鲜花( 35)  鸡蛋( 0)
本帖最后由 莫迭儿 于 2009-10-16 14:43 编辑 : S+ e4 ^& v; c- f" R0 t
光看你写的,我觉得有一个问题,感觉你法子用得不少,可是每次都是浅试则止,孩子稍有抵抗你就投降了, 你是不是在心底下认为只要你用了一个新法子孩子应该马上就会愉快的放弃奶瓶投奔新杯子了?* L( l0 R$ r# l+ `7 D: U, k; \* Y
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当时护士给我 ...& w U u+ s0 R4 c# D: Q8 x& Y
竹帘儿 发表于 2009-10-16 06:56 
# D* l. u6 C) WI agree with 竹帘儿. You gave you son too many options. You have to trust your son and yourself. Kids are smart. He rejected the cupped milk and knew you would give him bottled milk. Tell him who's the boss and who's the rule maker...haha...
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If I were you, I would buy him some good stuff (toy, snack, juice, clothes, training cups), there must be something he likes. But, he has to finish the milk in the cup first, or he doesn't get the awards.
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: S+ C3 J! F: j) n9 sIf he doesn't want anything but bottled milk at the moment, don't be frustrated and give up right away. Tell him nicely he can't have it and you can't help. The bottle is gone and will never be back. It's up to him if he doen's drink the cupped milk and he will get nothing.
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& w8 e z# K- ] i* w+ uYou have to show him your attitude, that is, you don't care if he doesn't drink the milk. -I bet sooner or later he would care more than you do because of the rule - No juice,no toys, no Mommy's hugs /kisses, without drinking cupped milk. As long as he tries a little cupped milk, give him a big hug, kiss, and toys he likes...that will definitely motivate him.
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- d+ |2 Z9 ?- M# P& Q8 A0 _+ bToday's Kids never die or sick because of hungry. When he is really hungry or really wants something, he follows you. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids, and I do care for my kids, and I do try the nice way first. |