二手汽车 老柳教车

埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

楼主: 晓风残月


鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-7-10 11:10 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 西御寺 于 2008-7-9 21:07 发表
. `7 F) M6 F6 f% r存个图

4 a  X) y7 [( r8 x4 T4 Q0 H4 t6 i" a, j6 T
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-7-10 11:12 | 显示全部楼层


This is my first time to address here. XIAO FENG CAN YUE wants me to tell guys how to drive a turbo car correctly so that everybody can benefit it and identify who is correct and who is a laity but which made so much boring noise. Please see the attachment that tells you how to deal with a TURBO. Do pay attention to BOOST R.M.P, PEAK TOUQUE R.M.P, and PEAK HORSEPOWER R.M.P.
# n6 w# u; w. W7 R  z& v
4 }. v6 o7 X2 X% D# c$ H0 E$ r% L# s2 X' ?1 K" g- t
Tech Sheet
: e8 K) g, Q  g6 V‘Frequently Asked’8 O* _0 C) [) x* l0 A+ b* X  X! c$ j% Q
‘Turbo Questions’
(In no particular order), c4 M8 w, o! _( O
Your turbocharger is engineered to match the specific requirements of the engine it is
, |) L8 y% p; |8 p' V+ H6 \5 dfitted to. Each is dependent on the other to maintain optimum performance. Don't1 s5 I! M1 H$ U: ]
think of the turbo as a bolt-on accessory, rather as an integral part of the engine. The; d. L' E; m! D' u3 C6 _9 O
turbo's requirements are similar to the engine’s. It is, therefore, essential that/ A4 a, Z6 n$ \3 w! a* j% Z
scheduled servicing, using good quality oils and parts, is central to caring for your3 v; K0 x/ t3 ~8 Q6 p' l
turbo., R. B$ \$ t( t- b( @
In many instances Berrima Diesel receive turbochargers which have been8 c. D  V9 k1 l$ w1 w
misdiagnosed as having a turbo problem, when actually the turbo is not at fault." J! ~# a) l( @# ~3 o+ C" G
Incorrect fault finding is often caused by a lack of product knowledge. Many) l8 A' |" s& Z% [0 ^+ i
contributory items around the engine bay can trick the unsuspecting into believing the( }  |+ c% J( ^2 K: v
turbo is the culprit, when in fact it is not. Unfortunately, if the real problem is not' O5 [! M$ _9 c. n0 p7 Z1 B, t
diagnosed before a replacement turbocharger is fitted, the problem still exists!2 a- q; d6 Q: J5 ]2 ]
We have a saying at Berrima Diesel which goes, "Turbos don't die. They’re killed". A& ^/ q+ ]6 @& n" }: g: ]; Y4 e
turbo can be killed in many ways.' x: j, Z+ `$ c4 y' v$ n: X3 M
Foreign object damage results in either the air intake "compressor wheel" or exhaust
$ H/ }1 V, Q0 P# Y"turbine" wheel being damaged. The former is often caused by someone accidentally
" t2 |/ E- \+ I  r- s! g4 C3 Uleaving a nut or other foreign body in the air induction hoses. Please be extremely
6 B* d  U2 A! g9 Ycareful if going to an aftermarket air-filter. Genuine is bests there! In the latter case,, D* S9 o" S# I2 K- |6 S
this may be caused by part of an engine component, such as a piece of valve, exiting
8 D7 ^8 _/ O0 k, f6 Pthe engine in rather a hurry! In both cases it results in severe turbocharger damage
& u- Y! c$ r( c7 D5 s2 O4 ^' xinstantly.) ^, L! [/ l( f; a$ s, z7 a' y7 e/ t1 z
Turbochargers are simple in operation, but manufactured to precise tolerances as fine
- W3 `2 i" J9 Y+ s" E0 l* H' z9 gas 1/ 1,000,000 of an inch. The turbo unit manufacturers balance and test every single
/ S2 U0 c7 d3 pturbocharger many times, including final assembly. The balancing methods and
) L! A- I; _9 d7 M$ dprocedures are unique. Without them, no turbocharger can be balanced to the ultrafine
0 k" W2 G$ @0 G% `6 t5 g7 htolerances required for today’s high speed turbos. It is now common for
4 C# _' d' b4 e% yturbochargers to spin up to 150,000 rpm +.
1 r! V- @; r2 e( j% j# P- M$ L2 `2 PThat’s approximately 35 times faster than most diesel engines rev at the red line!
