原帖由 sunson 于 2007-5-23 07:14 发表 5 M0 q1 |; ^2 n( i y. g
If you think you have the ability to find a job right away, otherwise it is not a good time to select Edmonton as your designated city. Living expenses is way much higher than most of the big cities i ...
6 ~; I# N! \# [3 C9 N8 g9 c7 j 5 A+ {, Y( v& t1 d4 C1 tYears ago edmonton is a good place for new immigrants who can survive the COLD winter. But right now, everything is too expensive. Even you can find a job right away, you will still be a working poor.
看来是有人不满意在爱民ton的生活,觉得那里不好,但也不知道有哪里更好,又好在哪里,呵呵!!!! 5 w, j; i5 K& Z ?7 U1 w % p; t4 V) t) c看来没有证据证明哪里最适合新移民去,这也正好可以说明为什么大家各有各的选择,而不是所有人都往一个地方去.( E, A2 N* r. o* B7 G
H" Q0 A$ P" f! Z, T毕竟,各人的情况不同,分析和选择的方式有异,对各个城市的了解也各有各的渠道,, @1 s! S6 ]& P7 _2 x1 p
但是,在登陆之前总要有一个决定. 6 E6 I5 a' I7 u; j3 c8 E% f8 q. B$ W! S3 j. I/ D7 G) N$ [$ H6 P
谢谢楼上大侠指点!!!!7 C3 s. N8 d" _& D. E c
+ _1 i% {1 g4 N4 q& A
我们会仔细思考这个问题!! ; q& |& G5 a) [$ v " ]4 x* g. x" I5 v9 u[ 本帖最后由 jackie_xing 于 2007-11-19 05:42 编辑 ]