d% A  \6 o2 l; i. {% F这样的算不算让子弹头飞一会?
鲜花(97) 鸡蛋(4)
 楼主| 发表于 2018-10-23 11:15 | 显示全部楼层
Pumbaa 发表于 2018-10-23 10:578 L5 m( f1 b2 H$ ?5 @' t1 ^8 r
这么热心专业,好人一个!7 A. \( p' u8 E% w: A. W" ]
0 @+ o" ]9 t& G* x
; u" \1 g0 z5 w1 F6 O% S$ ?  ^
是好人热心人 你也是, ~) C! C* w8 w% i$ Y
鲜花(726) 鸡蛋(2)
发表于 2018-10-23 12:09 | 显示全部楼层
Pumbaa 发表于 2018-10-23 10:577 {5 f& a) D9 e9 u& N: C; q$ n, n# K
这么热心专业,好人一个!3 O+ h, I5 W. W2 D7 x" ?. A
0 K# t0 y) A2 [5 O* L) l

. E& c) Z7 U$ O' _. G$ y0 H谢谢纠正~~
鲜花(97) 鸡蛋(4)
 楼主| 发表于 2018-10-23 12:21 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
wantU 发表于 2018-10-23 12:09! G- _( z  J) K2 P; Q% i% a
2 ?$ a2 x# ?: a' C( B, e
0 w- A* n3 ?4 N3 ~2 e3 g  T7 w+ ^8 V# R2 U/ `% s. Y, l( ~
原来就是想让我进门干电活计,然后我就知道能不能实现。7 H+ h/ [9 z- l! [9 Z

1 ^2 ], u0 d0 H3 J8 E# k7 }: r7 p现在吹了牛鼻以后,3 h* T4 f; H& X1 e2 w9 a. s) o) j
, Q% s, C( I# L, _" _1 h
感觉要赶人家阿cto回家。! o4 J5 z# s$ G; M0 z

- W2 W0 q1 p. n我还是在最后求一个general labor general helper 的职位吧,
5 e/ `( z6 k/ t0 O$ m" I" |' w2 P. o/ |. T
有这样的职位我敢干混混,他们学会了挣大钱,我看热闹就行。+ t, E# ?6 s* c

1 u7 w# G5 w" V$ \: T/ p我不是卡书记,别找我麻烦呵呵呵。。。
鲜花(152) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2018-10-23 13:49 | 显示全部楼层
ballard 发表于 2018-10-23 10:48# F6 d; P* z0 C6 T
挺不好意思地博士没毕业,也没拿到硕士学位。# H, N  c0 w3 y7 H$ w+ F
退学了,学校给面子算肄业。  E; f- b* v1 I  j9 j( m
其实拖了十年多我都不好意思 ...
# _- C) C$ w, q2 j3 @- {$ t2 M2 I
是体制的原因呢?还是你和领导没有搞好关系,所有没有毕业?4 R8 H/ L# [* H' }' Y+ A  T% o
- G; Z. S/ F" S: ?
鲜花(152) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2018-10-23 13:52 | 显示全部楼层
hysteris point. Which is
( s/ D8 I3 `0 Y
# i2 o- e* D& g0 j这个地方应该用逗号,然后小写 w
鲜花(152) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2018-10-23 13:58 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(97) 鸡蛋(4)
 楼主| 发表于 2018-10-23 14:36 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
本帖最后由 ballard 于 2018-10-23 14:47 编辑
3 G. s+ T; V$ H3 @. ?
billzhao 发表于 2018-10-23 13:49
! }0 V) X( ?' L! z1 Q! i/ u6 k4 g是体制的原因呢?还是你和领导没有搞好关系,所有没有毕业?, h, e/ u) Y. x5 W

# _/ N2 q: N# n! H* U2 {5 A% u我感觉很大程度上是由于体制的原因。
7 [3 h9 N6 N" `. v4 Z: S8 d
3 Q& c( L' G" X; b
没有体制原因,我也没用他们的钱,还干了不少实验室义务劳动.; F- D$ o+ q% I' n1 d

$ J" X" r( z4 V我自己一个学生还管一台电镜,* w  x  v" o; m+ A# C" }6 Z5 V& ?% r

8 Y& Y: ~8 _! m4 d5 _$ e5 R6 T想去交换学习就拍屁股就走.
9 y. C0 A3 _" R7 {3 e
' \" x. X( m  {老师一切开绿灯. 我觉得有用就干干,老师也忙...../ u+ m+ g( r3 t- _, i; F7 L% `
/ o" q) V) g! Q
说实话给我很宽松的环境我从选题到实验方法都自己干.' }" Y; t7 u) n. T& k" v. T

