埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

楼主: francais


鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-1-16 21:34 | 显示全部楼层
* m! i  E& y8 o* h$ I6 n8 H$ y趴等采丝下文; B  F* V$ s% F4 i, {) Z* c. [

7 ?# l3 @" ~8 O* xBTW7 m! |# f* a1 Y. `/ y
# j0 B- j3 z2 j4 I! w, N" L生了孩子就一直没回去过
9 W' _+ X! r2 u; a2 N  X) L% j: p我月子里就想回家了4 y, D8 e# g. \3 _: ^* O. D; L
; Z- s9 z/ S" b9 w归心似箭啊..........
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-1-16 21:53 | 显示全部楼层
+ [5 V' J. `$ \9 t% E. l! C正准备申请公婆过来呢~
3 c5 L  l1 i! Z& o5 k1 F6 m8 [7 @写完全了邮我一份哈,有鲜花侍候哈~
鲜花(667) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-16 22:13 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 sweetlele 于 2011-3-29 19:14 编辑 0 U) ?# m; `4 A# c: Q& d+ e5 F
; P/ D) E( E% F5 C
. f" K- n; \( q8 y0 N8 F0 w
6 G9 g6 s2 g5 X9 b4 x(1)资料清单' U) v0 v. q# V1 H+ g3 d
. p! B/ Z# e6 J
% m, G: ~  s1 Q8 t& q8 A) d% A- f* j- D
设置门槛,请看贴不回帖的潜水员们抬高贵脚进来呀。1 Q7 J1 L$ x$ M# ^0 o3 k- e

; Q1 X: G0 Z6 E! u8 I2 H3 E
+ n5 B3 {, r& @- a9 [: UDocuments Checklist
0 Y5 u2 g. q4 M( |' \$ Z/ x3 x  Q# ~8 j1 y6 S" n9 z7 l% d5 n& h+ _
Part 1 Letters' \( M- U6 f- \7 ?6 J2 a
1.1 The Invitation Letter from my daughter and son-in-law (English and Chinese);
5 h6 P( h( v. r7 W' G1.2 applicants' letter to the officer of Beijing Canada embassy ;
. Y/ f/ W) d" [# p6 U; \$ s1.3 The letter from my daughter and son-in-law to Beijing Canada embassy officer;4 I7 Y/ k$ u9 Z5 F
1.4 The letter from my daughter's MP;
% r+ p) x7 ^$ Z
' O$ [7 R+ Y) q+ N7 ZPS,这里的申请方都是被邀请的人(即被你邀请的父母,兄弟姐妹)
  P: S. X3 d! h! h( X& w2 L
1 o1 I/ [  p/ c5 D0 l, K& RPart II (items from applicants):- [6 l! O0 C" _. X
2.1 Two signed and dated forms of the "Application for a Temporary Resident Visa" (IMM5257B) from applicants(xxx);6 c% N) O: ~+ v# Z( p( q% A
2.2 One signed and dated form of the "Family Composition/Education and Employment" from applicants(xxx);+ ?% P) ~8 m* H1 M. g7 }
2.3Applicants’riginal passport;2 y( f" B- p4 m- F" `/ A
2.4 Applicants’ passport-size photos;
( x9 m( a" D" S2.5 Certificate of balance from Bank of China for Applicants; ! A- g7 v6 z/ s# P1 S0 V
2.6 Original Certificate of property (include house, business ect… ) Property;
+ m; e8 p+ V8 e, j( X8 E+ c3 ]3 t2.7 Original evidence and Contract of Farmland;   D* c9 T3 }4 S1 u6 t0 d
2.8 Applicant(XX)’s retirement certificate indicating pension and health insuance4 _! G9 N  W. h. u( t
2.9 Notarial Certificate for relationship with The Inviter in Canada;
) _2 R& ?1 P5 C2.9 Applicants’ Original HuKouBen; y2 n8 q# h8 A' q
2.10 My big family and my relatives' photos;# |/ ]; I) f0 M3 J% a
- e1 g5 |+ b  QPart III (items from inviters):2 e( c4 P7 T% s( h
3.1 A list of the number of people in inviter's household;: p& m) a% K. C' ?, ?
3.2The Birth certificate of XX(applicant’s grandson) in Canada;
' c# ?- Z6 C& c3 L" t# ?3.2 True copy of XX(daughter)'s Permanent Resident Card;
* q5 e" s$ B" \8 |5 T$ Y/ y3.3 True copy of XX(son-in-law)'s Permanent Resident Card;# v* Q) G$ M& }
3.4 Employment letter for XX(son-in-law) from XX ;" \4 m7 g" N- ?5 q* T* u! z9 O. Q
3.5 Pay stubs of  XX (half one year);
! I$ R- v5 J8 O$ J& l2 D. o4 z3.6 The copy of Certificate of property (two single house);
3 v1 y. ?! u# N" o$ ~3.7 The copies of the agreement of rent;
0 D+ r$ x) ]; X8 `% e# T3.8 Certificate of balance from XX bank for XX & XX (half one year) ;7 S$ l' J. t1 _+ @
3.9 XX and XX's bank statements from XX bank (Joint account)
: J' L0 s/ F0 [3.10 Notice of Assessment issued by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) for XX;; o( a% a, H3 C+ v, W
3.11 Notice of Assessment issued by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) for XX;
* ?; U$ z, l2 y) j/ |- V3.12 Notarized copy of Marriage Certificate (XX and XX).
0 n, F) j' c. W: v, W4 B% q# b
+ E0 z$ }# j7 Y/ l* W! ?2 O5 e! }. p. |2 U. ~+ _3 i
9 |# o" ]# X1 l6 a; X+ i4 |, I3 Qpart 1 里面的信,我每次都是上了3封,但实际的官方要求只有邀请信,我搜索了大量的探亲经验,觉得还是三封比较妥当,有了这三封信,& w* x: t" x: F) m# Q% P5 F  V. ~) X
; }4 g9 z, V" j
& ?- y/ u8 m8 C& h0 x) x( b第一封信是邀请信,需要中英文,中文给父母的,英文给签证官的。/ c) o) x) k; Q3 R
第二封信是父母的名义给签证官的,主要阐明自己的收入来源,国内家庭关系,会按时回国的理由其他的必要理由。1 k, A3 a8 K/ U+ N+ m+ s
0 B3 O, h# k" ~9 |3 U; O+ L3 D) e+ e7 L  o7 t/ r  V+ b/ \( }) s
part 2里面主要是申请人的资料,
# R9 H( g. ~" D3 e
3 u4 f. P5 i! y$ F需要到网上下载以下文件(以北京申请为例子): V5 P/ w4 Q  ^# d+ o
) O9 \( Y3 h! c% Y
北京申请说明 + R! G( I6 h2 A2 W

