+ M ~# Q% x: Z: g! U谈不上指正了,我只是一个喜欢逆向思考的人,也就是你说的另类之一,不过我的另类不足以让我去犯罪,我也应该不是精神病人。+ A& E* R6 A, T6 m, D
其实一个人的犯罪,为什么全社会都要为他买单,追其犯罪成因是很复杂的,很多罪犯的犯罪隐患是童年不幸造成的,也有一部分受到外界(来自家庭和社会)巨大的刺激而激发的,等等" \; J- W6 e% M8 x6 G8 y
每个人生下来的时候,都是纯洁的baby,可是有些人命运不好生在不好的家庭,生长在不良的社会环境,久而久之便形成了他们的犯罪欲望,所以一个人的犯罪,要由他的家庭以及全社会来买单。 ; C D0 Y. n1 h其实,如果只是一个简单的死刑,能杜绝不良家庭,不良社会现象,就好了,可是,实际情况不是这么乐观,犯罪实施者的确受到了惩罚,但是他的家庭,朋友,社会,也许会因为没有收到法律的惩罚,而继续“纵容”犯罪的再次发生。
An Alberta mother who drowned her two sons in a bathtub will be eligible for parole in less than a year. "This is crazy," the boys paternal grandfater said.
I mentioned STDs as an example because you had implied mention of sexual activity in your previous comment, but since you're focused on the topic now... # Q! G4 ^/ ^% I2 A/ F1. not all STDs are detectable, and not all STDs are curable$ V, ~; ~- H j% e
2. even with treatment, many treatable STDs are still present within correctional institutions
FrankSoccer 发表于 2012-6-5 11:27 $ y) R; y3 ~4 a- H/ d
An Alberta mother who drowned her two sons in a bathtub will be eligible for parole in less than a y ...
weidsun 发表于 2012-6-5 15:13 ( B( f( Z/ L3 s5 ]" g& Z$ E
I mentioned STDs as an example because you had implied mention of sexual activity in your previous c ...