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楼主: 郭森房贷

郭森房贷- 有问必答

鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2009-3-12 19:43 | 显示全部楼层


5 E' [5 |- T; ^/ R8 f( f罚金12600元,请问按现在的利率,办理重新贷款是否合适?
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-13 08:16 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 678 于 2009-3-12 19:43 发表 9 d- n" O9 N# l; V
# M8 g6 e) q) t- \罚金12600元,请问按现在的利率,办理重新贷款是否合适?
: Y) I  f5 X# Z; Q1 K

1 Y5 C* S; ]9 X1 N如果您现在转换成五年浮动封闭型贷款, 最好的利率是PRIME+0.8%, 亦即3.3%。 和您现在的利息差异是2.54%, 如果以21万贷款为基数, 年息差额是$5334, 如果到您原来贷款期结束还剩下三年的话,新的贷款利息让您节省$16,002(如果浮动利率保持不变的话)。
! \6 U' [% O+ b& W& w6 @6 j. z8 O4 Q7 U# d
如果浮动利率在三年内上涨, 您节省的金额会相应减少; 浮动利息继续下跌的话, 您节省的金额会更多。" H4 M, i' L6 i9 Y$ `

. w! N6 M: ?3 O. |% R& p( b$ D/ E! x, E我个人的观点, 如果您现在能用现金支付一万元的罚金(新的银行只允许您在原本金的基础上再增加2%, 除非您做一个新的贷款-REFINANCE MORTGAGE), 您可以将贷款转换成浮动利率。如果您不希望大动干戈, 您就暂时按兵不动。
( T& o  B5 z( ]) ~+ v3 }: G& ]1 a, h& Z/ k
如果您有更多的疑问, 请和我联系。
, ]9 f, V6 c0 }
. G" Y" B6 a7 O' ?谢谢您的问题!
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-16 13:38 | 显示全部楼层


最新利率:& [. L0 C" ^8 y5 k, \
; b; J' x  d+ f* \
  m, T9 p! p  H, d* m; fPRIME +0.8% 五年浮动封闭型% U! g; u1 F) W1 z) a
PIME+1%     五年浮动开放型
( _4 H9 n4 h- I2 G$ i5 C* A+ UPRIME RATE=2.5% BY TODAY.$ s0 Y$ N' N' B% v3 Z* i

3 c. X5 R; x+ F* _! s4 j固定利率略有变化:* T3 a# m) B+ [+ a9 v6 ]$ ?' D( U7 [
+ E& U3 w, k4 W  J% T6 ?
一年固定: 3.25%
/ O1 f/ y& I* X/ B4 [1 x$ }两年固定: 3.80%" O, Y) K5 _: ~) P
三年固定: 3.85%
1 s1 _6 `8 O( `( |5 z1 M8 [7 F四年固定: 4.04%2 e+ v+ B  W  C
五年固定: 4.09%6 ?: f$ c0 \0 x7 l

% e5 p- j+ {; a- n有些优惠利率需要符合相关条件, 请来电咨询!
鲜花(39) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-3-18 09:32 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
I want to pay as much as I can for downpayment.  But people said because the rate of mortgage is low, I should borrow more from bank.  When the rate goes up, I can use my money to pay mortgage.  At the same time, I can still pay 10% of principal at the end of each year if I want.  Is this reasonable?
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-18 21:39 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 诺言 于 2009-3-18 09:32 发表 % R6 y) R/ z3 A3 h( Y& V
I want to pay as much as I can for downpayment.  But people said because the rate of mortgage is low, I should borrow more from bank.  When the rate goes up, I can use my money to pay mortgage.  At th ...