" I6 w. ]+ W9 V. ?' V申请表(递交两份完整表格)  * 申请表每人填写两份2 G1 E4 u; Q  K! P. L* j
家属表教育及就业细节表 (英/中)
3 o6 ]0 e) F: a+ q
9 y; n' ]" _; G3 D照片要求细则 8 R, d/ Q; C+ h2 V" Z2 O

* r( u- q6 b2 M" y0 j  L: l代理人信息表*这个表是中介或者是委托人的信息 会在递交资料方式里面再详细提到。; p  X' k1 p5 N& e7 X) ]6 D
以上文件都是填写申请表的时候需要仔细研究的,特别是申请说明部分。详细的说明了申请各种签证需要哪些资料,但我个人感觉那只是个基本资料,实际的提供比那个详细的多。估计是多年下来,申请人给惯出来的一个毛病,别人都厚厚的一叠资料,你薄薄的,被拒没商量。所以宁多勿少。+ r/ @* _  R8 j1 l/ j
申请表格主要是pdf文件,可以网上下载一个pdf编辑器直接编辑的,好处是用完一次,下次直接修改就好了。笔头功夫强的可以打印出来直接填写。我笔头太差,总是填错,最后直接找编辑器电脑上编辑了,还是电脑上编辑好,改起来方便,还可以留着下次再用。7 m1 _! U( g3 x8 I; a( p
. I+ v6 x: C6 {- |) Y/ d
9 i: k1 s$ X! u. f0 p版权归埃德蒙顿中文网所有,如要转载请注明出处。谢谢!+ d0 E0 s+ W" i$ h

