30# 三思 / M) j! H' `+ v- ~6 g) L - {& O$ ^& w4 G7 j: Q & a) E a4 B! I请问楼上, 有个问题没有看明白,November 5, 2011是assessment of sponsor (step1) 还是assesment of applicant (step 2)? ) u: m+ {* g) \! r! w ! ^& I6 G R% t% i! j+ S谢谢; Y2 D- V( B, p1 B
HUB 发表于 2011-11-6 22:08
" w: i3 ]+ R3 p" Q! hA temporary pause of up to 24 months on the acceptance of new sponsorship applications for parents and grandparents will greatly support backlog reduction. 0 r1 W3 l6 e! H. H/ d: n / x' ^+ z2 f% K: ] T8 Y! r4 J9 d( b我认为是第一步