埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

楼主: 郭森房贷

郭森房贷- 有问必答

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-29 18:59 | 显示全部楼层
能不能请你稍微详细的解释一下lump sum?比如第一次down到lump sum 的期限内有没有什么条款限制阿?
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-4-29 21:46 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 小鸭小青蛙 于 2009-4-29 18:59 发表
) t- W" U$ i, C7 m& L' g能不能请你稍微详细的解释一下lump sum?比如第一次down到lump sum 的期限内有没有什么条款限制阿?
& P% ^- \% ]! J' q0 \- R" A2 ~2 N* B% ^

1 F" C$ J1 w+ Z6 b3 L# y不同银行的LUMP SUM 有不同的规定。 比如说TD BANK, 您选定第一次LUMP SUM 的时间可以是搬进新家后的任何一天, 但第二次的LUMP SUM PAYMENT 时间必须是一年之后的对月对日。 比如您今年七月一日搬家, 手头还有一笔闲钱, 您可以选择十月一日放进去(不必等到年底); 下一次的LUMP SUM的机会就是明年的十月一日。
9 j; X8 \# d$ x, U0 \  KSCOTIABANK 的LUMP SUM 略有不同, 您可以将15% 的LUMP SUM 额度分作多次来打入本金, 但总的EXTRA PAYMENT 不能超过15%, 同时每次的付款金额不得少于100元。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-30 08:08 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 加拿大历险记 于 2009-4-29 15:59 发表
0 ~* j+ r* h! e% Q6 H: r' b/ G, U$ {* M+ N6 d# ~/ s3 V/ q' U
# l- A+ f4 c: D8 B/ D3 @
  p  }# u3 y9 t- P
what is the best rate if we do refinancing these days? $ l# G9 u2 w& N# M- y! r
' O& S" D2 N& h2 h- [: c9 X
5 O1 c% r/ h7 w* I6 G4 _2 o: Z0 k& q
1 ~, R9 g* @% G. l! w, K
. b5 Y  w0 ?9 i9 W
Is there any chance to drop more? Thanks
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-4-30 08:15 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
原帖由 加拿大历险记 于 2009-4-30 08:08 发表
/ E' ~" s2 C& \; g! y7 u4 g3 J
* P3 `; I5 O/ ?: l9 R
# F2 u; O  Y, s
9 s# d; U0 E7 l5 r8 _6 N( w4 bIs there any chance to drop more? Thanks
0 z( y- F) W) ^1 m% x) l# X

  z. W$ t0 M+ q5 e+ o4 \5 ^I HOPE SO! GOOD LUCK!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-30 21:07 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 郭森房贷 于 2009-4-29 22:46 发表
* H% _$ N- s' I3 e
' Y. r1 v+ v2 L2 c+ b4 W4 {% Y! _$ f% Z3 F+ n  g3 A7 [( {$ B
不同银行的LUMP SUM 有不同的规定。 比如说TD BANK, 您选定第一次LUMP SUM 的时间可以是搬进新家后的任何一天, 但第二次的LUMP SUM PAYMENT 时间必须是一年之后的对月对日。 比如您今年七月一日搬家, 手头还有 ...

6 x  H% w, Y! l) r) R9 n. S非常感谢!
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-4 10:48 | 显示全部楼层
6 ~9 w0 h* |4 V5 e/ ^7 J9 l, g  d" J8 Z3 N/ t8 ]
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-5-4 19:59 | 显示全部楼层
刚和Samson聊完电话,非常受用。两年前Samson在RBC的时候为我的房子贷款作了浮动利率, 现在很满意这个计划。
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-5 10:43 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 郭森房贷 于 2009-5-5 10:53 编辑 & |/ \4 o& t! M! ^' n& e; y
# C7 Q5 p7 i/ d
Upfront costs of buying a home4 L) B! j. t( D2 \# u' ^: `

