Originally posted by jasonxie1111 at 2004-9-7 13:22: 8 o% L* g6 ~ s6 p5 R加拿大比不上中国的.在中国你们应该是在主流社会吧,在这永远也进不了白人的圈子!!
( Z/ @4 N. K0 g% c# ~6 S% `4 r9 V* P1 r0 f5 G; c- _& [
We don't have to enter the white peope's social circle. What is your difination of so called 'Zhu Liu She Hui'? High income? Corruption? Wealthy parents?
Originally posted by 爱华 at 2004-9-6 23:32:0 T. R* N! u5 @5 G5 q
:lol::lol::lol:0 w8 |( F! D$ I% u0 g) w
: z- |& J/ h; O9 e* \! \0 z
. v& ~# @3 X* U" F$ } G0 G
Authentic congratulations!! Lao Xiang!! Although I don't know you, I am sure that you are not too old to face a new and chanllenging life. Life is experience, not destination.
Originally posted by jasonxie1111 at 2004-9-10 10:41: - K' S+ P) u- u; i不客气!只是我周围的人回国的太多了。这是真实的现象!不可否认。我来之前比她还兴奋!关键看你来北美的目的和你的心态!但是有一点,我可以肯定----几乎所有刚来加拿大的新移民都承认,他们刚来时和以后很长的一 ...