鲜花( 152)  鸡蛋( 1)
亮甲店 发表于 2012-4-4 17:29 ' A. p x0 q3 r9 F
4 j/ f9 v' v( h' N从没听说过
" R+ y9 l" b" ?/ S) Q" V) ] o& A我看了至少20个人说 随便换, 可以用合成 也可以换回矿物质。
6 L, P4 B' `# p$ f& o/ ?7 x$ {一个网站上的说法支持你的观点:& E, z. t+ J8 \% a0 u& q
5 j+ i3 m8 _. ?7 k4 i" x: ]. o' a6 KIs it ok to switch back and forth between regular and synthetic motor oil? I heard this causes leaks? Is this true?
- h6 j& ^* `, L, G$ p t9 ^5 g1 Z* b6 s# X5 U
Switching between synthetic and conventional oil does not cause problems. Because the oils are compatible, you can switch back and forth as often as you like.
- o5 R% J1 h# k x$ [2 S9 p9 s7 C1 e) T& ]% V& S! q2 x- `
但是既然有人这么问,不应该是捕风捉影无中生有的,可能有些道理 |