& E2 G  O. @, ]1 J) G5 M/ hSophisticated machinery and highly trained factory staff ensure that the highest
0 T( {% K& ]& }7 ?# v0 Q# Qstandards are always maintained.
/ T6 r0 [2 U3 a! V5 RUseful tips when driving any turbocharged engine, whether it be petrol or diesel, are
" }5 [* B" L" ^2 _to always allow the engine to warm-up fully, until the water temperature gauge. W0 w1 ?+ z; X/ X6 Q1 r
reaches normal, before full throttle is used. Try to plan the end of your journey
$ w& m% w, f4 h, B: p3 F" ], s3 Tsympathetically. Don’t use full throttle or allow the engine to labour during the last# o  x3 N4 B# ~, I, J% m
few miles. This will prevent excessive heat build-up within the turbo when the engine# n) J* \* E" e3 m; E
is turned off. Also, when coming to a standstill, try to leave the engine idling for a! \/ I$ `( t. k
few extra seconds to allow the heat to decrease. No need for a timer though, just undo
9 y; W( }* ~8 Ayour seat belt first and then turn off the engine. Never rev the engine just as the
) D2 K% ?* _" H! x7 nignition is turned off. Remember the turbo spins at a far greater speed then the+ J) X" o- T# L  Z5 Y' I
engine, but is lubricated with engine oil. Once the engine stops the oil supply ceases
, l$ p6 e! l3 Iwithin a few seconds. In reality, none of the above traits will cause a turbocharger to/ d! i3 P3 r9 R, H( q# j9 [5 U
fail immediately, but repeatedly over a long period, they could reduce the life of your7 r. [! a: A- j3 s& y% q' y
5 t0 ~+ F( m2 h- W$ h0 ]8 R9 nIf it becomes necessary to seek advice about a turbocharger or a turbo related2 B; o% j  s8 l% ?- K! ?' R1 m
problem, always rely on a professional. Berrima Diesel, together with DTS
* V! D) u4 Y6 ?* O: A  F- lturbochargers, are Australia’s leading turbo specialist, and are acknowledged as one
- r) M0 a' i% E( n2 M0 Jof the most experienced turbo installation companies in the world. We can advise7 H+ V" m: a1 {( y& L( E4 ^3 B
customers with turbocharged 4WD’s on a wide variety of questions and issues
7 d1 l! @5 r. j# k8 s- r4 J# nrelating to owning and running a turbo car.8 Z& C. n! c" x4 O- L, m8 B% \
It cannot be stressed too much how important it is, when purchasing turbocharger6 y9 J9 ?, D* D4 e+ @: j
system, always to choose the top brand name -Berrima Diesel. Consider this. As with
  g- v) a4 G  ]  v% r' }$ _4 x6 |so many things in life, quality costs, and there are sometimes cheaper turbos for sale.. d% q  R3 y' G5 b6 F; V
Without the safeguard of using a Berrima Diesel turbocharger, you run a serious risk% `* _6 U  T" `; V4 @) a1 x; q1 y
that your short-term saving may turn out to be a long-term nightmare.. r) Q! l% W1 N4 `, d
What is 'Boost'?
: @0 M, Y7 C# n$ a: H0 jBoost is a term used to describe the increase in pressure, provided by the
/ a# C% m8 f) ~! S  Mturbocharger, to the volume of air, entering the engine. This pressure is expressed in! p0 W) z  E( e2 ~" ]9 \7 j
a number of different units, (BAR, ATM, Kpa, P.S.I.), but they all mean the same0 {  D( ~4 ?% b& r
thing. For purposes of approximate comparison; 1 BAR = 1 ATM = 100 Kpa
% i/ M( Y2 r0 S- n14.7P.S.1. When the pressure of the engine's inlet air is increased, the engine's power) q) H% k# v0 r: k* L
output is increased. This pressure increase is called 'boost'.
( F3 N5 K( C" N  P9 q: FHow does fitting a Dynamic Turbosystem effect the power of my
; m) g( h' o' a4 P0 ]3 |vehicle?
  b8 I, m$ T' i4 n/ E9 bModern 4WD diesel engines, typically produce peak torque (pulling power), at
$ j* M' R- J; k0 S+ s- e# ]0 L" ]around 2,000-2,500 R.P.M. and peak horsepower at around 3,500-4,000 R.P.M.# R2 I6 V- _5 l9 a% |( n
Turbo boost starts at approximately 750 R.P.M. and rises progressively to its& d0 t% R+ _0 `* j; f7 F