4 t8 X; p' L) {4 w0 T6 V, {4 M6 v* G4 ~: @7 J) K* F
You've found the house of your dreams. You've signed on the first of many dotted lines. You've come to terms with the notion of a mortgage, which will loom over your head like an ominous rain cloud (figuratively speaking).0 F# F3 ?  X& E* V$ R
- ^2 v: \- x7 S3 C8 T+ Z
" T! l( I# o1 \" @
But before you take possession of your new abode, you need to consider the closing costs. Generally estimated at between 1.5 percent and 4 percent of the total price tag of the home, these are the unavoidable disbursements that are the last hurdle between you and glorious home ownership.
/ O9 p' F' p5 h* S9 @" l0 \2 d
. ^6 h) j, I( U3 IDeposit
5 W; N. H/ ~1 ^% PDue upon the acceptance of your purchase offer, a deposit is essentially a gesture of good faith between the buyer and the seller. A minimum deposit is usually $10,000.5 j/ `2 c! a) T3 J  o- n8 B
/ O  ?# @0 Z- b2 W% g. i4 `
Mortgage loan insurance
2 D- n! u$ d8 KThis is a mandatory expense for buyers who make a down payment of less than 20 percent. Administered through either the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) or GE Capital Mortgage Insurance Company, this insurance accounts for between 0.5 percent and 3.25 percent of the mortgage loan. (And don't forget to factor in provincial sales tax.)5 }/ V" }/ V. R1 c

* V# N+ S% v+ V2 I8 e: gHome inspection- }) e, G& W+ ?$ |/ c! ?- t  }
Real estate agents counsel buyers to make an offer on a home conditional on the outcome of an independent home inspection. A home inspector looks for items that could affect the price and desirability of a home, such as outdated wiring, shabby roofing, an elderly furnace or cracks in the foundation. The fee depends on the home's size, age and the amount of time it takes to do a thorough inspection. For residences that are more than 25 years old, Carson Dunlop -- one of the most widely used companies -- charges $405 for homes under 2,500 square feet, and $995 for ones that are more than 5,000 square feet.% |( \+ Q2 u. Z( t7 ]. i- |3 s2 E6 g# T
+ w- K% s' `4 U
House insurance . Y/ O# D1 c$ |  m% r# Y# p
Canadian law states that a home owner must have fire insurance on his new property effective when he takes possession. If the home inspection turned up antiquated wiring or other problematic features, a potential insurer may refuse to cover you unless you get it fixed. Rule of thumb: Factor in all costs required to pacify the insurance company.
* T! Z- P4 L7 @; Q6 ~0 jLegal fees! W3 M5 u( z; \6 A% s8 l
A lawyer is vital to any home deal. She's responsible for research, handling documents, mediating with the seller's attorney and trundling down to the Land Transfer Office to pick up your new keys.
( _* k& _) L6 u) p8 L$ p
3 J5 o! H* x; S6 gLand transfer tax: w* k+ m) B7 B6 h  J
Some provinces impose a one-time fee when you buy a home. Varying in rate from province to province, the levy is based on a percentage of what you paid for the property. In Ontario, for example, the rate is 0.5 percent on the first $55,000 of the price, 1 percent on the next $195,000, 1.5 percent on the next $150,000 and 2 percent on the balance.* O+ A. [; S8 d" v6 S) H

