nooooooo.+ C3 a, o) y! O
我做的那个猪肉脯是烤熟的。。。。打死我也不敢吃生猪肉阿。。。。0 J5 c Z) n: ~- Z7 o3 b7 w
9 Q9 T R/ n2 U, ]# v( q7 p: @
说实话,你这个机器,我涨草主要是想风干水果。。。这个东西能不能做草莓干儿? 就好像K家的那个cereal里面的那种草莓干儿的口感? 有点儿膨化了的感觉?
3 e# w' \# S8 b1 p: S
I think she will not interested in even you bring some for her. / j, k; N& c3 b3 g4 K. \0 M ; ]. g- D0 G) N2 ^) b9 ythe best way to let her grow grass is planting all the seeds in her husband and kids tammy.
I think she will not interested in even you bring some for her. & [, k: w: `: Y3 V( g K9 A; L: k. A" E
the best way to let her grow grass is planting all the seeds in her husband and kids tammy.* _5 Z1 _; P5 \5 Z3 y" a; Y
francais 发表于 2010-11-1 12:42
With you reminding, I recall I should had some kind dried fish. I think they should be knoe raw fish also.5 k* t+ S% e) y, W6 i+ L
francais 发表于 2010-11-1 12:45
! O+ ^7 H, w8 ~5 Z6 ~3 y就是嘛!其实大家需要纠正一个概念。cure和烹调一样都是把生肉处理成熟肉的手段,经过cure处理过的肉就不再是生肉了% y4 G7 B! B+ s i4 M' y
I think she will not interested in even you bring some for her. / b: c) Q/ S0 V, n+ _6 B 6 S2 J9 t+ _$ Athe best way to let her grow grass is planting all the seeds in her husband and kids tammy. ' S6 f% X8 P( h, D' l# dfrancais 发表于 2010-11-1 12:42
t$ E+ p7 M7 Z/ |+ _9 s
6 X o% ~3 p' M6 i+ b0 f$ L7 m