( G: m( w! i% O. E  f3 D6 N[ 本帖最后由 francais 于 2008-1-16 22:26 编辑 ]
鲜花(645) 鸡蛋(4)
发表于 2008-1-16 22:19 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(667) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-16 22:27 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 海鸥飞处 于 2008-1-16 21:53 发表 : z/ ]1 H. z) Z
及时雪啊~0 j3 X  g$ f+ R( ^
正准备申请公婆过来呢~9 T) K  N% H: a- @3 T

9 x6 E. N7 j/ }$ R9 N- l
  e4 l, h& T1 u* p- M- h& ]& u, X5 b4 P" p6 c
鲜花(667) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-16 22:30 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 westlake 于 2008-1-15 23:50 发表 # w6 Q6 ]' l$ i. B9 t4 }

% v# i( A  T: W/ r) UMMD,哈哈,你怎么知道我不懂规矩,人家一般直接加三精,  N9 [" n2 q3 y- B# j
$ C- [& w" A' B: ]2 x1 k# ]: L

: `- Z1 @3 e  ^5 j唉,这就是不能再亲戚手下做事。还逐步加精。你这不是打击我积极性吗?
. |) ~2 B" p' l  v" G你要是直接3精,我就是不睡觉也得好好写才对得起亲家母呀。
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-1-16 22:30 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1394) 鸡蛋(16)
发表于 2008-1-16 22:30 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 francais 于 2008-1-16 21:23 发表
4 s4 q* h. K- s5 E+ @' h( @; L. r1 o0 j3 Z% h" ~. }. B) `  v  E
" i( i+ V$ H" q$ r我不管是啥,总之不能在5万金币上扒皮。要扒扒你自己的皮哈,到我手得5万金币才行。

2 ^4 a$ i7 \* H: T, [7 c5 R放心吧,等你写完了,5万金币一定到帐。
鲜花(667) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-16 22:32 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 michellezhaoqd 于 2008-1-16 21:34 发表
3 S2 t% \! I4 i及时雨啊& F- m/ n+ o; o4 d- \6 h
趴等采丝下文) C. P* d# w' v8 Z8 P0 c6 W. o2 I+ e$ U
5 X9 ^4 F! _4 [' h) @
) d! [8 a. |8 u* M; h你够能忍的3 D0 p' s% B& {/ U0 O
. O" M7 |4 r1 v" J$ x( I7 ?0 R+ S我月子里就想回家了  F2 l& p6 U4 h' ?& C
好不容易才忍到三个月0 |/ u' A5 Z: Z, ]: X
, v- x# g: F6 ^  O% p. c
% m) S5 V6 c/ {0 F
鲜花(667) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-16 22:36 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 酷暑严寒 于 2008-1-16 22:19 发表
2 S3 z& {3 L6 m; M5 w$ |

$ q$ P) \, n* P# @/ y' M# P$ r9 S. o; v  M3 T# T
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-1-16 22:36 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 francais 于 2008-1-16 22:32 发表 , Y1 w7 [: m! q9 b3 q3 u
4 d. a8 O+ Y: M* ?& D/ G
8 q/ p: a# a/ Y0 b
# z3 O7 s3 Y  [8 I! _
3 N8 n$ \" \, G& B- r4 Q$ W
8 Y6 r% |# M! B7 ~0 L3 n我怎么就没记得前三个月有那么轻松啊
6 `7 f7 j# p5 K: n6 a* j& w! Z俺觉得回家了日子才过得最舒坦
; v! E, G0 p/ `9 y9 l0 c3 o象我这种恋家的土包子本不该出来混的
鲜花(1535) 鸡蛋(28)
发表于 2008-1-16 22:47 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 francais 于 2008-1-16 21:23 发表 & O, m/ M( H& C