/ Q" n8 Y! F4 j6 STitle insurance
! D/ |! Q0 Q/ d, h/ ?* M0 w" C6 }0 MThis protects you from any unpleasant revelations about your property's history that might crop up in the future. Unless you pay for a survey, it's difficult to ascertain a comprehensive history of your property. In order to deal with potential errors or omissions in the public registry or secret heirs to the land, most new homeowners buy title insurance. For a typical residence in downtown Toronto, for example, the cost for this insurance is $270. The fee depends on two factors. The first is whether the property is urban or rural; title insurance costs more out in the country because there's a greater chance that the property may contain an undisclosed structure, such as a well or a septic tank. The second factor depends on whether it's a single residence or a multiple-family dwelling (such as an apartment); the cost is more in the latter case.
, r2 ~8 b9 B  v* F3 B( \8 X' P: L# F/ V% }+ p
Interest adjustment
& u0 J- T9 `9 D8 F7 T+ CUnless you take possession on the first of the month, you must prepay the amount of interest accrued up to the first day of the next month. That sum is due on closing day." r% t+ h9 K3 Z4 l* V! ~
' ]3 {7 a3 A9 U
Prepaid bills( D' r/ |9 j0 C2 v! E' \  B
The seller may be entitled to a reimbursement, from you, if she has prepaid bills (water, gas or hydro) or property taxes.
0 z& q4 F6 x% U$ h6 }; C
% t0 \; z/ d( {% HMoving expenses3 R2 t& A: P- I6 [
Whether you're hiring professional haulers or conscripting friends and family to lug boxes, you can expect an outlay of cash on moving day.8 c" a8 B8 S: E+ f) M
7 p2 g# ]1 g0 b# F
Service activation fees
  {/ |9 V) [' [% KOnce you move into your new dwelling, you'll inevitably have to pay activation fees for utilities such as phone, cable, gas and electricity.9 Z$ L- g; |4 f4 x. w+ p9 K* b- \

  N- v; x6 w( B9 |* Y  nForwarding your mail8 q* w) Z9 l' z/ n) e" m- c0 Y
You've made a point of apprising the important people in your life -- family, friends, employers, the bank, the utilities, your credit card company -- of your new address. But you're bound to forget someone. To ensure you don't miss any crucial mail, you should get Canada Post to forward mail sent to your old address to your new residence. You can sign up for the service online or at any post office. The cost is about $30 for six months, but peace of mind is priceless.
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-8 04:57 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 郭森房贷 于 2009-5-8 04:59 编辑
  e6 Q- B9 N- F: t! ^
" {/ n$ ~% b# a联邦政府首次购房补贴政策:
8 S0 x$ A2 x' p! `- y' P1 Z7 Mhttp://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/gncy/bdgt/2009/fqhbtc-eng.html! ]* j3 n) c4 B0 v

% z  a8 q+ p8 C: Y: ~- v! G联邦政府房屋装修补贴政策:
* P0 w" ^' {9 m8 f- F+ v( o  g% T, p, z& ]$ t
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-5-12 21:29 | 显示全部楼层
郭先生,; z0 [; s& C0 i& F  [3 b

2 Y3 M: _; S' R1 z: L. }你好!请问现在5年定期3.54%的利率有什么条件要求?
* V3 ~: |  [2 q0 R; P
2 T1 h5 X8 I- U谢谢
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-12 22:09 | 显示全部楼层
283# Canadamytulip 5 T" T' w- j; t

: R8 P4 R1 C# N  R$ n, k4 s0 f2 ?" E* n; {! p, Q- n% Q+ E
From MCAP: 5 yr fixed rate = 3.54%, ends May 15, new deals/refis. Fully qual. income. 620 beacon, 30 day rate hold. Lmtd pre-pymt.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-5-13 20:11 | 显示全部楼层
284# 郭森房贷 * v. e* H6 C7 ~, m

9 P; |6 K: R2 r- E, r: j3 G1 |! l5 \! C( H7 F5 p
Thanks a lot.  Do you mean 3.54% will be ending by June 15 or May 15?  What is 620 beacon?
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-13 22:43 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
284# 郭森房贷
- j# l1 m: U+ F# |$ B1 A
" L; ~) n4 h! @, G! B# R
( l3 T. T, W) [/ s2 @Thanks a lot.  Do you mean 3.54% will be ending by June 15 or May 15?  What is 620 beacon?
: z2 X" c* ^- h) _3 t; dCanadamytulip 发表于 2009-5-13 20:11

