埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

楼主: 兔子皇


鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-1 19:23 | 显示全部楼层
238# 小狗妈
" @$ K# H. n4 y8 n6 t7 J* N4 {! G4 `) q
首先祝你新年好!5 n) a: \- k# {
孩子回家已两周多, 他拜会老师, 和同学聚会, 也忙的不亦乐呼.但见到分别半年的老师和同学,也包括我们家长,他非常开心. 他回学校时, 校长请他给高三的同学介绍申报大学的问题, 他还给辩论队同学介绍了大学的辩论情况.
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-1 19:24 | 显示全部楼层
240# Allan2008 " i: V# n& q0 T5 Y# H
+ k) E, [% r2 z0 a/ U" n
谢谢. 祝你新年好!
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-1 19:28 | 显示全部楼层
241# hvaceee ; {8 F& ^* f* R- t! B$ L

6 \: A0 O, K' l9 l: y; T  S, G谢谢! 千万不要被它误导了你!
鲜花(23) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-1-1 19:39 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
本帖最后由 Zhujiaolian 于 2010-1-1 19:42 编辑 ' U6 j3 W9 }7 `# I/ Q( a! }; d
在这里一般的学校是不分重点和非重点班的,只有IB班和非IB班之分,上IB班是学生申请,老师根据成绩确定,一般75-80分以上即可。我儿子读的Westminst Junior High School,它是北区唯一有IB班的学校,在南区有几所学校 ...$ ]: p; ]- x5 D1 Q0 C  x: ~6 R) c
wuhanyeh 发表于 2009-7-25 18:51

$ @& M4 e" T- n0 x初中应该是IB预科班吧?这个数学老师做了件非常好的事情,这里的孩子做题是特别粗心,英文科目考试挺好的学生,到读数学应用题是搞得是一头雾水,回过头来再细读题才发现第一次根本就没有读懂,结果当然可想而知了。
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-1 20:31 | 显示全部楼层
245# Zhujiaolian   I. e! R+ N# w# N
是的. 初中是IB予科班. 它的好处是将成绩较好的学生集中在班上, 便于老师教学.
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-1-2 22:38 | 显示全部楼层
238# 小狗妈 ! G' E3 a& U# T: _7 _/ K
- r% Y- ]! E, ?) R. ^2 F
1 ]- I, G! r3 D$ o& }, Y3 n孩子回家已两周多, 他拜会老师, 和同学聚会, 也忙的不亦乐呼.但见到分别半年的老师和同学,也包括我们家长,他非常开心. 他回学校时, 校长请他给高三的同学介绍申报大学的问题, 他还 ...& x- N" e  M% w8 ~
兔子皇 发表于 2010-1-1 19:23
5 }* R) J3 t% c, @
$ L7 \' g0 r8 w2 Q: h
: V$ s) j2 I( t元旦前一天晚上(应该是夜里了)和孩子聊天时孩子说有个从大学回来的学长回来给他们辩论班的同学讲课了。至于讲了些什么内容,整个一稀里糊涂。可能那几天太累了,精力不能集中。唉!多可惜啊!
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-1-2 22:45 | 显示全部楼层
看到另一个帖子,说您的孩子接受OMNI NEWS 采访,我是过后才发现那个帖子的,压根就没看到,太可惜了!* S1 W/ M2 q  q4 a- j  ]9 N1 w
  g- r' F  n# t9 |- p  ~
您的孩子现在选择读法律了吗?您的孩子一定会前途无量的!( ^- I  X8 T; o

. c1 g" S: }( W最后怎么作出决定的呢?等您得空的时候,给我们大家讲讲好吗?谢谢您了!
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-3 11:11 | 显示全部楼层
孩子圆满的完成了大学的第一学期学习, 他说他基本习惯了大学生活. 这一学期他共学了6 门课, 外加体育和参加DEBATING CLUB. 尽管他每个周末要到其他大学参加辩论比赛, 但他感觉学习比高中时还轻松一点, 因为:上课时间少一些, 考试没有高中时那么频繁. 期末考试成绩还比较理想. 但有一点缺憾:他还是没有时间去打工. 从高中到现在, 我们一直想他能找出一点时间打工, 去了解和体验不同工作的特点, 可以增加他的生活经验, 但因为各种原因, 未能做到.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-1-3 22:48 | 显示全部楼层
非常好的帖子!感谢搂主与我们分享择校和育儿经验!支持孩子上风气健康,上进的学校。% G8 E6 _8 i& V& q& [
同时也让我想起前段时间,有位学业成绩异常优秀的孩子家长,当面贬低另一位各方面发展都较优秀的孩子(绝对不是你们)。个人觉 ...
7 H: |, E9 ]) C; l" G4 c( z6 Eedmt 发表于 2009-7-29 08:08

