埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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[交通机票] Q re: Medical Report and Security Requirements in common-law application process

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-7-25 09:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Hi all,$ _0 ?9 u) M2 ?# s, d3 o
! {* B$ I- v' O* R% Z2 R
I've just started gathering materials to apply for common-law class immigration having my bf sponsoring me. Now I am really confused about these two above-mentioned requirements. Any help would be GREATLY appreicated!!!2 x' h3 V& g% {0 j  R1 d6 z
) E; W! Q8 E% z# d6 l: W7 L
1. Medical Report7 m6 [3 t- Q% X/ t6 a* {
Do I have to provide this in my initial submission along with other forms? I've heard that people usually wait until they are given notice by the embassy/consulate later on in the process? The reason I am asking is that it says in the guide that providing medical report in the initial submission would shorten the delay if they later on repquest the report from the applicant.
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2. Security Requirements
4 U( S5 S3 t2 U: u/ M- `This is the one I am actually in dire need to get help with. Before I ask my question, I will give a bit of self-introduction first to help you understand where my question comes from. I have been living in Canada for about 5 and a half years(I came to Canada in late September 2001). I graduated last summer and am currently working in a small Chartered Accountant firm and pursuing my CA designation.(I have very good maks in the CA program if this helps with a good impression in my application?) My bf and I have been living togehter for a little over 1 year. My work permit expires on June 1, 2008.7 x# o/ P& O+ z, k; N& v. a
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Now, when I saw that I needed police certificates for countries that I have stayed more than six months in the past 10 years, which also includes my family members who were over 18 years old at the time of my stay, I realized I need police certificates for myself, my parents and my younger sister(she turned 18 when I left China). 0 a' C0 L5 e1 q/ [

( `( u# J8 j! ySo my first question is: How will my family members obtain police certificates? Will they simply have to get them from the local police station and have them notarized? Will they need fingerprints check to be able to get the certifcates?- _' g2 h' e/ b5 G: z1 b, _
% ]0 W5 x8 c! }4 ^; x% n6 m6 b( O" A
My second batch of questions is about myself. I quit my university in Beijing when I left China, so my HU KOU is still with the univerisity in Beijing(my Beijing Hu Kou ID has a expiry date in early September 2008). However, my hometown is not Beijing. Will my parents have to go to Beijing to get the certificate for me as my Hu Kou is not in my hometown? Will they need my fingerprints to be able to do so? Or does it make more sense that I would just wait until my Beijing Hu Kou expires and have my parents relocate my Hu Kou back to my hometown and request the certificate from my hometown police station? 6 Z% `$ ~* S8 I- i* R1 t, s: f
I am SO confused on the security thing that I have no clue what to do. I heard the fingerprint thing takes about 3 months. Now I just do not whehter I should submit everything else but these two requirements until I recieve further notice from the embassy/consulate.5 r2 Z2 t. `; }; S! m

5 J5 R% j5 n7 t6 F/ BPlease HELP!! Thanks a MILLION!!!!
鲜花(5) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-7-25 12:31 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-25 16:12 | 显示全部楼层


Thanks!!! I am sorry about my annoyingly long post.....I had to post it at work where I cannot type in Chinese because my computer at home doesnot even show chinese characters...SORRY!~~
6 ?' E& e' l* B, m
2 T( b0 h1 a& n* D5 s' n- aSo I only need police certificate for myself, not my family members, right? That's great! Now I just have to figure out how to get it with the help of my parents. Since my Hu Kou is still in Beijing, will the police station in Beijing ask for my ID card? I cannot seem to find my ID card, and I really hope this will not be a problem. My email address: doniaxy@yahoo.com: Z! C" i3 Q. T% o5 |
Anybody who has been through this or is going through this and would like to share some experience, please leave your email so I could bug you :-) (of course, if you don't mind)  THANKS AGAIN!!
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