maximum pressure of approx. 70 Kpa (10 P.S.I.) by approx. 2,000 R.P.M. At this0 a. m$ f% {2 g" i0 ^5 K
point, the percentage torque increase of a correctly tuned installation is approx. 40%,
) n; h1 q8 T- y+ O/ zat the wheels. This continues to the peak horsepower point of 3,500-4,000 R.P.M. At
; i+ w8 g5 L0 X/ ^no point is it ever any less than standard. e.g. at 1500 R.P.M. it is at least 25% greater2 z% m. ]/ M8 a  b8 E8 j, K* u
than the standard vehicle at the same R.P.M., A1 E; d, O. I9 @
Can I fit a Dynamic Turbosystem myself and, if not, how long and  x2 c. i* N1 w% t" h0 b) f  O
what is the cost of having it fitted for me ?
2 s# f3 W7 d2 s3 P5 j( wWhile most competent mechanics could probably fit a Dynamic Turbosystem,
' Z; I, ]* E  S# x# z6 Btuning requires specialised knowledge. The lack of this knowledge could have* n# g. ]; g; K  B
serious consequences. In addition, warranty can only be provided on Dynamic
8 ?/ r* x$ D& gTurbosystems which are installed by authorised facilities.
7 y2 `/ T* S8 z' F2 u1 ]The cost of having the installation performed by Andrew at Berrima Diesel is' _! ^+ _- I5 K1 @
only about 10% of the total purchase price. This provides a warranted, correctly
8 W# l1 d, R, i% g2 d, rtuned, "no hassle" installation for the customer. All diesel vehicle installation can be
* x3 L$ y* {% M  x9 x/ K# k! n" Tperformed in one day.
% ~7 s+ e$ B2 K( H" AWhat creates the most heat? Fuel or turbo boost?# Q2 |/ w' I+ Z: R
Diesels do not need an air control (eg. manifold butterfly valve. The only ones5 X# f: \9 \; J0 q* O' b' v. m
requiring a butterfly are vacuum operated governor pumps) to operate. The more air
+ y$ i) a! Y8 @  H; g' {the better. Add too much fuel to the equation and the exhaust gas temperature  K1 v" G! Q* {  a( q
rises rapidly.7 t) r" W" ~& S" q% b0 I/ F
What type of oil and how often should it be changed ?3 d+ _& O) ~1 `& Q* E* l
Turbos must have good quality oil. Use either a mineral, semi or fully-synthetic: v" L4 Q0 S8 t1 Y1 R5 }
engine oil. Berrima Diesel recommends Shell Rimula range or Shell Helix Ultra .8 _. N) i0 F7 K$ d2 Q8 b. h4 `
Change oil at intervals recommended by the vehicle manufacturer.1 A" V. |9 p4 }  j% u$ ?! \
How long does a turbo last ?  i# Z  V2 P. ?0 h: h1 u
On average, as long as the engine or longer with regular engine servicing and good8 f" p1 I2 y/ [# ]- v" J- h
quality engine oil.$ S* R& Z8 v( ^1 ]% Q
What is a ‘dump’ valve or ‘blow-off‘ valve ?
1 a* l" h! [3 H' F! C: d$ nA valve which relieves boost-pressure between the compressor outlet and engine as' C1 e+ z* \3 E+ g, k% ]* ~
the throttle is closed (Only required on throttle valve controlled diesels which are
$ h! O0 u8 [: q/ n  N' r* wrarely seen these days). These are commonly fitted to hotted up petrol cars so it
9 R7 Y# R! ^7 i8 f3 f& }4 ~8 g% t7 dsounds good changing gears among other reasons!8 w5 o7 d3 }. ^
Can I fit a turbo from another 4WD ?
  t. i9 T* H. S5 v2 I' a$ YNo, virtually all turbocharger are different inside, even if they appear similar on the$ u4 Q( Y# k/ T" C+ }
outside. The turbo model e.g. Mitsubishi TD04, is only the model, not the
& a1 B/ f; P7 u2 F  pspecification.6 J. R; x9 a' P, J3 N( [
Should I leave my engine ‘ticking over’ before it is turned off ?
! U6 e; Z$ `5 U9 _7 B' Q1 \9 HNot for normal every day driving, but still worthwhile if the engine has been under
! K' I- D$ e: [' _8 b; H. i6 t+ bload or raced before being turned off. e.g. Towing a caravan or after climbing a long
; A" u7 q$ {# F" sincline.+ o0 \2 s( K" L! e, r
Why is it important to balance a turbocharger ?
' [& Q, T2 ?7 w9 qWithout highly accurate balancing, vibration will create a whining noise, reduce
, W/ g% y/ w; ^* O3 Iturbo bearing life and reduce turbo efficiency.
