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Right, there were lots of typos in the post, should be "attack". 0 A/ W9 a) Y6 G6 w3 a. Q9 T! YIt was written after drinking a little bit at midnight.
, A: t. a+ [& g7 i/ J0 A! }
I believe your son is in green room? Pink room is the Pre-K and K. When Eric was in green room, but not old enough for K, we were asked whether we wanted him to be in the K program - will be sitting in the class but not required to finish any assignments. I would say this pre-K is very helpful.
I believe your son is in green room? Pink room is the Pre-K and K. When Eric was in green room, but not old enough for K, we were asked whether we wanted him to be in the K program - will be sitting ... 1 A |/ S8 k9 h; A' r1 g& dlipi 发表于 2011-3-8 17:32
) }# K' D z/ b8 m% n7 w已经在pink里面呆了小半年了,早在他4岁5个月的时候,他就在pre-K了