3 P* ?# h8 {/ I3 K( M及时雪来了,还算及时哈。/ H- b/ {) D2 c* _1 M' @
. |9 N3 d2 e# m+ x+ J, [: ?. n
: G4 p2 z0 ~7 m, u  n
鲜花(667) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-16 22:58 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
本帖最后由 sweetlele 于 2011-3-29 19:15 编辑 ( C/ x9 I# I& X' O
3 z# @# ^# Q# i* b. O1 }" \" X
+ o6 ?/ D+ s. g2 A- V我再华枫论坛上找了3封信的样本,贴出来供需要者参考。我这可是一篇一篇翻出来的呀。
4 W, N- g% w3 A  Y" A所以鲜花就不指望了,但还得设置点门槛,请潜水员们见凉呀。 . S  U2 d6 \' ?3 o0 H
(1) 邀请信样本(中英文)5 m) `0 L' R& U9 c" s+ q8 m

1 S0 K4 u& c$ t2 O7 mFrom:
+ l: m: f) r; l, Qinvitor's information7 ?! m4 V( C$ ]/ U+ Y: }/ ]8 a$ a2 @: {
To:Canadian Embassy0 f2 I& T7 U  W& G$ t2 J
19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie9 y1 g6 A7 _# p: _$ |2 d/ i- X
Chao Yang District
6 K& T4 \- h; l! p0 o6 w0 |0 YBeijing China 100600
0 A; X$ P/ B7 \0 v" f. P
1 ~( j+ ~, m8 ?) v+ |: BDear Sir / Madam:
4 \5 v4 a3 ]' t( o
4 q( z: o" c, ?  oThank you for your time to consider my mother’s application for Temporary Visitor Visa to Canada. We would like to invite my mother (XXXXXXXX) to come to visit and stay with us during the most beautiful season, fall, as well as one of the most important festivals, Christmas, if possible. We hope this letter will provide you some information to help you make favorable decision on my mother’s application.5 \; B" Q% \+ u0 s; U+ S

$ B- d3 S2 X9 ~( e2 KMy mother has been retired as a senior technician from XXXXXX Comp., and enjoys her healthy and well-established life in China. She owns an around 90-square-meter residential property, has very good pension and health care coverage. We miss her so much. During her visit, we have planned for my mother to visit some very famous sight spots, for example, the Niagara Falls, the historical constructions in Ottowa and Montreal, the Royal Ontario Museum, etc. Also,because my young brother is going to get married next year, which is the most important experience for parents, so, for sure, my mother will go back before that." j/ t& q+ E' ]3 u

& Q' D. B9 I, W9 J0 E4 }As to my husband and I, like most immigrants, after experienced the hardest struggling time during our first phase of our new immigration life, now everything goes much better than before. My husband is working in XXXXXXXXX Inc., with salary at $XXXX/yr, and very good Group Insurance Benefits as well. And I was just laid off at the end of this April, is applying Employment Insurance, also looking for other job opportunities. Now, it comes with our missing to our parents. We want them to know we are living very well in Canada, to see the attractive sightseeing, and so many other good things in Canada, which can only be heard from us through telephone or Internet.! r* P3 E. l& z
- X' K' U( @% u* q! I$ E
We would like to invite her to make an around 3 months’ visit to us, ideally starting from September 16, 2006. During her visit, my mother will live with us at the above address. She will bear her round trip airfares, and we will take care of the others, including daily expenditure, and traveling in Canada.( R& M; d; T" C( H

$ H! q' m8 w0 w2 |3 K+ zThank you again for taking time to review the application. If you have any question regarding the application, please fell free to contact with us." S" d$ m" b# p2 ~' O3 M
  p3 P) v: C( @5 U3 u
Sincerely yours,: J4 Z9 a1 e! ^1 @, H
Invitors2 ]- a* F% M0 o/ J1 h' ^: e* M7 N+ `
' I: x3 X; g8 c: o& @2 [1 v: L1 n; j; i( g7 M) y; l$ D
给妈妈的邀请信:# s& J! C4 ~) N( }
* @' }2 G  h1 m
4 A$ ]1 m# a" a4 O* C: ^+ ~) t( q3 z, b& I" I" P5 K1 M3 b, t
2 {9 _  w% c  s% R) O1 e: C' s4 ~6 I/ K6 u0 G0 @+ e
5 S- n1 t$ I: S! ^/ n$ t$ [% t0 `! ^- ^
4 x0 M. J$ r2 `: \6 s& r( r$ `3 [3 P* L" ]; c; }
7 Y/ S5 c) _4 b, D# Y0 b女儿,女婿0 r4 ]9 P  {8 h