4 M. E, O" Z; ]
6 s7 a+ V3 x! }$ dquite agree with your comments!!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-1-3 22:58 | 显示全部楼层
关于兴趣和专长& @+ H' t2 O. R! K
根据小孩的兴趣、特点和特长,培养他们一到两项专长对于他们的人生和大学的录取是非常有益的。在加拿大从小学开始,学校就关注和培养孩子们的兴趣爱好,琴、棋、书、画,小发名,小创造等,我们可以 ...7 [3 w8 x# u, z0 O  S9 p
兔子皇 发表于 2009-9-6 23:45
1 l0 ?  F; l4 _( O

3 r  G5 O$ [5 n- c' Q4 X非常感谢你的心得共享,受益多多!!!
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-6 20:48 | 显示全部楼层
248# 小狗妈 ' g1 S# L, I0 j: A7 S+ c) j) R
读法律和学医一样, 需要完成一个相关的UNDERGRADUATE, 在大三要参加LAST(THE LAW SCHOOL ADMISSION TEST), 大四时向法学院递交入学申请,.由于各种原因, 很多应届毕业生不能直接进入法学院, 他们有的工作一, 二年后, 再申请. OBMA即如此, 但他夫人是直升的.* x, y9 [4 _$ y# D1 Z
我孩子他准备读LAW SCHOOL, 但能否如愿, 要看天时,地利, 人和. 因此, 我们在选本科时, 没有选易拿高学分的政治或哲学, 而是有一定难度的经济学, 如果他进不了LAW SCHOOL, 他可以找工作谋生.
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-9 02:55 | 显示全部楼层
十八岁寄语8 [  u% l( @! s9 h8 D" f
* ~5 D. \3 @& u5 K& P0 n" R0 ]+ ^& v
4 N5 E9 o& O( z. `% k& W' d: w& E
3 Q  k6 Q4 J2 Z' T5 j  此时此刻,爸爸妈妈不禁想起了你过去的18个岁月。在你的成长过程中,爸妈,外公外婆付出了许多心血,把培养你健康成长作为家庭最重要的大事来经营,但此时我们想到更多的不是辛苦和劳累,而是你出生后带给的我们有那份喜悦和快乐,以及成长中你不断努力、不断成熟带给我们的一次又一次惊喜与感动。你小时熟背唐诗,用嫩稚的童声讲安徒生童话故事,在我们移民来加国的机场里帮我们推行李车,在辩论比赛中的舌枪唇战,站在台上接受老师的颁奖.......,一幕幕依然历历在目,象发生在昨天!3 M9 z* T5 q' W& f
   RYAN,你从小就是一个懂事,勤奋好学,积极向上的孩子。18年里,你虽未到成人的年龄,但许多语言和行动都胜过了成人的言行,为此,老师肯定你,亲戚、朋友赞扬你,你成了爸妈的骄傲与欣慰。你虽是爸妈的独生子,但在你的成长过程中,我们和你平等交流;关爱但不宠惯;培养你良好的学习和生活习惯。0 v" G- w4 o& w8 h

* p. F/ g) |2 c* j2 U& w/ ?2 W  在你即将跨入成人的行列之时,爸妈有几句心里话想对你说:“你长大了,你开始有了自己的思考,对周围、对社会也有了自己的认知和理解,不管你的思考和认知是否正确和成熟,爸爸妈妈都会充分尊重你,不会强求你做什么。”最后衷心送上爸爸妈妈对你最真挚的祝福和希望。! U4 V7 B3 ~, ]) ]3 J( j

