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发表于 2012-1-22 16:09
* i' n) u: T) N" c6 N R! ]; c
- \9 P' F! R4 V# d+ ~9 wIATA Resolution 302 国际航协302号决议, 2011年4月1日起生效
/ A, z0 j7 |+ H: T) V
6 M/ Q- ?$ Z# SResolved that,. g4 R7 y& G5 Q6 x
2 l+ H% k6 o q& t& [8 N
兹决定0 i9 D+ ?2 d# \9 a; W1 J
: M/ V H7 U& o9 [
unless otherwise agreed the following baggage provisions selection process should apply for interline journeys.# ?% j; w5 e$ ~( E, l
4 O* g, S* F7 V- A# d3 d9 q如无其他协议,国际联程机票适用的行李规定如下% H& M6 u) Q( J+ m
: F& F% F& U( ]7 o$ Q1) Baggage provisions are defined as free baggage allowance rules and baggage charges.
0 g; r; i1 a5 ~6 s8 O: Y: \
' y0 W% z j3 B4 M/ C4 Y( o行李规定涵盖免费行李数量和行李费两部分, [( w( G6 y( T% }6 @; S- l
5 i$ N! S: o+ D. m) T
2) For the purposes of baggage provisions selection, the following 4 step process should apply for interline journeys:* m5 l% m2 h" D% V, l- K( i! g
- L5 T# p$ I8 K4 F
按照以下四个步骤确定联程机票的适用行李规定! s& T! s0 D7 o! v& a
a) Step 1 : If the published baggage provisions among all participating carriers are the same; these provisions will apply.! z* Q7 x% X, m0 {# G! Y* w6 }
第一步:如果所有承运人的行李规定一致,则依此执行4 q6 U) P% A$ \9 s
b) Step 2 : Where the one or more published baggage provisions differ between participating carriers, apply any common provisions and where provisions differ the published baggage provisions of the MSC (Most Significant Carrier).
3 h1 U; X+ P7 a(In case of codeshare flights this will be the Operating Carrier, unless that carrier publishes a rule stipulating that it will be the Marketing Carrier).6 n9 N* {" {3 @* G' ]. m: X
第二步:如果规定不完全一致,则首先适用一致的部分,不一致的部分适用主承运人的行李规定! L! j6 u. S3 n: p- i
7 I* Y9 W" ~1 T: Z3 }0 Cc) Step 3 : If the MSC does not publish baggage provisions for the journey concerned apply the published baggage provisions of the carrier accepting the baggage at check-in., I4 [" C8 M$ l1 U4 r5 T& U# \. L
第三步:如果主承运人无明确行李规定,则适用第一段承运人的行李规定# N6 I5 c3 U0 \
d) Step 4 : If the carrier accepting the baggage at check-in does not publish baggage provisions for the interline journey concerned apply the published baggage provisions of each operating airline sector-by-sector. w% x9 K. } ?3 n7 T5 E9 h
/ x( Z; Q& ^% j4 O, G% U3 m3 Y: q- M$ Y% m% h( e7 \7 ]
3) The MSC (Most Significant Carrier) is
; ?) p0 [8 B* S$ g+ f$ F; L) _8 `5 [0 B+ u, S" D
8 z% ]& M, }: I2 `" Oa) : For travel between two or more IATA Areas, the carrier performing carriage on the first sector that crosses from one area to another.: G+ R. j8 x8 N) d# t' t
4 S/ l: M \8 V6 q3 B" qException: IATA Area 1/2/3 only, the carrier providing carriage on the first sector that crosses between IATA Area 1 and IATA Area 2.
f z6 R; a- h) {! |如果同时跨越1,2,3区,则主承运人为联程内第一个跨1区和2区航班的承运人
) t, B, w9 D. ub) : For travel between IATA Tariff sub-areas, the carrier performing carriage on the first sector that crosses from one sub-area to another.2 |9 ~9 k0 ^; H0 \
如果联程在同一个大区内,则主承运人为联程内第一个跨越小区航班的承运人: @$ i" h' ?) ]# h" j0 i
c) : For travel within a IATA Tariff sub-area, the carrier performing carriage on the first international sector.
( R% L2 I$ S; D2 |2 @/ c; v0 B如果联程在同一个小区内,则主承运人为联程内第一个国际航班的承运人 |