' L1 {$ \2 [* @" ^/ z+ n0 Z$ D8 |& ~2 l- \" T. M9 f
(2)父母给签证官的信( `9 F7 @3 i& \  r5 [
尊敬的先生/女士:! U* w2 c3 l9 l0 A6 m1 S" {7 W
0 ?/ `2 H# }& O% w
我收到女儿和女婿的来信, 邀请我和我太太(XXX)去贵国共度今年的圣诞节, 新年和中国的春节, 在此期间, 还有我们外孙(XXX)的生日. 我们由此申请赴加拿大的旅游签证, 所有申请材料付后, 特请批准. ( i+ Q* b8 R2 l; ~) L
9 F" {5 ^# v( ^+ N& b, x
我女儿女婿以及他们的独子于X年前移民贵国, 虽然我们非常想念他们, 但由于他们非常忙, 我们一直没有机会见面. 现在他们通过自己的努力, 生活已安定, 我们很替他们骄傲, 也很想看看他们在贵国的生活. 我们生活很富足 (我们自己提供所有的旅游费用包括来回机票,在加拿大的旅游,医疗保险支出,生活费用等), 我们如果能到贵国去旅游, 不会给他们增加负担. , h- D# X5 B& \, A- x; `% _

( b7 m  j4 ~. ~8 ~5 ~我们一定会按时回到中国, 因为我们生活在中国对我们, 对daughter及其家庭都是最好的选择. 在中国我们还有一个女儿,有三个兄弟姐妹, 我们已很习惯这里的生活, 我们相互之间经常走动. 我们在中国有优厚的生活条件: 我们有两套住房, 有充足的退休金, 100%的医疗保障, 免费市内交通费用. ) R/ y9 v1 D1 \4 D0 a

. q4 m. r- p" K4 b* f( ?我们非常感谢你审阅我们的申请, 顺祝你及你的家人万事如意.8 ~4 _% B- V$ C* i1 s! N3 @
# Z/ |! d9 H( n& _
: f  m" Z' h! x* c& Y' d$ |$ [+ w5 H敬礼
+ H3 l- Q' T) l, ?. L  }申请人:  c: C0 {/ G4 V3 K

- u2 Z8 R7 D2 I1 |XXX__________________(签字) XXX__________________(签字)4 J, c, I+ c! o
日期_______________________ 日期_______________________" a2 w; ~2 V+ x& ^

( u6 {$ P! s' k6 Y! l/ [  g$ S8 R, J: @! S" j

2 X5 |$ Q( k' g. N6 @
- o" @5 }9 V; s- |$ wDear Sir or Madam:5 O0 v, [; x4 R8 r
' g1 O3 g( ?9 V3 Z5 R0 W
We, Father (Applicant) and Mother (my wife, Applicant), received an invitation from my daughter (Daughter) and son-in-law (Son-in-law) to visit them for the coming Christmas, New Year, Chinese Spring Festival and my grandson’s birthday (January 31). The application materials for visit visa are enclosed, we kindly ask for the permission from you. 0 V) Z8 @* M1 h
, n( j* x6 P5 q, \+ U" @, c( Y
My daughter and her family emigrated to Canada X years ago. However, because they have been very busy we don’t have opportunity to see each other ever since. We missed each other very much. They have been working very hard, and they are settled now. We are very proud of them and would like to have a look at their life in Toronto, the city famous in multiculturalism. We are healthy and well-established (so we will pay all the expenses by ourselves, include round trip airfares, travel expenses within Canada, travel health insurance premium in Canada, etc.) . Therefore, if we get permission to Canada, we will not be a burden of my daughter’s family.
+ _' i# f, W8 [; ^6 `. @3 i+ W' u% p
We will come back to China in time, because it is simply the best choice for both my family and Daughter’s family. We have another daughter, and we live in the same city. We also have two brothers and one sister in China and visit each other very often. We own two apartments in CITY, we have very good pension, full medical coverage, free local transportation allowance. We are used to and enjoy the life here in City.
; D# e+ w) L" r8 j* r; |
  \% d1 G, |  v3 x$ l4 O$ z3 vThank you once again for taking time to review our application. We wish all best to you an your family.3 K% E+ e( {9 h. V4 E5 ~& l3 I

