2 door Hachback honda civic2 j6 O) p0 B0 F0 m
Silver color, J3 D; I, G Z+ U
# D. R1 i1 Y& `% W) h! L" ]call me 709 5885 Ben 1 n! x9 D- S& |4 @3 d
10417-79Ave3 S# x( @) M& ]: D( c) p
; S" I; r+ W6 ~This picture is downloaded from internet, it is not exact same to mine one. 2 s7 p( S8 k4 z! [$ D$ B* i5 h& B! u# c. V4 J% v( n4 G2 U& v% t
contact me if you need to see my car. thanks
Honda Civic Hatch Back with regular rims, this picture I downloaded from yahoo. if you'd like to see my in person, please contact me at my cell 709 5885 7 w" L$ ]5 P, k( H3 e! U ; J3 J" n9 U" s+ j% `, B$5500 dollars