$ e0 N5 V( D+ {/ y1 S  一是健康快乐。健康是1,学习成绩及其它都是0,健康是学习和工作的本钱。快乐是幸福的表现,是成功后的心情。这是一个永恒的话题,记住她,你会受益终身。在刻苦学习,努力工作的同时,千万不要忘记每天抽一点时间锻炼身体,身体好会有助于你更好地提高学习和工作效率,实现你的理想,为社会做出更大的贡献。
9 b* s) e) J1 p/ U0 ~9 Y. {5 B  }# j$ M7 a
+ M3 r  r; _0 T: m0 C7 t) p% ~0 T' D; Y, ?6 j2 a
! }8 K5 t1 G+ h- ^; L+ \
7 L* A$ U) W# k+ ^0 C7 W6 P0 }' ^9 H  四是阳光灿烂。人生的道路要经历很多的风风雨雨,但只要为自己的理想去拼搏去奋斗,不论结果如何,你的人生都将是灿烂阳光的。还有一点,做所有的事,只要尽力了,努力了,用心去做了,自己就会问心无愧,不留遗憾!开开心心、阳光灿烂的迎接每一天!4 j: A7 x" k5 S4 E- E) H7 }$ {/ A

  c9 A; j" L- X* {$ D$ m0 W, }  儿子,迈开稳健步伐向着你心中的目标前行吧!未来属于你!爸爸妈妈每时每刻为你加油、为你鼓劲!永远是你最坚强的后盾!% M- v1 o! \  N, E9 A6 g
8 z0 k; O7 J3 {# u9 |9 g
                  爸爸妈妈1 p/ u& u# U+ Z" D# N
鲜花(267) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-9 11:25 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
253# 兔子皇 ! y/ Y) R$ N2 [- \# {; Y1 F% y
  |; J" _' R, O" C6 C, x
% `/ n6 M. J5 ?3 I6 v& `' A& {* @! N) k
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-9 16:42 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢!因为孩子第一次不能和我们一道过春节和给他开生日PARTY, 算是给他的生日礼物吧!
3 K; B2 t* [  v/ D0 C  H7 B祝你和家人春节快乐!
鲜花(117) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-9 17:28 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-17 14:28 | 显示全部楼层
. Z" n" t& g! T2 ^/ w9 K兔子皇 发表于 2009-7-27 17:16