# V3 s) l, [$ H1 A1 Z8 R4 l老师就是给找仪器,随便用.....
6 T: K% n5 _) M1 ?
6 k, M0 i) T5 a6 g& @对我很好,技术诀窍保密也写不了论文,也不是理学课题....这些都不是事儿啊.
: \( t+ {; u4 L3 r
- p5 _8 W0 X5 b' S就是实在不好意思拖下去,也就拿啥了,也没啥遗憾.
7 u! b0 m2 D; S6 N  ~% n
5 m* p# O/ U3 b, g; ^+ x: _上学很晚了,也没打算用学位找工作....综合因素,
5 K; \7 B. U7 V& U, M6 r
* d2 D; r; [% ]! _; e  t$ J5 O( q谁的问题也不是,我自己就这么选择的.
$ u5 x* ^; Z; M& }. \
1 ^. d2 b9 I2 x5 |. ^7 K. B! L体制没有虐待我, 咱得讲实话. 所以我说我还欠他们的,他们从来不欠我的.
. S/ e2 g1 _: D: E+ Z9 \6 d, J3 ~
9 }8 u- y7 i9 [你看我经常怪话连篇,逮住谁就骂的也不少了.2 W1 t9 G( q! T; N" t, f# T. `4 g& U

9 a9 j, J# r1 @& [& ^' h8 L但是在中国没有人欠我的. 在这里也没谁欠我的.0 y$ x' y. n; Y

3 ?7 k$ I8 n/ |( B* ]# A我说的都是实话, 他麻痹的谁用我的信息开卡发工资,3 M+ s5 q0 V  h( V

  c2 Z7 \8 A& v& B  B8 F9 L发了一通,几万 只是存入没有取出, 然后法律上就归我了.4 {0 F, _, z$ ]9 O, X4 L, p
4 r0 u- L6 E8 P
我想总不能说人家欠我的, 只能说谁知道他麻痹谁的.
& s. i  |6 f* \2 {0 m0 V- }: {
鲜花(97) 鸡蛋(4)
 楼主| 发表于 2018-10-23 14:42 | 显示全部楼层
6 ]9 X2 \, o& v4 D& D% D8 R, s) Y, j9 e, C2 g: ]; K
不知道有没有重复错误的地方,一会再看看,换换脑筋,9 V5 b2 \+ x% F( e5 ]" t
& v# X: A4 w6 ]0 ]
不然都看蒙了 回家打出来一行一行的比对.9 z6 X, S% @8 j0 `; H9 }

& Y( s+ v. A5 @' K% I7 f8 X2 @* |1 H2 ]2 G* L# g
Wang Yu ; D! h: o4 i8 {2 E
1190 Wellington Cres. Winnipeg, MA Canada R3N 0A4 ! l  ?# p% s7 X% N5 [4 q# x/ C
204-998-3812 • 0 ]! Y1 C8 P* J* I' v* j
thermodynamictransistor@gmail.com5 l  d( |. f" [1 H$ i! L
9 v9 W% I- h. c5 Y. }

