埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2024-7-6 12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 房屋信息发布 于 2024-7-6 13:40 编辑
0 {* |6 y8 a9 a% h% F% [' O" }" q1 C' r# |; o$ X, p
地址:2929 ANDERSON Court
! N" |$ o( l; G+ J0 c, ?& j3 W& ~% [' Z, E: V
& G  x$ E3 w8 o" T
1 O+ b  `* l5 p  x. G: \8 k4 q联系方式:老杨团队) ?( S: i. W' P: A0 M& j. n4 d( _
8 k% G& T" E2 E: H6 o* e
3 c* i$ |! l& Y, ?1 j  v: G5 ^4 ?5 n' U% `1 ?+ y; \% B4 |
# s. `% X# z% W" M. u

# Z4 j- v$ b2 R' o3 @; o3 \Ambleside钥匙圈双拼美宅!顶配装潢,直达双车库,超高性价比!( g7 f8 ~$ x5 E- X: d; t7 e9 C

. G& d. K' O/ [* t$ D主层10尺挑高天花板,楼上楼下都是9尺天花!所有楼层都安装了花岗岩台面,时尚精致!
2 V0 c! B# [, y: k& r9 g4 _
: N: q  ^9 h9 z: |3 T* K+ y" M: Y主层开放式设计,美食厨房安装了整体橱柜、全套不锈钢电器。餐厅与厨房毗连,可便利直达甲板。宽敞客厅明丽舒适,可纵览南向后院美景!
1 T. u) m8 R; p, x3 j4 j. e$ O
1 X% Q- K( y3 i& h0 y拾级而上,3间卧室+2套卫浴间+洗衣间。宽敞主卧配备了卫浴间、超大可步入式衣橱。宽敞地下室天然未动,待君挥洒!
6 i# [, `: P2 I9 ?, N5 o6 G. v
) m# d/ Y. w. z& F& D位置优越!临近购物中心、Terwillegar健身中心、 Lillian Osborne高中,驱车轻抵Terwillegar Drive、Anthony Henday、Dr. Margaret - Ann Armour K-9学校!孩子小、初、高一房到位!
1 D/ a9 Z- v( X9 W  y& @" X0 q' [; W2 R# g: A$ s2 ^% _
超高性价比,万事俱备!7 e$ P1 \8 B6 H' |; D

3 U) ]3 t( B7 h  ~8 U: t  LHigh-end, Modern & luxury! This Quality craftsmanship Duplex with double attached garage located at a quiet cul-de-sac in prestigious Ambleside. Features impressive 10 foot ceilings on main & 9 foot ceilings on the upper & lower floors, Granite counters on both levels. This home has an open concept main floor which is great for entertaining. The kitchen loads a lot of cabinets & platinum stainless steel appliances. Dining room is adjacent to the kitchen and has access to the deck. great size sunny living area overlooking the beautiful south backyard. Upper level has 3 bedrooms, 2 baths and a laundry room. Spacious master bedroom with en-suite and Large WALK IN CLOSET. Basement has a great layout and awaits your touch. Great Access to currents shopping center, Terwillegar Recreation Center, Lillian Osborne High School, Terwillegar Drive, Anthony Henday and across the street from Dr. Margaret - Ann Armour K-9 school.& x. }& _) H" m% }
7 v( @& J4 ^/ t; s) X1 J
  E- B1 n2 S' `! K  g+ s( E* i
9 t7 V; g" q$ D6 V' g
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7 a! O- I, w- x* {2 M% `  }
* [2 D7 m6 Q4 u! B4 {$ r+ m+ f1 @. B

8 b) t. N: p0 s, U" k7 K! S6 X* j7 T: p, e$ A! G5 e: F
& b7 E# \; Z# b2 B5 d* L$ @
: _4 B7 o4 A. X
& }% [( |* ~: K: F: A
* r" _9 ~2 }. Q" y4 G2 Z
& f; {3 W! I2 q: l: S" C7 T4 v

7 H# h/ A' V1 R3 t4 a8 T2 y% {
- o+ S9 ^: N& \% z4 ^- V
  l; d; o5 O: R. C. j! v# \1 u) K/ y4 r% B* d" g8 j! K( }
( H% V" G4 f. c& r5 t

' n) Y5 K2 d) _  x: W& N9 d
2 k. ]* n" |; o, _( r- z
4 F7 M# y4 y( j0 Q
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3 d0 q2 Z$ w; a" l  p4 j7 n% m( ~1 o4 [( R, Z7 i3 L+ r; q
& ?. ~4 T( L0 i3 ~7 {

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( p# N% l, A" _, V  y* ?7 W. K# l
5 }  Y! u9 I) {! G
: e' G6 `5 i* d9 ]8 c. h) J$ l
5 v2 _  F0 W+ d& |
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