5 R. p; W% U+ i2 z. m$ \* EHow much boost does my turbo produce?9 b4 Q! L' d) P4 r4 c
Correctly set up diesel 4WD turbochargers run up to between 10 PSI to12 PSI with
! Q! T; T7 g) ]- x5 q4 t4 YIntercooler turbocharged engines running upwards of 13PSI.
% R; l) K* F2 K3 YHow many psi in one bar ?
6 o: e' t2 ?4 b" T6 Q1 U9 a1 Z14.7 psi = 1 bar.
( y# R' z2 o/ e! [8 c' ^2 BAre all actuators the same ?
' N3 [0 T. i! |2 \  _3 A& INo, each has a different opening pressure and rate./ I+ @, P% m. ~/ _1 Y; t, L1 G
Oil in the turbo inlet pipe - Should I be concerned ?
5 f: y2 A6 k" U: dA small amount of oil usually exists, drawn in from the engine's crankcase breather
% `+ s) Q6 f4 t- @% Msystem. High engine wear will increase the amount of oil found, and will require
: o: p- ~. Q- b. F/ M% mfurther engine tests (not turbo).$ L% Y* w9 Y: j' Q/ H% k
Should a turbo be serviced ?. _# \7 p) R( b  h
No specific turbo servicing is required, but regular quality engine servicing is needed1 Y1 G" Y5 S# x5 ]2 R6 ?1 u. ~
to reduce the chance of turbocharger problems.- g& w- A6 I% l+ L" W' G3 f
What is a water-cooled turbo ?
- R) ~: M  L$ n" k" TThe central part of the turbo, housing the bearings, is surrounded by a water jacket
& f) \$ ?- T0 d' {5 athrough which the engine's water coolant is passed. This water continues to circulate" K' _4 l+ z5 z+ K) v- H
after the engine is turned off, cooling the turbo, and preventing heat soak., z9 Z: K2 _+ U, \! y7 w  ~( l. }
Do I need to up grade my exhaust ?
( i% Y2 B( a( L% s( w: \0 f. iGenerally not. Our systems are designed to run utilising as much genuine component8 ^2 X3 ~# P( F& D, T
as possible. Some systems on the market promote exhaust change as it is required by7 t8 ~% o2 ^1 V2 Y! Y! j
that particular turbo. Doing so usually picks up more noise than performance.
0 s  A+ P) G. z3 GHow noisy should a turbo be ?) M2 @8 W3 f/ ^: y* a
Only an unbalanced, worn out or damaged turbo will produce any significant turbo7 [* B1 }9 W- t. r# s  I
3 S, X9 _4 n4 d5 |$ ^* uWhat is an intercooler ?! q( }7 K# ]9 U! I3 z- H
A special type of radiator which cools air before it enters the engine. As a turbo* z: K1 J* y( u3 t$ J
compresses air, the air heats up. Power can be increased if the air entering the engine
+ A9 [1 a9 C# z' x2 ^! ~/ ?1 D" cis cooler. The cooler air is more dense meaning that more fuel can be injected for
( Q$ [* w, Y! e3 `: Rmore power.1 K1 F7 D. x/ K( _; r1 F
Will my vehicle run ‘cooler’ with an intercooler ?
  \4 X6 U3 f4 |2 v' {* ~( D4 vTheoretically, but not always the case! We commonly find Intercooled 4WD vehicles
  q3 |, X3 e3 ?7 prunning hot due to over-fuelling and radiator restriction. Restriction meaning that hot
6 ~4 c. i; _+ N) Q' n1 B* Nair passes out of the Intercooler over the air conditioning condenser and finally the; ~; y0 R7 d/ S) l. R
radiator. The poor old radiator is left with scraps of extremely hot air and then is
4 v& O; p/ f( M* E8 |expected to cool the engine. We don’t advise fitting them as hot Australian conditions; m* X; b: N1 z6 D
can often be the catalyst for engine heat problems.: b3 c) k  s. j' ?" h5 m3 Y0 t
What will happen to my fuel consumption?
. J8 G! i7 \; E% A: [7 N, cMore power generally means more fuel. With a diesel turbo system, fuel consumption$ ~% d" m1 t1 }: f6 `
stays generally the same and can become better under towing conditions
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-7-10 11:12 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 coldweather 于 2008-7-9 20:55 发表
& Y& y0 L  @; P3 E7 {: f" y. [I have been repairing cars for more than ten years, I just want to say that what XIAO FENG CAN YUE had said about cars is correct and he should be a expert in this field.I can't understand why there a ...
# O7 J+ C5 z' F8 Y( y