- ]6 `) x& B% A5 e+ }* B
0 @: I) j' q! g' Z7 F! T. Q! s& R这个优惠就是在本周五-MAY 15结束! 以后可能也有类似的优惠利率。 敬请留意!6 m9 d- l" V8 Y
620 BEACON MEANS 您的信用评分至少要达到620分。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-5-14 16:57 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-15 21:30 | 显示全部楼层
) e- z6 M. P5 k' UCanadamytulip 发表于 2009-5-14 16:57
6 w2 F6 j/ N" D% c/ G( I
; b! S& p; S, v) S' {9 m4 ]% R* t. {
个人观点: 短期内还会微弱下调, 长期看会缓慢上升。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-5-15 22:19 | 显示全部楼层
你好,她的身份是WORK PERMIT,现在想买房子,不知道能不能买?如果能买,首付能付多少,银行才给贷款??谢谢了
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-16 07:44 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
你好,她的身份是WORK PERMIT,现在想买房子,不知道能不能买?如果能买,首付能付多少,银行才给贷款??谢谢了& ]0 h: p% r9 r; n
nonoedmonton 发表于 2009-5-15 22:19

: N- _3 n* U, \5 f5 Y2 B4 Q  V  L4 D% z# D  Q4 ]
我需要更多一些关于她的信息, 才能做出准确的回答。 请直接给我电话:780-901-8828
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-5-16 22:38 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-17 07:57 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢郭先生!如果现在申请贷款,那用浮动利率好还是固定利率好呢?- e4 u* S0 W- n4 J- H! G* j1 z
Canadamytulip 发表于 2009-5-16 22:38

7 J! H: a' k5 S! Z: A  M& o7 v& H# O5 H/ Z- o
利率种类的选择, 因人而异。我们在以前的帖子里已经探讨过多次。选择浮动抑或固定利率, 都各有优势, 各有局限, 正所谓鱼与熊掌不可兼得。目前这两大类型的利率都降到了历史最低水平,选择任何一种都不会吃亏。
; R3 }7 g4 S; f3 p6 B/ c# c" Y# H% O7 f! O% t3 ]
我个人一直都倾向于选择浮动利率。但如果您选择浮动利率之后, 夜不能寝, 那您还是属于“固定”一族, 可以随时将其转换成固定利率(勿需交付任何罚金)。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-5-17 09:00 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-5-17 11:28 | 显示全部楼层
293# 小翠儿
/ L  z. t( t& R. N  ?0 k& l7 J2 w* T6 o- k4 S' U& k1 z3 ?! N
1 B. H4 a0 G2 Q- o: N0 [& Y5 E
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-17 13:57 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
293# 小翠儿 8 R9 Z- M8 @0 i1 m0 r8 a& j! e: s
/ e: J" d" g) g8 A9 e
HELOC 是HOME EQUITY LINE OF CREDIT 的简称, 就是以房产作抵押获取的贷款额度。 假定您的房子市值40万, 如果相关条件符合银行贷款条件, 您最多可将HELOC 的额度设置为32万(80% of property value), 如果您的房子还有MORTGAGE 20万, 额度会相应调整为12万。   D2 m$ j5 D7 t! }$ x7 D/ _
8 v7 I# a$ ?- `. X  P
HELOC利息的支付方式是: 按天数和每天都余额计算利息, 每月需缴纳利息; 本金可以任意支付。 假定本月您用了5万, 50000X3.25%/ 12=135.42, 这就是本月必须支付的利息金额。1 z5 W) u9 E) f5 W2 z7 L1 o
如果您将32万全部设置为开放型浮动利率贷款, 您每月的月供款里会包含本金和利息两部分。您也可以使用双倍付款, 以及每年的15% 大额付款方式来加速付清贷款本金。
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-20 10:27 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
Mortgage Term Reviews  ' _( q2 P# B9 e3 I: H, Y% K- ]- B5 B3 T
$ ^/ C9 W5 z# n: j! r1 _0 F
7 M# f, p% d6 a% E+ K
$ |+ l& B! `3 n' w! ]# p4 t! {7 B
Picking a mortgage is like buying a diamond. It's an expensive purchase; you don't want to screw it up; and getting started can be confusing. The first thing most people choose is their term.  Here's a Twitter-length review of several terms to get you thinking in the right direction., c+ ^$ j4 R0 ]& o+ t' E

