如果你有一辆可以offroad车主手册(owner's Manual),如果你在上面看到Information Before You Drive section里面有Off-road vehicle precautions这么一段的话“This vehicle belongs to the utility vehicle, which has higher ground clearance and narrower tread in relation to the height of its center of gravity to make it capable of performing in a wide variety of off-rad application.",或者类似的文字的话,该车就是可以off-road的车辆。 " R4 s3 r. }) e+ L! z如果你买一本2007Consumer Report Cars - Best & Worst SUVs exclusive ratings & Recommended Models,在Best & Worst Tested Vehcles For Off-raod Driving里面有你的车辆的评分的话,该车就是可以off-road的车辆。6 l5 s: E- t q/ {1 m6 O