% T6 k& T* d( J! `5 ]+ Z: k0 }
5 v0 ]! }0 m! j( K/ c, rIt totally depends your financial strategy, if you wanted to put your funds into higher return investment vehicle(potentially higher than the mortgage rate), then you may pay minimum payment only; if you wanted to be debts free early, you may put the maximum amount as down payment. Both strategies make sense.
' \3 b0 E8 N9 R4 V9 f2 S- d) M! {0 d- k& l2 v+ I' U
You may consult your financial planner for more advices.[/
鲜花(39) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-3-19 09:06 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 郭森房贷 于 2009-3-18 22:39 发表
* z, K0 r3 R2 B9 D) t, v# [' y# ?/ g' D) @0 B

( S5 p( D- X. @* ~8 j. N7 e5 b. @It totally depends your financial strategy, if you wanted to put your funds into higher return investment vehicle(potentially higher than the mortgage rate), then you may pay minimum payment only; ...
7 V2 e1 E1 ?2 D; X$ W6 ]
Thanks.  The saving rate is lower than the mortgage rate and I do not have any investment which has higher return. What is your suggestion then?
鲜花(39) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-3-19 09:07 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 郭森房贷 于 2009-3-18 22:39 发表 $ X) w5 o! C( `3 a9 L" [9 f3 F

& H% f0 v. L: n# V0 t; k  e- Z# T' w3 R% @6 R1 M0 r- X7 N7 |
It totally depends your financial strategy, if you wanted to put your funds into higher return investment vehicle(potentially higher than the mortgage rate), then you may pay minimum payment only; ...

  n$ g: o# V4 D- D  g3 w. q. YSorry I should have mentioned that I would like to pay less money as a total in long run.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-3-19 09:49 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 诺言 于 2009-3-19 10:06 发表
1 X7 e; M$ R. g( V; ?# X; E( E
" I& q+ F4 o: T! |) H6 m( k6 p: WThanks.  The saving rate is lower than the mortgage rate and I do not have any investment which has higher return. What is your suggestion then?
' |& r: H7 y2 a! A, p
My 2 cents. Put as much as you can toward your down payment and apply a line of credit in the meantime. For example, the house price is 300K and you have 200K cash. Then apply for 100K mortgage and 100K home line of credit. You don't need to pay anything if you don't use the LOC
鲜花(39) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-3-19 10:59 | 显示全部楼层
what is Line of Credit?  Thanks.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-3-19 12:17 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-3-19 12:59 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 诺言 于 2009-3-19 11:59 发表 : s- Z+ K' L6 |8 L7 t7 ]. Y5 l7 \
what is Line of Credit?  Thanks.
1 ~3 ^3 M' q  W4 \8 c$ t
Manage Your Own Credit - Easily( R7 t4 ^! a7 x% x) q8 x8 K9 _

! Y6 e! H: a1 F, P0 n4 hUse your Royal Credit Line for everyday expenses, home renovations, investments, to pay off other, higher interest debts and more.
/ [! g" Z2 o7 f( ^% ?$ _8 x9 B7 Q8 v3 o5 ^  R9 S  ], V9 L
In fact, even if you don't need to borrow right now, it may make sense to apply for a Royal Credit Line today. Once your line of credit has been established you can relax knowing you are ready for emergencies or unplanned expenses.
& ?7 ]9 |% i/ E$ l
2 s) h' h+ i5 v& u' C/ y5 \6 ]' G/ f0 iAn RBC Royal Bank credit specialist can help you choose from the two options available.
8 s1 q/ M( l# t/ OSecured Line of Credit         Unsecured Line of Credit
" v$ ?  z8 H% D) M" wUse the equity in your real estate holdings, or guaranteed investments to secure a higher credit limit, at a lower interest rate.         Quick and easy approval process.
. @% A6 T' V2 U1 uCredit limit from $5000 to as much as 80% of the equity in your home, less any prior outstanding mortgages†.         Credit limit from $5,000 to $50,000† - with no security required.) M$ |+ f. \5 R
Competitive interest rates.         Competitive interest rate, based on your financial standing.4 [. z/ D7 t# f+ Z) O
The interest rate on your Royal Credit Line is variable and will rise and fall with changes in the Prime Rate./ y" E8 u1 P6 h- I8 p9 L
Credit that's Always Available - and Easy to Access
+ a" D9 H1 x5 @( R- o/ N/ Q+ h* ~8 F( {' I% w
With a Royal Credit Line, you apply once - and you never have to apply again. As long as your account is in good standing, you'll always have credit available to you, up to your credit limit.( t  l8 X, x% d( f