; k$ y% ?# X9 F8 i0 b; W+ _- |- C" b好文章!顶!!!
鲜花(140) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-18 21:10 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
Is Ryan Yeh your son? He is No.1 student in Old Scona. Congratulations! You have a such good son!
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-18 22:50 | 显示全部楼层
258# qiaohe
" n7 g& q4 J& l  P% h5 i/ n% w- d" P" T6 f2 p
' [& u/ i% t: Q% T4 C
谢谢!你认识他吗?- o$ a! `$ V: D; G. ^/ l
鲜花(140) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-19 19:47 | 显示全部楼层
Yes, My son is in Grade 11 now.
鲜花(140) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-19 20:01 | 显示全部楼层
我参加孩子学校的颁奖晚会2次.确实很受用.& p2 n0 Z6 j7 B1 R- F, m" }
   好帖子!我们也很受启发! 谢谢!我们激励自己儿子好好学习!希望你能继续写!
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-20 15:59 | 显示全部楼层
激励孩子好好学习,帮助他们发现适合自己的学习方法,但不要给他们加太大的压力. 因为他们已经够辛苦的了, 所以, 我孩子在高中时我一直要他减压, 放松, "学海无涯", 学到一定程度及可.- _$ U; m" n: ?
      LS 你孩子(也包括其他同学)如果有需要问的问题, 告诉我们, 只要我和我孩子知道,我们会给你们回答.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-21 00:03 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
173# 兔子皇 JUST STUDY
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-21 00:22 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
2009 New Student Convocation Address
' A* W3 {# N7 @  t: h& D& O. n, L9 h6 D# n埃德蒙顿,Edmontonby David J. Skorton, PresidentAs prepared for presentation
* z8 U2 @. e0 J& o& c# _8 a0 M# m, L5 v; }7 u) \埃德蒙顿,EdmontonAugust 22, 2009
5 I3 U; G3 A5 |$ s% N1 {- x  Z* J# l9 v! f4 D# B埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China
2 X5 s5 J- g: a' Z& Z! b# G/ E. N, P  f3 v; @) cwww.edmontonchina.cn( N" ?* M& A; P, J$ ]
* E' j' z& w% c3 o' TGood morning, everyone, and thanks for coming out to share this Saturday morning as we begin our Cornell journey together. I met some of you while you were moving in or on Rawlings Green yesterday afternoon, and I'm pleased to have this opportunity to extend a warm welcome to everyone this morning on behalf of our community of 20,000 students and 10,000 faculty and staff. Welcome to your new home.
/ }# t: I# G$ n$ ?' Z# q; I1 s; i/ `7 \- l: l埃德蒙顿,Edmonton
$ n% Y6 E% [) U$ E& s- v) i+ a1 K& H' K6 E' N# O埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton ChinaI hope we'll have many occasions to talk, and to exchange ideas, during your years at Cornell. Even though Cornell is a large and complex university, I believe it is very important that you and I get to know each other. I'll be communicating with you through a monthly column in the Cornell Daily Sun—the first one for this year is scheduled for September 7—and also through periodic meetings with the leaders of the Student Assembly and other student groups, periodic student office hours in my office in Day Hall along with Vice President for Student and Academic Services Susan Murphy, and in many other venues. 埃德蒙顿,Edmonton( K+ K* p8 ?5 {, Q" `) G+ x' i6 q; q2 ?% y7 E$ e% U; t( T( e% E
' h1 R4 j; [( w) U* J
# F5 C+ _4 v5 `! s" C埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton Chinayou're settling in to life on North Campus. While we are in residence at Donlon, we'll be doing what we normally do during the day—Robin in her office and lab at the Vet College and me in Day Hall—but we'll be on North Campus in the evenings and early morning. Come visit us on the first floor of Donlon Hall—Room 118! And we hope you'll take a minute to introduce yourselves if you see us elsewhere on campus or around town. All of us are part of the Cornell community, and we look forward to getting to know you.+ x3 {, s/ }" \' j- n; D; N
+ _; t; }3 f( U/ n
" }+ @4 T8 _, s* M$ m8 S( Y2 B( _( S. m5 awww.edmontonchina.cnI want to thank Emily Krebs and all members of the Orientation Steering Committee, as well as the Orientation Supervisors, Orientation Leaders and the other student volunteers (800 of them in all) for their efforts to make you feel welcome and help you succeed at Cornell. They came back early from summer activities to make sure all of you would get off to a strong start, and I know you'll enjoy the six days and six nights of orientation activities that they've planned. I also want to thank Rammy Salem and Michael Walsh for their words of advice and for the leadership they provide. Students are a force for social change throughout the world, and this is very true at Cornell.
2 k# [; H% k3 U1 S' z& [& A$ G6 Q9 x7 }! z4 o4 _1 F+ k  j4 F埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China3 u8 t: V9 }5 R, H5 t/ S0 z+ Q9 h) B9 j5 E- x
Let me tell you a bit about yourselves. Those of you in the Class of 2013, some 3,221 strong, were selected from the largest applicant pool ever—more than 34,000 applicants. You are roughly equally divided between men and women, with women ahead by a few tenths of a percent. Nearly 36% identify yourselves as students of color. International students make up over 10% of the class. More than half of you qualified for need-based financial assistance from Cornell, indicating substantial socioeconomic diversity as well. I feel a special bond with the 569 new students who are entering as transfer students. I transferred from UCLA to Northwestern in my sophomore year, and I appreciate the special effort it took to move from your former institution to Cornell. Like the Class of 2013, you are smart and diverse. You already know quite a bit about college life, and I know you are going to thrive here. This year we've organized a number of new events especially for transfer students, and I encourage you to check them out." P* v2 `" A" T* P+ r
/ b+ S& `# t; {3 d  m/ H6 e/ F埃德蒙顿,Edmonton
, v# H  f* ?0 V9 \4 \1 b9 M+ b6 [7 v0 Q" @8 J埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton ChinaI want also to say a few words to the parents in the audience, speaking not only as president but also as a fellow parent. My son Josh just graduated from college a few months ago, so I have some firsthand, recent experience with being a parent of a college student. While every family is unique, I think I can appreciate the mixture of emotions you're probably experiencing today. So first let me say, congratulations! The fact that your daughters and sons are here today as Cornell's newest students is a tribute to their accomplishments and yours. You've done your jobs well. Now it's time to relax and learn along with your students. Vice President Susan Murphy gave some of you a quick lesson in Cornell Parenting 101 in Call Auditorium last night, at an event sponsored by The Cornell Parents Committee, an organization you may want to become more closely connected with while your student is at Cornell. Let me just reiterate that parents continue to be important to their children's success in college, and I urge you to stay in touch with them—and with me.  And parents, good luck keeping up with your student with the latest social networks, twittering and whatever else is around the corner: if you figure it out, please explain it all to me!0 r+ [$ o6 ^/ Z1 [: q% y
; G8 d" s; p1 j( p2 i( m  _& ?www.edmontonchina.cn
  [5 T; m- ^( e# g0 s% P, N1 l8 ?! ~* S埃德蒙顿,EdmontonStudents, what can I add to the good advice you've already heard from the student speakers? Let me offer three observations about the new community that you've chosen: 埃德蒙顿,Edmonton9 }- R+ h8 q0 R  |8 `) f& K+ E0 I: ~$ S4 g+ g$ u
8 U9 U; Z6 H) r. c1 t7 Y
4 |# k+ ?# X+ Z# N6 W埃德蒙顿,EdmontonFirst, all of you can do well here. A few years ago, a family visiting Cornell told me about their experience. Getting off the Thruway, they asked the toll collector, "How do you get to Cornell?" Without missing a beat, the attendant looked straight at the daughter in the back seat and said, "Well, first you have to do really well on the SATs." 埃德蒙顿,Edmonton; O& B, F8 P7 \. r. v& S6 ]  O6 ]* Z; t8 j0 X

