鲜花( 2212)  鸡蛋( 4)
ninnin 发表于 2012-2-28 11:59 
9 f8 u5 S* n% N$ b- Z8 K4 O8 N( u, n- nhi, what is a Charter school? thx! 7 |1 x8 l3 h( o' d, k( d
呵呵,我也有同样的问题,搜了一下# v% M# N& W) V/ U+ Q& E6 n
3 i# E- q, Z4 v- O( ~4 A, f# {
"Charter schools are autonomous non-profit public schools designed to provide innovative or enhanced education programs that improve the acquisition of student skills, attitudes and knowledge in some measurable way.
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Charter schools have characteristics that set them apart from other public schools in meeting the needs of a particular group of students through a specific program or teaching/learning approach while following Alberta Education's Program of Studies"/ \+ \% x( E+ h2 J) W
! i4 S% m* u- B3 q/ V
8 `7 U) R- M- S( L4 G* o- ^$ w; K2 {2 a: b0 f7 w i
其实我觉得,去年排名第一的suzuki charter 是个相当牛的学校,虽然今年排名落下去了2 G; l9 p3 Y! p$ X
y8 Z; d) o) R# Q2 l5 n音乐专业,但每次考试都很厉害,五年排名全省第六,虽然没有近距离观察过,只能说明教育方法好
, w. D% V0 z7 j L: L# t# I
. o( {: a4 s: `* H从另外一个侧面也反映了,排名这玩艺,看看就得了,尤其在小学阶段) s% R, ?" I0 q& k
+ c5 }" o4 h7 J+ l俺孩子班里有个注意力集中困难症的孩子,考试比排名肯定会弱些,但人受到的教育机会是均等,甚至关注会更多 |