- F5 M1 f+ D' Y9 h# V1 @You can borrow instantly, at any time. Just write a cheque, withdraw or transfer money at a RBC Royal Bank ATM Machine or use Telephone Banking or Online Banking. An itemized monthly statement keeps you on track, telling you exactly how much you've borrowed and how much you must pay each month.- o. K; x6 ?# V9 X( p
          7 T! m5 q% q. B' E9 o
Use Royal Online Banking to transfer funds to or from your Royal Credit Line - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
+ j$ ~4 Q' Z5 p% b' L         ( n" X6 q* a( J* M$ B* v' N$ l
          # C, J/ C/ N' k9 z' {' T  Q
Try our Mortgages and Loans tutorial for Online Banking and learn how to manage your loan online!
# P& g: l0 c! T; W; U* V3 n; p         4 |/ z' R6 L" n, n5 ]" k
Revolving Credit that You Can Use Again and Again9 x! O; i  j* d/ Y+ ]/ o
7 N) ~* @( h$ z4 @$ J/ J
As soon as you repay any of the credit you've used, it immediately becomes available to you to use again. You're in complete control, able to borrow when you need to, without having to reapply every time.
' ~: K+ r  Y1 {* k  PStructured to Meet Your Needs
& M  T6 R: [9 T7 D4 L' J7 @6 J* j0 j5 J
Royal Credit Line offers you a wide range of payment options to suit your needs. You can set up a fixed payment schedule to include principal and interest (blended payment), pay interest only on a monthly basis with principal payments at your discretion, or have the principal payments scheduled for your budgeting ease. Choose a payment schedule that best suits your needs. The blended or principal payment schedule, they can be set to monthly, bi-monthly, bi-weekly or weekly.
0 [2 _' |$ B3 E/ i3 n
: G  A+ c' B" M' _  f- `The only requirement is that you repay the interest owing each month, but you can pay more at any time without penalty.
# ~% u7 ], ?$ G6 v; w. U2 c8 Y" v+ hNo Administration or Service Fees on Your Unused Credit. W3 _, {4 D, r7 J

' ]. ~' ]6 _  x) zAll you pay is interest on the credit you use. Your Royal Credit Line even allows you to write up to 2 personal cheques per statement cycle at no additional charge. (There is a fee of $2 for each additional cheque - and a charge for cheque orders that varies, depending on the design and quantity of cheques you choose.)
9 ]9 P% J9 i7 u- ^Protect Your Dreams
0 ?4 X7 m$ y/ g9 ]
4 w& x. [$ W) u, Z& o: W4 e$ n. }8 ZWhether your dream is a new car, vacation or home renovation, it's important to protect it from the unexpected. LoanProtector® Life and Disability Insurance offers just the solution. Designed to provide financial back up during difficult times, it provides low-cost, valuable protection for you and your family. ! L* \* ?% Q0 p, k
% {% [  L% ~4 F( a; M
简单点说,LOC就是可以随时用随时还的一种LOAN, 如果有房子做担保,利率以前是PRIME,现在要高些,我估计是PRIME+1以上。好处是可以应急用,还可以用来投资(可以抵税的)。
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-19 21:22 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 allenxuzy 于 2009-3-19 12:17 发表 : ?! j; s3 i$ s! Y- b
请教郭森,我原来想用5年的固定利率4.09,后来我朋友说现在利率低,可以弄一个5年浮动open的3.5%,等觉得利率要涨的话,再锁定住一个5年固定利率(和同一个银行),或者和另外一个银行谈个5年固定的。请问这个方案可 ...