4 t& ]. z& [. N0 k6 ~, q8 A, S, W9 r6 A8 R埃德蒙顿,EdmontonAll of you have done that—and so much more. You are ready to learn through your interactions with our extraordinarily talented and immensely dedicated faculty. You'll find that your classmates are as motivated and accomplished as you are—and eager to learn new things. You'll challenge each other, compete with each other, stimulate and support each other, whether you're working on a project team like the Cornell Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Team, which took first place—and earned a $10,000 prize—in international competition earlier this month, or singing with the Cornell Chorus and Glee Club or one of the many other ensemble groups on campus, or puzzling out a problem set at the Tatkon Center as part of a study group. There are more than 500 student organizations on campus—from religious to recreational, from public service to political action—where you can pursue your interests or discover new ones. In the process, you'll learn more than you could have imagined and make lifelong friends along the way.
0 c( I! w( W# o5 z( P( D$ Y1 e- Z5 L$ f$ hwww.edmontonchina.cn. B: @+ g! o* L& I4 z0 l
' p4 k6 |. v5 U: i( ?* E, U, d埃德蒙顿,EdmontonSecond, Cornell, like every major research university, can be a demanding and stressful place. When pressure builds, when you are experiencing the inevitable challenges of life as a college student, I urge you to reach out to others who can help you. This is a mark of strength and self-awareness, not weakness. At the Tatkon Center, at Gannett Health Services, at the Learning Strategies Center, within the many different faith communities affiliated with Cornell United Religious Work, at the Dean of Students Office, and elsewhere on campus, you'll find dedicated professionals who can help you adjust to Cornell, study more effectively, and deal with anxiety and stress. & U6 ?. P7 o; Q! [
9 k. L% r: }- o1 H0 Z/ p6 _  O埃德蒙顿,Edmonton) E6 K- p* Q5 Z% F* c
  H7 J2 x" N/ ~But each of us, as members of this community, has a responsibility to safeguard our own wellbeing and that of our associates. If you sense that someone you know is under unusual stress or having difficulties, I hope you will reach out to them. For all its intensity, Cornell is a caring community because of the efforts we all make—faculty, staff and students—to seek help for ourselves and to offer support to others.
9 R; K1 o: _# Y( \* k6 h, L' j/ P8 q; E9 [/ [埃德蒙顿,Edmontonwww.edmontonchina.cn$ y8 M- f7 s( T/ ^3 Y1 R( F5 d0 j# F2 V) ~& i; k/ A/ _3 s: O
This year on campus—and around the world—we may face an especially challenging flu season, which likely will include regular seasonal flu and the new H1N1 strain. You should have received an email message from Dr. Janet Corson-Rikert, executive director of Gannett Health Services, and Vice President Susan Murphy discussing the types of precautions all of us should be taking to help protect our own health and the health of our community—including practicing good personal hygiene and utilizing health care resources in a timely manner. As we go forward it will be important for you to learn how best to protect yourself and those around you. There is a link on the Cornell home page which you can follow to obtain the most up-to-date information and other resources for dealing with a potentially challenging flu season. We will continue to update you on this issue as the semester proceeds.7 E+ t6 R4 ~) k1 M2 P  H4 Q
. l! a$ \% y6 |! O1 d" _埃德蒙顿,Edmonton埃德蒙顿,Edmonton: g; u- I+ J# f' r0 g* B1 K
% U2 F2 M$ p1 T$ i6 g! ]Third, try not to worry too much about your career prospects in the new economy. It is reasonable to be concerned, but don't let that concern take over your life or keep you from exploring intellectual avenues that are of personal, rather than professional, interest. Even last year, when the economic crisis was at its height, Cornell graduates did remarkably well in the job market and in gaining admission to graduate or professional degree programs. Of the graduating seniors who responded to our post-graduate survey, 40% reported that they had accepted jobs; nearly a third had accepted spots in graduate/professional school; 19% were seeking jobs; 6% were seeking acceptance to graduate school; and about 4% were planning to pursue other endeavors such as travel or fulfilling military service obligations. Among large schools last year, Cornell had the third-highest number of recent graduates accepted into Teach for America, and this fall some 66 members of the Cornell Class of 2009 will begin teaching in urban and rural schools across the country through the program.埃德蒙顿,Edmonton- ?) i7 ~, b, B; c9 P# g
+ ?7 m( P8 R% @: n2 T0 U; q. Z: S+ s- N- f0 V' l; [
