收到了不少姐妹愿意分享经验的,可以加我的QQ:497548089 _6 H+ r. E% V$ c
祝所有在同一起跑线上的人都好孕4 ~# f( I( K" b: q
qiuqiu08 发表于 2011-8-14 22:37
5 e5 y! E6 W4 N) oIf you are...........please relax yourself. (I guess you are..........)" Q4 A" l5 O- I
When I study in campus, I find that you study very hard.
: X+ e( M6 t& E8 C4 ?
If you are............ after the summer term, relax yourself, and you do not need to study hard.( o# k* }* f S% |& X) D. _2 W
I can understand your feelings. 1 @3 ?# R* K' S8 d; i& Q" ePlease do not give up. I support you forever.
71#qiuqiu088 ]# C7 s( |% T7 y% L
* d. U6 M6 Y3 R8 M2 r* ?( @, z5 V
; z6 b1 u5 Z, y: Q( c7 [) u
I very much admire you for your indomitable spirit. I know that your English is far better than me. I can not type Chinese at home, so I do not know how to encourage you in English.