: N4 I) i9 ]/ `+ L5 `Popular Fixed Terms3 k% F  M: E9 Q4 I6 h1 z. ^9 G
6 n* A$ b" ?0 I# L; n
1-year fixed:  With rates under 3%, they're a good alternative to 5-year variables-which should hopefully be at prime by the time these puppies mature next May.
. Y" X* z+ B0 T5 x2-year fixed:  If convertible, then they're another decent alternative to 5-year variables. You get an extra year of rate security for ~0.20% more than the best one years. 7 \8 Q5 L8 T* A* V
3-year fixed: A nice combination of risk and reward. Versus a 5-year, you'll save significant interest the first three years. The tradeoff is more risk in years 4 and 5.
, {$ I3 |. L/ E/ h2 S2 U3 U5 U4-year fixed: The ugly baby that no one wants. There's no value here. Go 3 or 5 instead, unless you plan to break in four years and want to avoid a penalty. 1 l$ c0 P# {( x& d: g' m
5-year fixed: Canadians love their 5-year terms. Now may be the time for the risk averse to grab one, with rates expected to jump later this year or next.
8 D3 i# z6 {! _; Z$ `Longer Fixed Terms- z( \. S0 |  H' _5 N. E

2 V- V* ^: |! D% A7-year fixed: A rate near 5% isn't as exciting as 3.79% for a 5-year, so 7-years don't sell very well. If you're that concerned about risk, take a 10-year for the same price.
" j- p6 }! G! l- ?' H10-year fixed: The decade mortgage is available under 5% for the first time in modern history. Nonetheless, you may pay thousands more in interest versus a 5-year.
1 ]+ T) r6 N; [0 P$ E- M( @
" d1 m/ Z& a' C! KVariable Terms

3 P# }0 B% r6 U" N( b+ S3 q+ {* K3 D, K$ c! o' y) T
5-year closed variable: They say prime isn't going any lower. So why gamble with prime+ variables? Get a convertible 1- or 2-year and wait for prime- to return. : A4 C1 K8 c5 I, U. x( Q
5-year capped variable:  You'll get 3.25% today and never pay over 5.25%. Sounds good, but if you're that worried, why not pay a little more for a fixed now?
9 j: W! Z/ i0 |, L7 B) z5-year open variable:  Closed variables are portable and have just 3-month interest penalties. So, unless you're going to terminate early, save 0.30% and go closed. 7 b- d; N" t/ ?% @) V3 H& d5 F

3 h' z3 ^, L5 K" j+ I) @Other Terms and Features
0 w3 B2 v( b" n' S( j' V5 t6 }9 K# w, |% S
5-year $0 Down: Despite posted rates falling to 5.25%, the cost of cash-backs is still atrocious. If you can't put down 5% then renting sounds good in comparison.   k* ?9 V4 ]5 _1 n, q
5-year no-frills:  If there's any chance you'll need over 5% pre-payment privileges you'll be sorry for choosing one. If not, you'll save some money (0.30% or more). 7 i1 o1 J5 E/ f8 i1 k; \% K
Open HELOC:   The All-in-One is our favourite. It has interest offsetting and automatic everything. We just wish the LOC was at prime again like in December.
9 c5 ~( C) t$ F& s; g- OReadvanceables: Love'em. Gotta have'em. Everyone with 20% equity should own one. They make you liquid, and you can't put a price on liquidity.* u. \8 E( C9 k7 k) K; w

) v% I/ @, {2 u% w" Z! p( x7 q4 f3 O+ ZExperts in Your Best Interest!
鲜花(5) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-5-22 19:42 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-22 21:43 | 显示全部楼层
. v; f7 H" c( X* v, y, N7 y伊人 发表于 2009-5-22 19:42
) N) ?* O8 a! D0 w, M; [