; x* k; b8 |( {# R- N5 |* W请超版查查这个IP。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-7-10 16:09 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
原帖由 瓦窑 于 2008-7-10 12:12 发表
. \9 r0 N( i' _7 S% }" @0 H# e7 Q" r9 Y7 t
& c7 G. _" T) H4 k3 G
! U6 O, V8 h+ L' e
鲜花(383) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-7-10 17:43 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 carpoool 于 2008-7-9 12:34 发表
, N5 g4 o% ~+ m7 _0 q; I1 l, ?' s; M0 r3 ^
6 w7 f& S( L: O, E' f3 T

/ }: S& g9 S- I1 `  m7 A! a' @' ^   ...
. o8 E  x+ O$ E  M( q5 K9 L0 R0 f
鲜花(10) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-7-10 17:49 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-7-10 19:55 | 显示全部楼层

回复 37楼 晓风残月 的帖子

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-7-10 20:55 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 漏洞百出 于 2008-7-10 20:55 发表
! E, ^5 m  |& R, c9 M你说结束就结束,你是who?面谈?你想打架吗?打架没问题,但是得有意义,我可不会在论坛上和你争吵就和你约决斗,就比如一条狗对我吠,我当然不会去和它决你们干嘛斗。。。但是如果它冲上来咬到我了那就另当别论了,不信你试 ...