9 |2 c5 f# {) W+ j: K$ l* W1 ~7 w; l2 E2 _' o
2009 to 2012  Beijing Vanadis Advanced Material Research Institute & Co. % p/ u" ?2 @$ u
This was a venture capital company focus on thin film solar energy material.
5 b. D6 U. e5 g& f1 \, jI took the position owner Technology and property and CTO.
: r% N3 G& J2 |: B* A% pChief designer of production plant of sputtering system with huge vacuum chamber and vacuum system, in the field of Vacuum and thin film coating physics and also chemistry.+ H& e8 y& q; h5 L0 ]% q
( J% l4 \% K: d! v$ i6 [$ P
I achieved this thin film semi-conductor material coating technology and plant design as my result of study for Ph.D in Tsinghua University.4 O( f$ O% V4 F* T! A
& H* A" a; Z, P8 R# x
Till now, i still hold the tech know-how, world only one break through on transparent conducting oxide film of the best quality and lowest cost of production focus on solar energy. The most tricky point is deposition of transparent conducting oxide from metal target by magnetron sputtering with chemical reaction controlled at hysteris point, which is a world most challenging topic in thin film solar industry.  @! G$ y" r0 M; s
5 R* B$ C0 B/ g
Presented in SENC exhibition Shanghai international renewable energy forum twice as is the highest level of exhibition at least in China.
4 S3 j8 ^+ F" ^. T' B) `
* Y" N: q/ B2 j1 gAccumulated practical experience of atmosphere sensing and temperature control, experience on high power discharge of high tension(voltage) high power density, plasma physics.8 t7 M  R- L' C) X9 U
% q6 E0 z  Y0 s, k* D( x
MCU programming experience.
8 o& Y6 ?9 X( t5 ]During design of coating plant i accumulated enough knowledge and experience on environment control by plc based on Delta.
- E0 J- u( M$ X# j7 _Delta is a competitive supplier of industrial programmable logic controller.
; R4 I' O0 H: a' x4 ]
" c( m  u* s  I& m: H+ l- N, s! {1 ^7 n; A  h
1990 -2000 Beijing Instrument.- ?( [; R4 L: _3 T* ?! G% e
I worked as engineer focus on industrial vacuum system and application.
. K) |6 ]8 c3 v# UDuring this period,i accumulated quite lots of knowledge on vacuum system and application.
6 c6 M, n0 x( V* u' A( p7 hTen years of work experience on Vacuum industry,  very good experience on high vacuum and ultrahigh vacuum industrial application." {+ P6 {% H' ^+ l
2 W4 W2 r. C% V5 a$ m  m$ N
" J' d! s! S2 D0 V; K6 }) W) y

1 V8 ?" U& m3 f& z! e2 B/ Q0 x5 q3 s2 T6 R/ E
        1993-1997 Beijing Totem Ink Jet Technology.
% w1 r# E! l7 N7 |$ o* C  I/ ^& O9 S# V# ?
Experience in micro control unit programming, electronic controlling design of mechanics.
% b5 ^1 U$ Y' |+ k# n, {6 T
8 T( Z  [: t/ _8 e: _Pizeo actuated continues ink jet head and physical level control and printing system at low frequency, which is very robust in dusty environment which is especially good for stream line printing.2 C( Z2 g+ m: g7 o# A5 T

# i/ L4 X5 n( y; g& XInk drops and be jet out at size of 0.2mm in diameter and charged synchronized and then video scan trajectory and hit at pixel point desired position.; X7 Z% e# F1 @

3 M# Y( c/ g) X" eLiquid surface tension and charging property is totally mediated physically and chemically. . n, z) z  D* {* ~" J  X

5 l8 W  \. [' w1 Q9 K! K! f9 p  [' y, B! r1 H

4 Q5 {  ]$ M; w4 t
$ X: m# Y3 c9 h* Z' HEDUCATION # a& U( H8 `- F

( B3 j! m4 |7 F' L: B. ?Tsinghua University Beijing China, Ph.D  Candidate 2003-2012,quit,no degree.
1 Q0 t" Y1 i" u& FTsinghua University Beijing China, Bachelor on Science, 1985-1990
: o+ ]+ B% b$ D' [3 G% F
! C' P5 Z. V0 O! ]* I1 J% u0 L6 x$ v" m
, I  A: I) l4 P) _8 ~/ _3 J9 t& SPATENT APPLIED
3 b) T2 i. p* G; A1 X. e# X6 L& h% X8 s" P- L5 Q7 X
Thermo-Dynamic-transistor Patent Applied in CIPO 3003035 ) G7 `. E2 D6 A5 t9 m* p1 J4 R
% a1 k8 P+ V5 u% u
This fundamental break through will greatly influence the HVAC industry, auto industry and also help to save billion of dollars of electricity in refrigerative technology and major home cooling appliances. 6 K. E0 d' |. d! k: F  X4 d) V7 G

  @* l  t% W5 F1 x& V7 v9 [7 ~
. c6 u& N" [/ p+ H# b! [' f! r* E/ E
+ X& }* G" @* ~9 z+ Q' V1 ^
% o/ _, l. s& }  H. ~* WMore than 10 years of  experience on industrial vacuum system./ d. O% v( j* O# c1 J# ]$ h& o( @
Quite familiar with liquid surface property modification of physical and chemical property of material in solid and liquid state, so called condensed material and surface property.9 I) {. f& ?0 I) C' ~0 Z
4 S  j! v) d5 d& ?: i2 q0 G
3 ?! `1 J# ^1 h% E3 n3 @0 j
Familiar on property and behavior of molecules and ions in vacuum environment and in plasma environment.
; G5 V2 \* g4 m3 F6 K) m( l# s+ N" `+ U& C6 q' ]. l' B: L/ J6 r2 ?7 Q
A deep understand property and behavior of molecular and liquid-vapor at phase change point in vacuum circumstances which is the base of my new patent of thermo-dynamic-transistor.; W5 @3 [3 ]3 S: h  A7 v9 I

