Reading the many messages posted by "genius31144", I can almost visualize a "short time upstarter" eagerly wanting to show off to readers of his/her wealth, just as the username implies. I rarely make comments like that to anybody, but I do think this kid needs a few lectures down the road. Well, not from me. Sorry for loosing my cool here, but at some point in life all of us will have to swallow bitter lessons.
原帖由 KrispyKreme 于 2008-4-18 12:56 发表 ) ?' q! A q C" [0 y/ yReading the many messages posted by "genius31144", I can almost visualize a "short time upstarter" eagerly wanting to show off to readers of his/her wealth, just as the username implies. I rarely make ...
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哥们~~~你也太仇富了吧 6 }5 L( I. F1 U ) r ^' p1 w$ M2 ]) \ k2 A俺只发过几个贴,一租房二卖家具三卖书四捐衣服五卖车! a0 ~3 h9 |7 }
看您年纪也不小了~~别被俺气到西天去了 . t1 x; R6 D E% @7 a. {7 w/ D
俺也不想以小犯老,俺这年龄再怎么样也是爹娘给的,不算俺的本事 5 s5 a8 }" j( M; u, F 9 Q5 Y& L; p, t! C: N2 H' w您老也努力工作吧,别让你孩子受洋人欺负啊~~. T3 O& y! C! H; z# c) T: B
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