; {1 F/ @2 c8 l# {' w
' R" E3 k( k! `这个方案不是很理想, 一般来讲, 4.09% 是指您现在买房时的最优固定利率。如果您现在放弃这个固定利率而选择浮动利率, 到时候再RENEWAL成固定利率时, 当时的固定利率可能会高过4.09%, 这样您就失去了这个机会。 转到另外一家银行会支付一定的罚金, 更不可取。
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-19 21:31 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
原帖由 朱坚强 于 2009-3-19 12:59 发表
& o- \. ~8 V6 D
6 d4 \' B; O- F+ x! \) vManage Your Own Credit - Easily% W6 V# N; v6 @9 K% u
6 V) h' s* F/ y( v$ n
Use your Royal Credit Line for everyday expenses, home renovations, investments, to pay off other, higher interest debts and more.
8 M* X$ j8 u; Z0 a5 r6 b
. \! ?* ^2 V: q5 X4 MIn fact, even if you don't ne ...

' l; w/ E4 M1 I, s! s: o0 ~: `% W7 F% j; x' F9 J
谢谢坚强同学回复了楼上诺言同学的问题!!2 ?# v& o+ j* g$ d: R
) E, x8 u& x- d' Q0 w+ f
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-3-19 21:50 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢您答复我的帖子。请问open variable 转换的话,也需要支付罚金吗?
# Q: K, e3 k& x) f& A7 {; d这估计算refinancing,请问您除了罚金之外,refinancing还有其它费用吗? 不胜感激。' a: d* U3 {5 a
2 L) i  E. j1 n; T
Quote:这个方案不是很理想, 一般来讲, 4.09% 是指您现在买房时的最优固定利率。如果您现在放弃这个固定利率而选择浮动利率, 到时候再RENEWAL成固定利率时, 当时的固定利率可能会高过4.09%, 这样您就失去了这个机会。 转到另外一家银行会支付一定的罚金, 更不可取。
鲜花(39) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-3-19 22:03 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(39) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-3-19 22:08 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 朱坚强 于 2009-3-19 13:59 发表
- b* R& ~, i( L7 o! E
6 u# G, d1 \' }6 j$ J1 A# sManage Your Own Credit - Easily
2 S& l+ A( c  V- ~1 D
: s9 i* J! A3 \4 x3 D: EUse your Royal Credit Line for everyday expenses, home renovations, investments, to pay off other, higher interest debts and more.
  Y9 q1 x# E7 @- o% M
; b& C/ m1 {9 {/ }In fact, even if you don't ne ...
3 Z. ^, i$ Q+ f7 B( z! j! |* \: H
鲜花(39) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-3-19 22:12 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
The Save Now, Save Later® Mortgage offers a 2.00% discount off the 1 year fixed rate closed term mortgage. The 1 year fixed rate closed term mortgage as of March 6, 2009 was 5.25%. If there are no 'cost of borrowing' charges (for example, appraisal fees), the APR for the discounted rate of 3.25% equals 3.23% (compounded semi-annually, not in advance). Where a typical appraisal fee of $200 is assumed (actual appraisal fees may vary), the APR equals 3.43% (compounded semi-annually, not in advance), for a term of 1 year - assuming a mortgage of $100,000 with a 25-year amortization and that the mortgage is solicitor/notary facilitated.
! J' J& c/ P- D! X  `2 K' P
+ M) M2 l; i! B8 I; J5 W请问什么是appraisal fee啊?难道评估还要花钱吗?a typical appraisal fee of $200是什么东东啊?每个月都要交这200吗?% r; U5 h' L9 H
什么是APR啊?什么是compounded semi-annually, not in advance啊?谢谢!
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-20 07:44 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 allenxuzy 于 2009-3-19 21:50 发表
: h' h0 s/ i5 G/ g, v" V8 D谢谢您答复我的帖子。请问open variable 转换的话,也需要支付罚金吗?) y- K2 J. i+ h# E2 p4 N+ A! D
这估计算refinancing,请问您除了罚金之外,refinancing还有其它费用吗? 不胜感激。
0 n* N7 M' G/ w# z" L3 q7 {
4 T2 o! D0 ?  ?/ ^# NQuote:这个方案不是很理想, 一般来讲, 4.09% 是指您 ...