+ P( E$ C# A: s8 ]) g8 Z2 G9 d你把别人比喻成狗,玩看你更像。而且不是有种的那种。是那种只有你自己知道。你们干嘛只会乱咬。歇歇吧
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-7-10 21:30 | 显示全部楼层


请问哪位朋友知道 漏洞百出 的情况?看似挺豪气的,我喜欢接交豪气的朋友。有重谢!
1 A# e: I& c' k' `4 `' k& E
8 }8 E9 B7 K8 b3 R# |' ?[ 本帖最后由 单手俯卧撑 于 2008-7-10 22:31 编辑 ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-7-10 21:33 | 显示全部楼层

回复 67楼 漏洞百出 的帖子

阁下在线? 交个朋友吧?
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-7-10 21:48 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-7-10 21:50 | 显示全部楼层

回复 67楼 漏洞百出 的帖子

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-7-10 21:56 | 显示全部楼层

回复 67楼 漏洞百出 的帖子

同言同羽 置业良晨
还看不上? EDMONTON的华人圈就这么点。猜得不错,咱们都是今年刚来的,就凭你这份气冲霄汉的豪情,你这朋友我交定了。时间会让我们碰面的,到时候牛饮一下,我请客。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-7-10 22:13 | 显示全部楼层

回复 71楼 睡懒觉的闹钟 的帖子

看来就我们俩在线了。 “有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?”。 在异国能多交个朋友,那也是缘分。你说对吗?
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-7-10 22:15 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-7-11 00:34 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-7-11 07:43 | 显示全部楼层

fu le

同言同羽 置业良晨
fu le + z8 p6 V' N- N9 V+ e
lets go drink la , any one?
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-7-11 07:51 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-7-11 08:02 | 显示全部楼层
有意思啊, 喝酒叫上我
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-7-11 09:10 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 sunshine_39 于 2008-7-10 18:43 发表
, _( h9 z" `# Q  m' I5 f: Z
) t4 T. _7 T9 H4 s$ v! E
; ^3 Q# g" n8 m

5 V8 S# s$ X$ O$ p) N( x0 K
鲜花(48) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-7-11 09:19 | 显示全部楼层
$ O$ m7 u/ M' a  n7 w: c: [1 Q" j' J
[ 本帖最后由 scuba1995 于 2008-7-11 10:21 编辑 ]
鲜花(541) 鸡蛋(13)
发表于 2008-7-11 10:17 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
无论是谁,骂人都要封的! 对吧,版主?
+ d- j* c. i1 r9 `' o9 P, K$ \  c  L- ^
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-7-11 11:09 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
There are so many rude people,it's unfair for xiaofengcanyue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why no alert for them!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-7-11 11:14 | 显示全部楼层
who are you, "漏洞百出:---this guy? You are so rude,xiaofengcaiyue is more polite than you,you are just a garbage!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-7-11 11:15 | 显示全部楼层
If you don't know how to be a polite chinese,just shut up!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-7-11 12:42 | 显示全部楼层
If both xiaofengcaiyue and outsider are banned, at least 漏洞百出 should be banned for the same reason for the sake of consistency and fairness which is good for the development of this forum in the long run!
  }8 x% t; T+ L/ ^  V  T& j, P4 ^4 x9 a9 E+ ^  d! G8 ?
Just sth Laoyang and Board Master to consider!
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(3)
发表于 2008-7-11 13:49 | 显示全部楼层
unfairness does exist in the world, thats why we have poor and rich, lol
; f' n1 {# }& L" x2 ?4 H3 P+ |
0 U+ n# s' y5 Q1 r0 O[ 本帖最后由 zidane 于 2008-7-11 14:51 编辑 ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-7-11 16:06 | 显示全部楼层
漏洞百出 3 天
" {# K7 p! [* G- |6 E# T" f
: ^6 G) a: A$ S; Aoutsider 1 天
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-7-11 17:08 | 显示全部楼层
3 l% j# p: K9 p0 f+ H  F# K

0 d4 J: |; @4 r: h' X( k0 X6 _
原帖由 西御寺 于 2008-7-11 17:06 发表
0 T; X$ s. f% e4 @  o# k/ ?7 @( d漏洞百出 3 天1 F; K/ y+ {0 A, |

# O, S# k3 ?: }8 M8 koutsider 1 天
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-7-11 18:52 | 显示全部楼层
怎么不吵了?真扫兴!( J1 Y" s3 N7 j" Q
0 ]5 Q7 F3 H0 O  j* K
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