2 A  I& h7 m6 K8 [, U3 C+ Y2 C埃德蒙顿,EdmontonCornell Career Services, with offices in Barnes Hall and in individual schools and colleges, is a resource you can use even now, in your first year at Cornell, to clarify your career interests, explore options, and later to secure internships, jobs or places in graduate or professional school. It's not too early to get to know the staff in Career Services and the services they can provide. The college years are an excellent time to explore a variety of careers—some you may not even know about now—and to think creatively about how your interests and abilities might translate to the world of work.
6 w& E2 N1 I& `5 k8 c# d# ^7 k$ j7 Q. [- ], \! C& t埃德蒙顿,Edmonton埃德蒙顿,Edmonton- j& K0 g4 Z: K% U( n+ Y% E1 V2 X9 B! T- N& W* c
My sense is that, whether you are a member of the Class of 2013 or a transfer student, your timing will be right to take advantage of an international economic recovery when you graduate from Cornell. Even now, there are beginning to be signs—in the stock markets, the housing markets, the July unemployment numbers, and elsewhere—that the economy is no longer in free fall. It may be some time before a stronger economy makes up for jobs that have been lost, but many of the new jobs will demand the advanced knowledge you will develop at Cornell.
' D+ T, B/ `+ E, t8 m0 H/ r) D) Y2 m4 W) f' y埃德蒙顿,Edmonton埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China! q7 }9 W- z! r" X) M0 w- O; c$ B! b6 h5 @* g! O( b9 D7 ?- J$ k
Much more important, though, you'll get a terrific education here no matter what you eventually pick as a major. Cornell's founder, Ezra Cornell, intended to "found an institution where any person can find instruction in any study." And from the very beginning Cornell has combined instruction in applied fields with broad and deep offerings in the liberal arts and sciences.埃德蒙顿,Edmonton& p4 ~7 ^- }6 E& m0 D- \
) R* p! ~3 m( W  m: N8 z$ M7 `! h& q* y5 C1 g$ x
* Q9 b8 y5 M$ h, H7 N0 I3 c埃德蒙顿,EdmontonAs Cornellians, you'll graduate with several important advantages in building a life of meaning and significance. These include:8 T# n4 N9 Z8 e6 p6 E
  q9 n( L4 j  k1 F% }; y埃德蒙顿,Edmontonwww.edmontonchina.cn* h4 z. A" f* }* q' l) n1 |, o! ]1 I* @. V$ \  s, J
the ability to think critically about a variety of subjects, including those outside your immediate sphere of expertise; www.edmontonchina.cn2 F1 _/ \0 Q$ Z; W0 j8 \, E( x1 u
8 ?) h. x9 F  r$ N$ Othe ability to express yourself with clarity, precision, and a sense of style; 埃德蒙顿,Edmonton/ x: G! B; r5 j! g6 }/ W2 b" V
* e! R  L- R! {* j" ua grounding in ethics, which should be the cornerstone of every profession; 埃德蒙顿,Edmonton5 J8 p% ?# {: c# U  A2 k- y# ]3 W. y' Z
new ways of perceiving, appreciating, and influencing the world as a result of a deepening acquaintance with the arts and the humanities and the opportunities you'll find here to share ideas and personal friendships with people from many cultures, backgrounds, and nations. 埃德蒙顿,Edmonton; k: R! U' g9 }( c3 f% @% z4 W
8 N* n# E2 g, U: V8 AThese are among the benefits of the liberal arts component of your Cornell education, and they will open new possibilities for personal growth and professional challenge throughout your lives.  I* j: o% W6 k& @2 c& J
$ P" y5 |' U" o) l7 [2 |. a. m" l$ k; L, {1 R4 `$ K8 t" N* ~2 e  j9 x
Eleanor Roosevelt, who made several visits to Cornell during her lifetime, once said: "The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.". p" f8 _. u% l  D& ^9 S
4 J! v8 r9 e+ l) V3 `" x3 Y埃德蒙顿,Edmonton埃德蒙顿,Edmonton( K0 |2 J) v5 P9 l% G
! g1 p7 k: K$ {" U8 C1 ], ]3 M/ m" ^So, as you begin your undergraduate years at Cornell, I urge you to:: b. \/ g' ]1 k* S$ r- W4 h
, i6 o' J3 N7 l  p& wwww.edmontonchina.cn埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China1 A# L+ W  \( |4 _  \; k: z) g1 M
' C) j" _8 k3 u1 Zstudy hard; 埃德蒙顿,Edmonton  \: C! g  K3 B. ?0 P$ `( B. l
7 Q6 y# x9 R& d9 o+ @. mget help when you need it; , |- G8 C. M( i" T
* W9 y; |6 x0 _% Q( c埃德蒙顿,Edmontonreach out to others; 4 _9 x& V5 d' H) y
( n& {$ @! \0 q  }' C, B) W" Lstretch yourself to experience all that Cornell has to offer; 7 d5 T4 ~% B0 ^7 s& W/ }6 M+ W4 r4 p3 z5 y3 Y# o, x: t/ h
and leave your own stamp on this university, which from now on will always be part of who you are.
6 U& \# R* }) ], o1 N: t1 y9 X# d) H4 n% zwww.edmontonchina.cnThis is a place inspired by the promise of possibility. You represent a new dimension of that promise. Welcome to your Cornell.
; u9 M; U0 l! i8 ?! J+ B  h" |, b+ x3 @7 c6 c埃德蒙顿,Edmonton6 f  \% T& @3 R# T! |4 l3 H. ^
7 F6 u# D, Z. p( |& S7 g) Qwww.edmontonchina.cnAnd now, I invite everyone to join the Cornell Chorus and Glee Club in singing the Alma Mater. The words are printed in your program.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-21 08:12 | 显示全部楼层
1# 兔子皇
2 n1 S$ q2 h+ ]. G  @: G4 `0 N4 R+ b7 @( K