3 N* o1 j% A( }: y! d$ J- Q5 w+ M% A0 T
如果是OPENED VARIALBE MORTGAGE, 您当然不需支付任何罚金-当您PAID OFF 或者TRANSFERRED OUT. 如果是CLOSED VARIABLE RATE MORTGAGE, 您如果转出现在的银行, 需要交付罚金, 但在同一家银行转换成固定利率贷款, 不需支付罚金。
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-20 07:50 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 诺言 于 2009-3-19 22:12 发表 / L* q/ ?' ]9 o4 h
The Save Now, Save Later® Mortgage offers a 2.00% discount off the 1 year fixed rate closed term mortgage. The 1 year fixed rate closed term mortgage as of March 6, 2009 was 5.25%. If there are no ...

8 R0 v; [; K" e- @2 m# u+ ~2 W7 i  z) l
1, APPRAISAL 和 INSPECTION 的相关信息, 请参照http://www.canadamortgage.com/articles/learning.cfm?DocID=20&CFID=2663376&CFTOKEN=48827591
6 {9 B0 `5 K7 W! G2 j9 f/ G& Z
+ t7 K% U8 m/ j! \( q2, The annual percentage rate (APR) is based on a $100,000 mortgage for the applicable term assuming certain cost of borrowing charges (for example, appraisal fees). If there are no cost of borrowing charges, the APR and the interest rate will be the same.
9 [8 D) d) p9 @9 O3 I' {
& e+ O9 O; q+ e/ b) Q3.  关于COMPOUNDED INTEREST RATE, 请参见http://www.canadamortgage.com/articles/learning.cfm?DocID=2&CFID=2663376&CFTOKEN=48827591
  `6 j  \1 x' W, H) \# a- E加拿大所有的贷款机构都需要遵循CANADIAN INTEREST ACT, 计息方式都是统一的, 所以即使您不明白利息的具体计算方式,也没有大碍。
- R3 u6 ~2 e9 h5 ^1 {4 L/ W( h: b1 r" M3 R9 g, k
[ 本帖最后由 郭森房贷 于 2009-3-20 08:00 编辑 ]
鲜花(39) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-3-20 08:15 | 显示全部楼层
Thank you, Mr. Guo.  One more question,; ?! [. H6 a% c8 E- o
"If there are no cost of borrowing charges, the APR and the interest rate will be the same. "  My questions is why there are cost of borrowing charges?  What the cost is it?
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-20 15:30 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 诺言 于 2009-3-20 08:15 发表
. Y- w0 \  _2 [4 j: tThank you, Mr. Guo.  One more question,
: a/ m# L- Y% e& H+ L"If there are no cost of borrowing charges, the APR and the interest rate will be the same. "  My questions is why there are cost of borrowing charges?  What t ...
& v" |) T/ {1 h: o

+ \- d$ d" F# p$ R5 e' N/ T1 j8 VCost of borrowing charges may include the appraisal fees, inspection fees, moving fees....Most banks will cover the appraisal fees, but the rest of the fees will be came from you pocket,that means your APR will slightly higher than the rate bank offered you.
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2009-3-23 17:48 | 显示全部楼层


同言同羽 置业良晨
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-24 18:34 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
原帖由 678 于 2009-3-23 17:48 发表 4 q; v9 {: \1 E" [! i
2 Z" v! D% j1 l" K1 ?! c3 B
什么类型的利率?固定还是浮动? TERM是怎样的呢?
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-27 09:27 | 显示全部楼层