/ P/ }5 }# o6 H( NSincerely yours," D; y) }8 B0 J0 O! I
$ M) c7 ^0 l4 X6 S% @3 v6 o% dDecember 20, 2005
9 f; h" i! Z4 U0 S   - m4 \4 ~& D; R+ i5 l/ x, x

! e5 I# O3 A9 Q: l( T0 Q! b" S# n$ ~0 i0 J- \2 A1 f% P0 R
& v+ l# ]4 V% J2 B/ y( {
/ T6 P7 V. e, M; X& I( a  ]0 Q5 l7 h, X9 d2 h
Dear Sir or Madam:
' n, t3 K6 d! n5 x# D( I. P2 w0 F9 b# [' w8 o! w& W, y% e
I am a permanent resident in Canada; my husband is a Canadian citizen. We’d like to thank you for the time to review my parents’ application for their visiting to Canada. Like most immigrants we experienced desperation and struggle when we first landed on an unfamiliar land, but we worked hard to make our life better. Now Canada is our home, and we are a part of Canada, a part of our community, a part of our neighborhood. We would like to invite our parents to stay with us during Christmas, New Year and Chinese spring festival. We hope this letter will provide you some information to help you make favorable decision to our parents’ visit to Canada.
: N3 x; I# M% s# r7 j
4 ~, [4 X5 Y) I3 h/ u8 P; d" ~We (my husband, my son and I) have been in Canada for almost X years. My husband studied in University, I studied in College. We were so busy (both of us studied three terms a year) that we were unable to find proper time to visit my parents. Currently I work in XXX, my husband works in XXX Ltd. We are still unable to figure out a good time to see my parents in the coming future because we don’t have long vacation.
  s3 }9 y% f5 a# K( F
- f2 r- x4 }! @7 N, O- TMy parents are well-established in China (they own two residential properties and have accumulated solid savings), they have good pension, full health care coverage. They miss us very much. They had helped us taking care of my son for the first 15 months before we left for Canada, and they are eager to see how big our son is now. They will bear most traveling expense (round trip airfares, travel expenses within Canada, travel health insurance in Canada) by themselves.( O. [; o6 K7 B0 G* C
2 c9 N. ]) Z8 r  M# Q! J) n9 f2 T" M
We are financially solid too. We will provide their accommodation and daily expenditure if they visit us. We will plan to visit Royal Ontario Museum, Art Gallery of Ontario, Ontario Science Centre, Cavalcade of Lights, Toronto WinterCity Festival, University, and College together during weekends. We will also arrange a trip to Ottowa, Quebec City and Montreal for them via a traveling agent at their own expense.# y: Z2 E+ M: N/ b0 Q

( ~& ^  ]  |9 t( h9 tThank you once again for taking time to review the application, if you have any question regarding the application, please do not hesitate to be in touch.+ H3 T9 k" O4 m& z, G- c! q( v9 w! }

+ D6 i, i4 J- t7 a( y0 zSincerely yours,
鲜花(1535) 鸡蛋(28)
发表于 2008-1-16 23:04 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-1-16 23:04 | 显示全部楼层
个人觉得楼主的材料太多,过于复杂。0 P- d  x2 B* k. J! B
鲜花(1535) 鸡蛋(28)
发表于 2008-1-16 23:07 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 享受生活 于 2008-1-16 23:04 发表
' y% t3 U  v7 j; e0 S个人觉得楼主的材料太多,过于复杂。
9 r# i: Z: K' k8 [+ i! M. z& O我申请父母探亲只是准备了使馆要求的必需材料,他们刚刚拿到签证

! U& r) J5 w, i9 E. a
: w& ?/ L" o. O  U( C我去年申请了一次,被拒了。感觉敌人没有什么一定之规,材料等同的情况下,似乎是运气决定结果~
鲜花(667) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-16 23:09 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
原帖由 享受生活 于 2008-1-16 23:04 发表
, g% q8 {9 P7 j# U) X个人觉得楼主的材料太多,过于复杂。
3 `" K, X5 h+ B2 H' _9 D7 c$ A我申请父母探亲只是准备了使馆要求的必需材料,他们刚刚拿到签证