% ?5 s! k1 U' e( s0 ^2 q/ `4 G4 n你好楼主EDMONTON那所小学比较好。还有我孩子8岁来这是读中英文学校好那还是直接去读英语学校,还望楼主能帮忙给点建议。在此表示感谢
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-21 21:23 | 显示全部楼层
265# 八仙过海 6 e& x) s" `9 }$ }

) {, Y, Z0 ^: ~/ E) s: u0 q$ K9 R. n6 s/ r
依我的看法,小孩8-9岁过来这里是比较好的,中文有一定的基础,不用补习中文,讲英文不会有口音,学得也快。因此,直接上英文学校即可。* Z( ~' P) J$ g% ?- ~
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-22 21:35 | 显示全部楼层
Old Scona Academic High School open house:
( ~2 X; v# G& I$ M
: h) c$ f8 V* G3 H/ y% Y# J4 A1 m0 rTuesday (Feb. 23) 6:30~8:30 PM
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-23 13:04 | 显示全部楼层
13# 陕西闺女
% U9 O; U) f7 j# \( \- [* D% ^: N$ I/ n3 c8 Q8 k/ n( i/ q
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-23 13:13 | 显示全部楼层
25# 兔子皇 2 A" }( J0 Y6 m6 J
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-23 13:37 | 显示全部楼层
77# 圆梦 9 \( T6 `' ^( L4 ]) K! U: t

6 D4 I2 ]0 n' X" ^$ J/ n4 {* g8 j
" E/ f5 q* I* q# @% w1 U# M! |圆梦,你的做法很明智。
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-23 16:15 | 显示全部楼层
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