看了很久的二手房都不怎么满意,我和老婆想找builder建一个新房。去了几家showhome都不给折让,而且发现选择建新房也蛮繁杂的。所以想请教老杨,您是只卖二手房还是也可以卖新房?找您买新房需要支付您报酬吗?您能帮着讲价吗?您都能提供那些服务,怎么收费?$ o- V9 _$ m; N! b) c$ Y4 w
we are interested in new house as well. What kind of benefit we can get if we buy a new house? I heard that we can get 2.25% refund, is it true? 6 ~8 `7 v6 g6 w+ f% A4 z5 T# J; djing2000 发表于 2009-9-1 07:41
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What's that refund? Is tax return? Or from?