' j0 ^$ T4 I* l% C$ y' b: Q% N, \2 g
每个人的情况不同,所以资料的递交也有所区别,我搜索了很多case,很多人都是最终添加了充足的资料后,包括我自己才拿到签证的。所以我的观点是宁多勿少。我提供的的也只是一个参考。所以俺早就说了,我的是拒签经验。呵呵7 W7 D& S' V3 i. g1 q( n# V
) M$ U6 F0 N% v4 T  m' ?0 C
$ `5 _6 B( W( c! n. k7 T# _" \" U6 `9 Q: _7 u9 y: v9 \- ?6 _1 f
[ 本帖最后由 francais 于 2008-1-16 23:12 编辑 ]
鲜花(667) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-16 23:12 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1535) 鸡蛋(28)
发表于 2008-1-16 23:15 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 francais 于 2008-1-16 23:09 发表
/ ^& d9 r$ @$ d5 ]
* \( w; G' J7 K+ P
" `; b( g) N  J3 ?8 F; Z/ H9 s每个人的情况不同,所以资料的递交也有所区别,我搜索了很多case,很多人都是最终添加了充足的资料后,包括我自己才拿到签证的。所以我的观点是宁多勿少。我提供的的也只是一个参考。所以俺早就说了,我的是拒签 ...
0 F1 A6 B; k4 ?. _- G
( p- Q8 Q# q: ?) U
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-1-16 23:18 | 显示全部楼层
, v2 S* a; i. ]8 a- E/ T有一个朋友,申请非直系亲属探亲,顺利拿到签证。这个人的邀请信写的非常好(因为太个性化了,没有参考意义),如果我是签证官也会给签证。- B! o$ ?. C+ o+ Q6 p% g( K: K$ s! t- k
6 V5 m& J5 E9 m$ v+ g
第二,材料的归类很重要4 c/ g4 ?* R) w( Q+ W$ E
# ?7 @& y4 p4 `6 r* \# i
站在签证官的角度换位思维,还是会有帮助的1 r4 U% y9 O6 D% Y( z+ [

. n, x& K" w2 a[ 本帖最后由 享受生活 于 2008-1-16 23:20 编辑 ]
鲜花(1535) 鸡蛋(28)
发表于 2008-1-16 23:20 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 享受生活 于 2008-1-16 23:18 发表
* t) \; l: Z9 \: H+ x3 f: l, q第一,我觉得邀请信很重要,要有自己的特色。- k& f7 [+ H* s& o- z6 M
3 P8 `2 P6 d% v: L, h7 Y( ~
) r2 I' U! J& Y/ r" M$ q第二,材料的归类很重要

  b+ ^8 ^% M+ H( o" a/ u# w3 c. F- x9 ^4 t" f( Z5 Z6 _8 K
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-1-17 00:13 | 显示全部楼层

回复 33楼 的帖子

同言同羽 置业良晨
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-1-17 00:21 | 显示全部楼层

回复 43楼 的帖子

同言同羽 置业良晨
# r% {% |* k) P: Z& v2 a' W! v4 I1 J
( R* b6 p  [: p4 j" w我也认为,签证申请有时候靠运气。也许同样材料,有人通过了,有人被拒了。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-1-17 08:30 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(43) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-1-17 10:42 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 酷暑严寒 于 2008-1-16 11:30 发表 / B- n* q  Y9 z  [/ S
3 h0 V- @: z) f; |
这叫来的早不如来的巧 ~   : T) G$ |: g: Z! \' u6 l, G4 R1 A

: g* ?+ a3 j2 E- {俺当年来的时候 。。。 其实直到现在俺也没混上个爱网第一大版的小副版主 ~~~

3 c+ r1 K  t) R! l0 Q* A# x你是不希罕这三亩地,你家后院那块杂草地,你不是管得挺好的
鲜花(43) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-1-17 10:46 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-1-17 11:42 | 显示全部楼层
thanks thanks thanks
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-1-17 12:02 | 显示全部楼层
9 x! [  ^8 `' i$ ?; Z; L/ I' V: t- r- f5 a' h$ O+ c( u5 D; V
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-1-17 12:28 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(98) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-1-17 13:02 | 显示全部楼层
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