Mortgage Tips and Trends

Mortgage Tips
' L( c6 R" T5 F3 v+ d- `" {4 G1. If you're looking for a pre-approval, be prepared to wait a few days longer than normal.  Refinances and spring home buying are boosting mortgage application volumes at various lenders. That's forcing pre-approvals to the back burner since lenders deem them non-time-sensitive.
" P. V5 `: s: Z9 `% N. h2. There are ways to avoid foreclosure if you're on the brink. This Bankrate story has some good advice. TD's Kelly Hechler says": "Lenders will work with every customer to try and find a solution for their individual situation." 0 D8 C  C9 e% K* z0 k
3. First-time homebuyers have two major ways to offset closing costs:  ) h+ G! w6 R$ \: V, x4 g0 y, L
The federal government's new $750 tax credit
' f- V  W! M& W8 h2 p5 FLand transfer tax rebates� , q; d& T# [  z
(Ontario rebate info, Toronto rebate Info, BC rebate info. Transfer tax is not applicable in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and certain other Canadian locales. For Quebec, contact your municipality.) 1 x7 }' Q4 ~0 \9 _% S6 t
' Z* a, F4 a* N' ^1 I/ @% |
Mortgage Rate Trends
' Z% B  O5 X) C, ^5 k* C, y' G# {' e: E# H# p8 E$ x! S! W. ~4 j
BMO economist, Doug Porter, expects the Bank of Canada will cut rates again on April 21. (Hamilton Spectator)
6 H) O# t5 n3 H9 NCredit market traders are betting on a 59% chance of a 1/4% rate cut by April 21.  They expect a 0% chance of rate increases by next January.  (CEP)  Traders trade on current economic information, which can change at any time. So use this at your own risk. 9 h2 ~( {, g( f) W0 `6 `$ w( v6 C6 u
"Over the past 6 months, a bubble of government bonds developed as investors sought refuge in the face of massive deleveraging...Low yields are not expected to be around for long, and will probably end badly, as have all other bubbles." -- Assante Financial Planner, John Lunam  (Bond yields are closely linked to fixed mortgage rates.)
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-3-30 20:30 | 显示全部楼层
郭森大侠,您好。想请教一个问题。! ?0 E# V% Q( l, w$ [+ M
5 u- `( z2 b4 g; X/ j" j) f
您觉得RateSupermarket的信誉怎样?因为最近发现他们给的利率比较低。" X$ T: B% U, C1 p( p$ Q) Q
我给他们通过几次电话,说他们的条件与其他银行机构基本相同,但不知道他们的信誉怎样。+ r( |; |: R9 W& P% c4 K5 x
8 k( G$ o: q4 u6 g& X& a6 D/ L
恳请指点一下。" I+ n8 s5 K1 U+ P- |
; r0 h- E0 ~* ]9 f0 z# x# v
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-31 11:00 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Canadamytulip 于 2009-3-30 20:30 发表   ~! o6 `. l) _; ^
) P7 N) g( f2 \$ C# t! z( `* Y  Z5 U6 [1 N. \0 s1 \
您觉得RateSupermarket的信誉怎样?因为最近发现他们给的利率比较低。& O6 m: d1 D3 R9 B: x
- B7 n, ]  W( L
' W- p" X1 T& N: t$ F! V+ A5 v8 m$ U恳请指点一下 ...

0 I$ V2 P9 ]* d! h这个机构我也不是太了解,但有一点是可以确定的,利率低一般意味着后续服务会非常精简,这样他们才有可能让利于人。希望您能够了解更详细的信息后再作最后的决定!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-3-31 17:05 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2009-4-3 08:54 | 显示全部楼层


鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2009-4-3 09:00 | 显示全部楼层


鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-4-3 19:55 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 678 于 2009-4-3 09:00 发表 8 v) `  ?5 ], N/ F% J( X
" q! p: B( k- d9 s9 c7 c
/ L+ P& Q/ G% p; f
您的朋友当然有选择地将总贷款年限增加至原来的总贷款年限(AMORTIZATION PERIOD), 但不能多过35年,勿需支付任何额外的费用。这样基本月供款就会少很多。贷款月供款改变后, 如果客人手头宽裕, 也可选择每月双倍付款, 或者选择年终10% 的LUMP SUM PAYMENT, 也可以将贷款快速还清。: l& i1 C# d$ {, n& ]7 u: Q

6 V# d$ i5 t8 i2 U3 w* J谢谢您的提问
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