6 k3 n; q  r) b( g) ?如果您工作稳定, 首期充裕, 希望早日摆脱租房的烦恼,现在的确是买房的好时机-在加拿大过往的记录里, 房价与利率同时走低的情形, 的确很少见。
9 }; J  k3 I3 {+ J- Q
5 m4 I. A2 i. F& u! V& Z* m# R7 f& K个人观点哈, 仅供参考!
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-28 22:03 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 郭森房贷 于 2009-5-28 22:05 编辑 % H* a. ~  X: Y1 [& {; i4 F) w
; S: T+ W- {" b' P$ I4 h. G
很多朋友来电咨询如果申请五年封闭型浮动利率PRIME +0.40% 到底有什么具体的要求, 回答如下:
, Y# q6 f6 Y* k% u8 D, ~1 c: T- |5 B/ O/ S5 E
1. 利率有效期(RATE HOLD ) : 120天9 Z+ o& X" q$ M+ r( u
2. 可以随时转换至该贷款机构的固定利率, 但新的固定利率的期限一定要等于或长于余下的期限. 比如说客人一年后想转换,新的期限必须是四年或五年或更长3 K  `- z5 h  s3 v( Y
3. 该利率适用于购房, 转贷款, 投资房贷款需要额外再加0.15%。
- |2 P* S9 w9 H. u3 u0 M4. 信用评分(CREDIT BEACON SCORE)不得低于680.
& S6 \6 F1 Y/ P  U6 g5. 客户可选择两周或每周的加速还款方式
  J1 N  `7 H$ E- \( @. s4 s6. 加速还款方式只有两种: 每年可多还款的上限:最初借款本金的20%; 每十二个月后可将月共款额增加20%
; c  q4 {6 e4 v: J) }9 C7. 客户最少可付5% 的首期,最长贷款年限35年; 但如果首期高于20%, 总还款年限可延长至40年
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-6-1 22:21 | 显示全部楼层
如果我用掉了HELOC的全部额度12万,三年后如果我的房子掉到30万,银行会要我立刻还钱吗?这时候我的额度只有4万。- T. h' ]7 k2 ?

* Y" s* D9 x3 e! m- Y* d5 y0 t; s* C- u0 i
293# 小翠儿 $ S8 V% @/ x/ q

. `3 a+ O: g/ F/ r4 UHELOC 是HOME EQUITY LINE OF CREDIT 的简称, 就是以房产作抵押获取的贷款额度。 假定您的房子市值40万, 如果相关条件符合银行贷款条件, 您最多可将HELOC 的额度设置为32万(80% of property va ...
* W& N6 ^7 f" j, q郭森房贷 发表于 2009-5-17 14:57
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-1 22:35 | 显示全部楼层
如果我用掉了HELOC的全部额度12万,三年后如果我的房子掉到30万,银行会要我立刻还钱吗?这时候我的额度只有4万。  B; t0 O4 I3 Z7 G7 S# w5 ?# M2 B/ J
- w( S6 r' W$ W* Z
6 t! S' m1 b3 I4 T

& Y5 j( A- C$ C, h1 p7 Z# y3 o' slegacy001 发表于 2009-6-1 22:21
5 I6 t% ?( O) t: |. v8 R8 j' t8 ^
) C1 v" U9 o8 P
HELOC 设置好之后, 银行一般不会因为物业贬值而要求降低额度或废止HELOC, 换言之您不会被迫要求还钱, 除非您违背当时签订HELOC时的约定(比如不按时支付利息), 或者卖掉该物业。
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-9 19:43 | 显示全部楼层
9 `% ?4 l+ L. \$ g
4 K, ?- Q! Y# L( S9 e* O从六月十日开始:2 `0 R. u& q# ?; [- V5 l
  `! C( e6 @$ n+ _
一年固定: 2.75%. w2 |5 V) P( Z+ o- X: S
两年固定: 3.05%
' u/ Y7 X& ]1 N2 r0 E/ |* Z3 C三年固定: 3.65%
- y  L) E; [4 }3 C四年固定: 4.09%
/ z& t# o! L4 l4 U, q  m五年固定: 4.49%
9 B  d1 {' ]- S) |4 [* F5 l7 F8 w! p& d% f
五年浮动封闭型: PRIME +0.4%
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-23 21:28 | 显示全部楼层
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