- a& C( q6 {: o) t' v
' q" R% N6 ]( DMore than 10 years of study on physics.
0 g& w% O; z6 c$ i7 |3 hLess than 10 years of experience on control programming.
% r% H, b& K' c/ wLess than 10 years of multi-parameter sensing control
5 q- l& R1 m) J( ^+ J% m+ O
2 ]! d4 |. c' L% P8 pLANGUAGES & TRAVEL
+ V, ^/ A3 ~3 m/ k# W
1 o( j' l. ~6 x+ O6 FNewer immigrant landing in sept 9, 2014 language fairly good for communication of working environment.1 Z: }. b+ K  d/ W" V
  j. z& M7 d/ E/ d
Travel is good for me.' Y0 w- F* [0 u

) t/ k  k4 H9 ]# F1 Z0 n4 I1 B0 j8 zPosition seeking
- W- A- J! y1 Q% N3 X# P! N2 V( W$ h! Q* r2 J( t
Any kind of technology research and development work or assistant position.
鲜花(97) 鸡蛋(4)
 楼主| 发表于 2018-10-23 19:02 | 显示全部楼层
% H3 R# @0 w. p: V- w! s- I$ D5 M. K8 L, ]* V
9 C) r3 b- i9 E+ W+ k% g
4 V* s9 s! }, b+ N/ f0 q蒙到大公司,就让他们做原型。
8 _. _( t3 o1 e& D8 \5 t! p  u6 w$ s& e( u( X- A) R
9 a3 n4 w5 P: A# Y1 d" L' c5 Y+ u- ?1 G. f
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2018-10-23 20:52 | 显示全部楼层
phd 清华的不稀奇,本科清华的才值钱。大才子一枚。
鲜花(97) 鸡蛋(4)
 楼主| 发表于 2018-10-23 20:55 | 显示全部楼层
adgjl 发表于 2018-10-23 20:52! ~5 u1 x# b( S  i3 g4 I0 w
phd 清华的不稀奇,本科清华的才值钱。大才子一枚。

0 H5 Q2 I8 N0 k. V- cPhD 对于我就瞎胡闹了。; q+ b5 V- t- P9 S8 j

7 g3 ]! o/ Q+ c0 s% }5 t' S真正PhD有含金量,我就不去骗别人, f# v8 e! X- @4 p& D. j! O
7 N# }& ~! R& h' J$ ~
0 e/ _" L4 E. V
; U/ N. m9 ~+ C8 X) r打了无数架,一次处罚没得到。1 i# T1 x  f* g  O# M( I3 M

, v* u( G1 R* F. |注定瞎胡闹的一辈子
鲜花(97) 鸡蛋(4)
 楼主| 发表于 2018-10-23 20:56 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
adgjl 发表于 2018-10-23 20:52
/ A: X7 P$ W$ i3 K' d! N$ Jphd 清华的不稀奇,本科清华的才值钱。大才子一枚。

4 E) S, \) J, z( u& a0 D7 b我转一圈看见消息以为拉皮条打招呼你。一闪一闪
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2018-10-23 21:00 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
ballard 发表于 2018-10-23 20:56
6 t) L. I/ b0 |1 B" j4 E( V, \0 D我转一圈看见消息以为拉皮条打招呼你。一闪一闪
; L4 ]. b' S* w, D; h& `0 o) x( @

. T) `0 `9 y0 g3 Y: {haha,没那爱好,让资本家剥削得二弟也起不来了。
1 Z2 Q# W4 K. I不是清华的都值钱,本科清华的含金量才高。
鲜花(97) 鸡蛋(4)
 楼主| 发表于 2018-10-23 21:22 | 显示全部楼层
adgjl 发表于 2018-10-23 21:00
/ Q4 d$ I, I6 g0 N( Bhaha,没那爱好,让资本家剥削得二弟也起不来了。
2 B  N+ M( U4 j' C' A! l* X" {不是清华的都值钱,本科清华的含金量才高。
. U- \2 ?/ B& U1 d) N. e( d

, k& j5 D2 _  ?这唉。想起一个笑话。- m, N/ E: P7 `
  |' ]! Q; A! m1 ^. u8 S, p3 x" z$ O
+ F1 c) }, J+ T; }& ^/ X
6 P0 s7 V& |7 y中午到哪儿吃
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