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本帖最后由 DianaWong 于 2022-8-12 16:48 编辑 - i* j4 Z% Y( A' k% a
4 D0 A5 C/ p1 `2 V; Q2 }6 ]
大厦地址:9020 Jasper Ave
1 U, Q' p# w* P/ w; V3 D$ H6 d售價:$318,990
4 R+ ~9 e, ?" r% NMLS# E43072804 Y0 |3 i( N6 I" N6 Y# S, u8 T/ s4 t
聯繫經紀:Diana Wong
! F8 h5 k, P- J電話:780-278-8168
/ q! L3 f( \; d8 `www.dianawong.ca- \; @8 O/ l1 w
地產經紀聯繫人: E: y' X/ x/ ~4 }- T0 g: C: ?
+ S/ Z7 n, H! y0 _7 g
+ ~8 G9 R* W1 S# `市中心优质高级高层公寓大厦!公寓楼高22层,坐落在市中心河谷附件,视野开阔,位置优越,交通便利!
; V- G. u, A1 \! T) i
7 r, L, M z$ C
0 }% R' ?. S/ m2 Q9 i这个8楼居室提供2卧2全卫,高楼层,柚木地板,还有大型阳台和大型窗户,既有城市景观也有河谷景观, 冷暖气系统兼备,全屋保养得当, 进入大厦的大门和地下停车场均有门控和视像监控,非常便利和安全。公寓管理优质,宽敞洁净的大厅和水幕墙、便利的会客室、聚会厅、健身房,监控摄像、三个洁净的独立电梯,前门更有充足访客停车位!2 F- ~5 Y) r" f( A4 b! {
5 I e: ^& \9 ^2 R" v% \6 P
步行商超,公交车/LRT车站,靠近市中心的各类娱乐和休闲中心,包括Roger Place,和Commonwealth体育馆等等,周边餐厅林立,优质大厦,各种生活设施齐备!投资自住皆宜!
6 T- M! \' u8 j( X
) s U L8 D4 X/ P万事俱备,欢迎看房!
; _9 z' h, K# T7 b- Q2 a
0 ^" R9 I( Z5 h. yWelcome to Jasper Properties! A modern Down Town gated secure luxury condo building with secure underground parking and an on site gym. With a Downtown and River View, this eye pleasing high rise building is within walking distance to schools, parks, and Edmontons Art District. The property features a beautiful fountain in the court yard, and a grand entrance lobby with a relaxing waterfall. 3 Elevators insure minimum wait times while traveling up to the unit or town to the underground parkade. This unit features 9' ceilings, an 88 square foot patio with a breath taking view. Oversize windows help you enjoy the River Valley and Down Town view. Ceramic and Hardwood floors throughout. Air conditioning to keep you cool on hot summer days and a gas fireplace for the cool winter months. Unit include Fridge, Stove/Oven, Microwave, Dishwasher, Stackable Washer/Dryer, all Light Fixtures, and All Blinds attached to the windows.6 e' B( \- S S5 @2 h: k
' D) o, e6 Z, Y. ?大厦大堂) c' K! q& i0 R, G- @
! k. D( L0 x @9 |3 J. ^' a9 C電梯和走廊( t+ j! g( g/ d$ G, ]; [
6 d6 L, a; b) J
) g1 q ?6 J6 }
" \+ v! v& v; O0 ^客廳2
/ H W c; C3 i4 e5 f3 O+ O
' Y! O% }" D- E! [廚房* l" j% y( [: w/ L# t" ]
: Y+ F; L L2 ?" M主臥房' j3 r9 |2 J( b' @6 {" O
' x A6 G8 s$ X- i% C \主房浴室2 g2 ?* X7 r+ A' ~* f
# ^* s6 v. e' t9 M& ?( [陽台
; m. Y1 j p; Z2 I$ w2 F) e- F
" P, s$ a( R9 x! H: M. [2 y' G城市景觀% b$ T1 X5 V: k) A+ T3 z2 b
3 @# p' V: D- y- \* T9 v
9 R/ h# ^& p4 @ Q( S